Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
As promised.. :mrgreen:

The ladies.. 29 days flowering..



Well-Known Member
#1 male #2 female. Have fun. :) lol

Yeah the leaf structure will give it away. I was focused on nodes and stretch and not looking at my leaves.
rounder popped male

jagged popped female

the rest look great too bro. :)
Do you foliar feed at all Stew? And if so do you do it during flowering? I hear some people do it up to like the 4th week into flowering but I would be scared of getting mold? and maybe leaving fert residue on the buds


Well-Known Member
I do not foliar feed. I may next grow because of some new products I have samples of. But I'm not sure. I'm going to be running all Growology next run, and I'd like to see what it does alone.


Well-Known Member
Ok Dift.. Sorry it took me a few. What I do is start off w/seedlings in veg that has atleast 2 to 3 leaf sets. I keep mine under some sort of plastic for humidty purposes (like a zip lock) there is a lot of products out now for foliar feeding. I'm using a lineup now(necter for the gods) that has foliar food, I also use Flora + & Snowstorm (only suring flowering). Those 3 is what I use. I've found if the humidty iis higher, the plants absorb the feeding a lot better is why I use zip locks during seedling stage. I only use the Snow Storm during flowering. Have to use caution with that shit or your buds will be ROCK hard! All the others are for use during veg aswell as flowering. I just mix up my spray bottle with whatever I'm using(.5 of food) to roughly 237ml of water. Dose the laeves down tops & undersides till runoff. That should do the trick bro.. :mrgreen: * You want to make sure you have good circulation* don't want anytype of mold setting up.. ;)

Hope that helps bro..
That would be awesome Dank


Well-Known Member
Ok Dift.. Sorry it took me a few. What I do is start off w/seedlings in veg that has atleast 2 to 3 leaf sets. I keep mine under some sort of plastic for humidty purposes (like a zip lock) there is a lot of products out now for foliar feeding. I'm using a lineup now(necter for the gods) that has foliar food, I also use Flora + & Snowstorm (only suring flowering). Those 3 is what I use. I've found if the humidty iis higher, the plants absorb the feeding a lot better is why I use zip locks during seedling stage. I only use the Snow Storm during flowering. Have to use caution with that shit or your buds will be ROCK hard! All the others are for use during veg aswell as flowering. I just mix up my spray bottle with whatever I'm using(.5 of food) to roughly 237ml of water. Dose the laeves down tops & undersides till runoff. That should do the trick bro.. :mrgreen: * You want to make sure you have good circulation* don't want anytype of mold setting up.. ;)

Hope that helps bro..
Definitely helps Thanks again Dank +rep


Well-Known Member
So not sure where all my fellow "Dankians" are today. Probably all tucked away at you 9-5 jobs. :) lucky you. ;)

Dank's charging his phone and then he'll be on.
Waiting on his Spyder pics so I can see if they can be sexed by sight..

Anyways. going to smoke a cig and bowl.(Mentioned last week, all smoking has moved to the bathroom, unless I'm blunting it up at 2am. lol) I'll be back..
No job here bro. Just having a second day in a row pissy day :( just want to crawl back under the covers and go back to bed. My bud still ain't here either and I don't know why:??:
unless it's the bumfuckegypt post office down here :( was on earlier but no one was talkin so I went and chilled on the porch and smoked what was left of my harvest. No money for
more till Friday but then its on like DonkeyKong!!!! I haven't bought any in almost a month!! usually somebody around here smokes and include me on it so I ain't hurtin too bad but
it sucks not bein able to smoke when I want. I've built up a tolerance to the shit around here :) Seeing my old contact this weekend so it's all good:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You need to email me......
No job here bro. Just having a second day in a row pissy day :( just want to crawl back under the covers and go back to bed. My bud still ain't here either and I don't know why:??:
unless it's the bumfuckegypt post office down here :( was on earlier but no one was talkin so I went and chilled on the porch and smoked what was left of my harvest. No money for
more till Friday but then its on like DonkeyKong!!!! I haven't bought any in almost a month!! usually somebody around here smokes and include me on it so I ain't hurtin too bad but
it sucks not bein able to smoke when I want. I've built up a tolerance to the shit around here :) Seeing my old contact this weekend so it's all good:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I've missed a few posts guys. Been up & down with this damn toothache! I will be doing an update just as soon as light come on.. that's at 12:00, so hopefully everyone will stop back in and check my ladies out.. ;)
Yeah you did :) how's that tooth today? better I hope ;)
and btw...

I TOLD YOU SO!!!! ;););););)


Well-Known Member
Sounds 2 me like you need a better hookup then.. Maybe something came up is the reasoning behind you not getting whatever your suppose to be getting.. lol
No job here bro. Just having a second day in a row pissy day :( just want to crawl back under the covers and go back to bed. My bud still ain't here either and I don't know why:??:
unless it's the bumfuckegypt post office down here :( was on earlier but no one was talkin so I went and chilled on the porch and smoked what was left of my harvest. No money for
more till Friday but then its on like DonkeyKong!!!! I haven't bought any in almost a month!! usually somebody around here smokes and include me on it so I ain't hurtin too bad but
it sucks not bein able to smoke when I want. I've built up a tolerance to the shit around here :) Seeing my old contact this weekend so it's all good:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Doing a lot better.. the antibotics seem to be helping, but its the damn steriod pack, and the Dr said it could make people mean, or sad, mess with them 4 some reason! Lol.. Well, its been messing with me hard! Lol
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