Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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bird dog

Well-Known Member
Dude....you are the real deal. I had to read your reply three times before it actually sunk in. I think it's really great (no kidding) what you are doing man! I'd love to have some of that stuff bro. So, in any case, I'd love to be a tester (LMAO).


Well-Known Member
I'm looking into how to get into marketing seeds and how I can go about getting my seeds into a seedbank. even as testers.

I wish I could just run around here looking for growers to test but unfortunately it is against forum rules to even discuss it. and not only that, illegal.

When I get the info I need I will let everyone know how long the process will take to accomplish this.
and when they can expect a SxIstew branded strain to appear on the open market.. :)


Well-Known Member
How ya been Peach?
I'm out soon too, haven't been on for long, and don't feel like staying.
oh I'm doing okay buddy, it's been a trying time for us with mom :( and I don't even know how Dank is dealing..if I were in his shoes:(
but things are evening out a bit for a minute at least here. You feeling any better honey? I know we didn't see ya for a hot minute:(
I'll be heading home early Sunday afternoon, so hopefully by then things will be a bit better for all of us;);)


Well-Known Member
I'm looking into how to get into marketing seeds and how I can go about getting my seeds into a seedbank. even as testers.

I wish I could just run around here looking for growers to test but unfortunately it is against forum rules to even discuss it. and not only that, illegal.

When I get the info I need I will let everyone know how long the process will take to accomplish this.
and when they can expect a SxIstew branded strain to appear on the open market.. :)
Love it!!!! you have such ambition, I'll def buy it if you do it buddy!!! and I can say I knew you when;););)
ah I should be in bed right now! LMAO


Well-Known Member
I've emailed Both the Attitude and Seedsman to see what they say.

I know there are plenty of Breeders from the US and They have seeds available online. So as long as I get a great F2 to ship out then I should be able to get my name out there. :) even if it is as UFO's or other Freebies.. I don't mind GIVING them my seeds for testers if it turns out to be a great investment.

Hell, Canned Abyss only has one strain on the tude of 3 that he created..SPYDER.. So i'm sure if I came up with 3-4 great looking strains then I would be able to pop on the Brands list. :)


Well-Known Member
Aw. So now your stealing my plan :??: hmmm.. I see how you are.! Lol. And I had asked you if you maybe would've wanted to go into business on this at one time. :??: hell I think I did. Haha.. Yeah, but that has always been a dream of mine ever since I started crossing/breeding strains a long time ago.. ;) maybe D&S sounds better then D&R. Lol..

I'm looking into how to get into marketing seeds and how I can go about getting my seeds into a seedbank. even as testers.

I wish I could just run around here looking for growers to test but unfortunately it is against forum rules to even discuss it. and not only that, illegal.

When I get the info I need I will let everyone know how long the process will take to accomplish this.
and when they can expect a SxIstew branded strain to appear on the open market.. :)


Well-Known Member
Maybe we need 2 talk bout this here willis.. cause I've been tinkering with a way I think would work, and wouldn't have to go through all those troubles.. I do believe we may be onto something! ;)

I'm looking into how to get into marketing seeds and how I can go about getting my seeds into a seedbank. even as testers.

I wish I could just run around here looking for growers to test but unfortunately it is against forum rules to even discuss it. and not only that, illegal.

When I get the info I need I will let everyone know how long the process will take to accomplish this.
and when they can expect a SxIstew branded strain to appear on the open market.. :)


Well-Known Member
Dank, I can only assume you need a good laugh today. so when you get to view this, I hope it works....

Thanks to tekdc911 for finding it. [video=youtube;4-IyR4YumKI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-IyR4YumKI[/video]
Now that video (2 girls 1 cup) is sick as hell! I about puked when I seen it a few yrs back! Shewwwww!! NASTY! And just to think, there's people out there that like stuff like that! Ewwww... :spew:


Well-Known Member
Dude....you are the real deal. I had to read your reply three times before it actually sunk in. I think it's really great (no kidding) what you are doing man! I'd love to have some of that stuff bro. So, in any case, I'd love to be a tester (LMAO).

