Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Never got any bud in the mail before just seeds I know this one guy that gets his delivered from FEDEX Good luck Peach hope it gets there soon
Gotta pack it right and know what you are doing. Never ship a large quantity. Usually a couple grams here and there. lol...

bird dog

Well-Known Member
WORD stoners (lol). Just got in a short while ago from taking pictures. I'll be uploading some (not all) of them on my thread. I would really appreciate it if you would take a quick peek and give your comments. I've got several things going on right now, but I think I can see light at the end of the tunnel (lol). Blue Mistic tonight!

If you don't know my thread: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/693707-your-opinion-ready.html

Hope you are staying warm with a bowl in your hand...

Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
used less than half the hash and about 1.5 grams. :) And a steady connection finally for a little while. He's got even better plants to come down soon. Maybe this week. all purple and shit. :)

So at least a friend can help hold me over with the "Fire" till my tent is done.. :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
used less than half the hash and about 1.5 grams. :) And a steady connection finally for a little while. He's got even better plants to come down soon. Maybe this week. all purple and shit. :)

So at least a friend can help hold me over with the "Fire" till my tent is done.. :)
from your pics it looks like your tent is about halfway there....yes? How much longer? 4 weeks?


Well-Known Member
from your pics it looks like your tent is about halfway there....yes? How much longer? 4 weeks?
Looks can be deceiving. Umm.. I'm on day 29. of 70+ depending on strain.

I'll go check to make sure. Some are going to finish earlier(indica doms) but most are going to take a while. My last run of this exact Blue Dream(it's a cut from the last) took me 12 weeks to flower. And I can't say 100% it was done either. It was my first run with real genetics and I was learning. :) Have a microscope now. so I will know exactly when to pull.... Maybe tomorrow I'll show off some clear ass trichomes. lol


Well-Known Member
Blue Dream - 58 - 68 days
Blue Thai - 56 days
Blueberry Yum Yum -We'll see.....
White 88 G13/Hashplant - 63-70 days
Original Blueberry - 56-70 days
Sour Blueberry - 56 days
"Kerala Krush"(KxS) - 63-77 days
Cotton Candy - 69 days
Trainwreck - 56-70 days
Supreme Delight - 63-70 days

8 out of 10 strains should be getting the "10 Days of Darkness" I read about in Skunk magazine. Going to add this continuous disperse CO2 canister that only requires shaking once a day.. lol... why not. ;) even if it does nothing it was free. :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Blue Dream - 58 - 68 days
Blue Thai - 56 days
Blueberry Yum Yum -We'll see.....
White 88 G13/Hashplant - 63-70 days
Original Blueberry - 56-70 days
Sour Blueberry - 56 days
"Kerala Krush"(KxS) - 63-77 days
Cotton Candy - 69 days
Trainwreck - 56-70 days
Supreme Delight - 63-70 days

8 out of 10 strains should be getting the "10 Days of Darkness" I read about in Skunk magazine. Going to add this continuous disperse CO2 canister that only requires shaking once a day.. lol... why not. ;) even if it does nothing it was free. :)
hmmm ten days?....seems a bit excessive to me.

I've done three days many times and seen both great results and no discernible difference.


Well-Known Member
hmmm ten days?....seems a bit excessive to me.

I've done three days many times and seen both great results and no discernible difference.
Not sure if you've ever heard of a grower that goes by the name "The Rev". He's the editor of that magazine.
He said that it gives an alien look to the plants, brings a lot of lime green in some strains. but because THC degrades in light and sugar production(trichomes) happens at "night", it(according to him) increases potency and allows more trichomes to build and cloud up without going amber.

I have a test facility that is going to let me test directly with them instead of their official resellers. I will take a BD clone done the day they are ready for harvest. and leave the rest in there for the 10 days. take a picture of everything after the 10 days and test the BD's to see if there is an increase that is worth waiting through 10 days of darkness to harvest.

I love testing other peoples theories. And new products. If you couldn't tell already. lol

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
never heard of him, but like I said.. i've done three days dark before and definitely saw a difference I've also done it and saw no difference. The theory that trichs are built up overnight seems sound to me as it is a natural sunblock. This is why I tried it in the first place. Also I've always heard that harvest should be done as close to "lights on" as possible for this reason as well.

i'm very curious to see how it turns out for you. ten days just seems too long to me. there is a point where the energy stored in the roots will be all used up therefore you would be getting a diminishing return.

do you plan on watering during those ten days? when I gave my sog plants three days dark I only watered once for six inch pots, around a day and a half in. twice was too much and no waterings and they drooped.
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