Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, bad news..Dank was admitted to the hospital yesterday and has severe inner ear infections (both ears now) from cellulitis which are not draining well on their own. He may have to have tubes put in them to help if they don't so he may need surgery :(

The doctor advised him not to look at screens for long periods of time which makes it worse (don't ask me why, I asked him but he hasn't responded yet lol). It may be a hot minute before we see him back on RIU. He wanted me to let you all know that he wishes he was here but that he will be back as soon as the doc says it's ok. Please keep him in your prayers!!!! Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
He's miserable, said the pain is intolerable. When I talked to him a couple of days ago, he mentioned that it felt like it was spreading to his other ear so I wasn't surprised to hear that he ended up admitted. That kind of infection is bad bad bad...I can't believe it got in his ears! poor guy...

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Hey Dank hope you get better. I just got back from the ER yesterday myself. Sounds similar to me my head was hurting on the left side of my face and my ear.


Well-Known Member
hope you get better soon dank ear's and teeth are no punk
and the bad thing is if you smoke weed with a tooth or ear ache its like it just amplifies it

im going to put this song on a loop and keep it playing in my box 24/7


i really hope i can get a auto out of this that even slightly resembles this plant

2013-11-23 20.15.20.jpg2013-11-23 20.19.18.jpg

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
That shit is no joke when the brain hurts. I pray that Dank and his ladies are ok. I'd volunteer to take care of the garden. Most likely we live far as fuck from each other though. :?
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