Let's talk pm.. ;) I have been looking for a good test subject myself. Well, that's willing to do studies for me. But yeah, pm.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Been hoping this week would just go ahead & fly by! Moms funeral services are 2mar at 5:30.
Then hopefully I will be back on, that and things will be back to the norm with my updates and all that. Just thought I should let everyone know the deal. Again sorry if I've missed anyones comments. I will have to go back through and read myself... ;)
Hope everyone is doing good. I've missed being on with you all like I was. And again wanted to thank everyone that has made it alittle easier to deal with loosing Mom. ;) it really does bring a smile to my heart & tear to my eye to know that there really is people out there that do care. It truely means a lot to me and I just wanted you guys to know this.

I also wanted to show you guys a fews of these ladies while I was on. I have a lot more to show you all later tonight.. :mrgreen:
Until then you guys take care, and hopefully will catch up tonight.. Y'alls bud, Dank.



Well-Known Member
Oh! Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know that I have started a new thread. https://www.rollitup.org/breeders-paradise/713067-danks-crosses.html

Did this so I myself could keep up with the many new strains I will be kicking out here soon enough. ;)
Its hard to keep up with 56 strains! Lol. But will get er done! Haha..
I've went through so many notebooks it isn't funny! ;) so I thought I would try & be paper friendly for a while and post the new strains there.
I will continue to keep up with this grow thread aswell, and the Danks crosses, and The Dank & Stew grow also. I will be doing another update of the other ladies here this eve. So I hope to see/talk with everyone then..

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Subbed up sir, thanks for the heads up.
;) Thank you, and your welcome bro.. I'm going to try my best so that it is informative to everyone that has ever thought about breeding/crossing, or just wanting to play around with it.
With all that I do have going now (56) different strains, I'm sure that won't be an issue. Haha.. ;)
+ my 300+ strains to pick through if we ever get bored with what I am running.. ;)


Well-Known Member
No prob california;) sorry I haven't had a chance to really check in, and I can't right now, but I promise as soon as I get back to my regular home Sunday I should be back in my old schedule LOL
you heard Dank, he'll take care of that! LMAO

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Just too much jibber jabber to catchup on this thread anymore. Dank, on your next thread you shouldn't allow all of this "friendly" talk as it just ruins the purpose of the thread.......info on growing. Its crazy to read 10 pages of nothing just to find one update on your grow. Hope all is well and Ill be checking in on your other forum listing.


Well-Known Member
:shock: wide awake! Haha.. done went & drank a entire pot of coffie since 6:00! Shewww weee! Haha.. I'm all jacked up & ready 2 do another update guys! And all b4 lunch.. ;)

Here is the 2nd set of ladies that's flowering. 2 Purple Voodoo's (#1 &#2)
Hubba Bubba Bomb (my Dads creation). And also Sins OG.

All pictures are named so you can keeps up with what's what..
If anyone has any :??: just hollar..

Ps.. I went ahead and took clones off all the ladies pictured..



Well-Known Member
Just too much jibber jabber to catchup on this thread anymore. Dank, on your next thread you shouldn't allow all of this "friendly" talk as it just ruins the purpose of the thread.......info on growing. Its crazy to read 10 pages of nothing just to find one update on your grow. Hope all is well and Ill be checking in on your other forum listing.
Well, as you knows me (I'm not one to bitch about people conversing back & forth). And also as you know I have been doing more then 1 update up untill my Mother got really sick & passed away this past Sunday. I'm doing my best bro. Sorry you feel that way.


Well-Known Member
Well, as you knows me (I'm not one to bitch about people conversing back & forth). And also as you know I have been doing more then 1 update up untill my Mother got really sick & passed away this past Sunday. I'm doing my best bro. Sorry you feel that way.
I think he just meant that a page that is closer to strain specific as possible, would be easier to follow;) but ya know, I have tried to keep chatter down myself, Stew and Bak, and lately the updates have been late because of current events in your life. Everyone knows and appreciates when the Dankster ain't himself, I love ya baby!!!
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