Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
lol he's not only grow indoor, he made his house a jungle.. bathroom, coridors, windows, you name it haha
Haha! ;) it really is a "jungle" now bro! Haha. Counted earlier and with all the clones,seedlings,and the set that's flowering,the other set flowering, and the upcoming new set, + outdoor, I have near 70 strains going. Indoor there is just 50 different strains. I just leave the clones in the solo cups till I'm ready 4 them to explode. ;) they stay nice and little in the solo's till I place them into there bigger homes.


Well-Known Member
I'll see what I can find for you buddy.... I know you have to be able to do it VIA mobile so i'll let you know in a PM when I find something.
Thanks bud. Yeah, will put out heads together tonight and see what we can figure out. I'm going to hop off here & get ready to go see Mom again today. I will be doing another update tonight. Have a lot of replanted ladies I wanted to show everyone. ;) can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Well hey bro! I was starting to think you where mad at me because of where I hadn't seen you round here in a few. Hell bro, you where 1 of the very 1st other growers to sub up to the grow, then followed for ever, then took off. :??: left me wondering lol. I know how it is though, needing to take a break and get caught up with home life and all. ;) glad 2 see you back around here though! That's 4 sure. Hell you keep us straight here on riu! That and make it fun.. haha.. hope to talk at you more, I have 2 get ready now and go see Mom. Thanks again 4 stopping in and checking the girls out. I will be doing another update tonight once I get in. I just transplanted the Berry Bomb,3rd generation Original Berry, and the Afghan Kush x Yumbolt, and Blue Chesse yesterday morning. So I was wanting everyone to checks those out. Hope to see you around then..
Take care bro.

Dank. thanks for the update.
They all look great, as usual.
I'm just popping in, didn't bother to catch up on the 22 pages since Wed. night until now, after I peeped the first couple pages.


Well-Known Member
TESTER VIDEO>>>>>>>[video=vimeo;73044255]http://vimeo.com/73044255[/video]

Takes an hour to convert but it works bro.........

If I get the PLUS version tonight I'll hook you up with the name and password to the account. and anyone else who wants to upload some videos to their grow journals.

It will only be active ONE MONTH unless I find it is useful.. that is IF I get it.... Will let everyone know tonight if I do....

BTW when signing up for VIMEO please be careful about using your real name. I wouldn't worry too much about email since almost every site that has your email now sells it to spam companies(which is why we get spam yay!) but it just seems safer if you create a new gmail or something for it...

My Vimeo first and last names are, SXI Stew.


Well-Known Member
TESTER VIDEO>>>>>>>[video=vimeo;73044255]http://vimeo.com/73044255[/video]

Takes an hour to convert but it works bro.........

If I get the PLUS version tonight I'll hook you up with the name and password to the account. and anyone else who wants to upload some videos to their grow journals.

It will only be active ONE MONTH unless I find it is useful.. that is IF I get it.... Will let everyone know tonight if I do....

BTW when signing up for VIMEO please be careful about using your real name. I wouldn't worry too much about email since almost every site that has your email now sells it to spam companies(which is why we get spam yay!) but it just seems safer if you create a new gmail or something for it...

My Vimeo first and last names are, SXI Stew.
Dude I wanted to see more of that tester video...Super High Right Now....:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I fuckin watched it 3 times already... then found the nature channel(the nature channel doesn't actually exist. it is just something on the Smithsonian channel about Hawaii). lol HAHAHA
it's so fucked up how a video with no words, strange music, and random animals makes you pay attention.


Well-Known Member
Dank, I can only assume you need a good laugh today. so when you get to view this, I hope it works....

Thanks to tekdc911 for finding it. [video=youtube;4-IyR4YumKI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-IyR4YumKI[/video]


Well-Known Member
Guys. Sorry I hadn't been on. Been going through a lot . Found out yesterday that Mom isn't doing good at all! They have her oxygen set up over 4 & half liters. And she is taking way over 25 seconds per breath. She has stopped eating & drinking all together. The Dr is also telling us that she could go anyday now.. :(
She isn't in anymore pain, they have her knocked out on meds. I was just hoping I would be able to talk 2 her 1 more time b4 she went.

I will be back on tonight. Hope to talk to you guys then. Thanks 4 your thoughts & prayers.
Take care, your bro. Dank
we are all with you in spirit baby..and praying for her and for you and your family. Love to you all.


Well-Known Member
He should be back on tonight at some point.

he wanted me to let everyone know he is glad everyone cares so much about him and his mother and he really appreciates all of your good thoughts and prayers for his mother very much.


Well-Known Member
We all love you Dank.
My family is prayin for you and yours.

Take care brother. We're all here when you need us.


Well-Known Member
Well, I just thought I would jump on real quick to let everyone know that Mom has went on to be with the Lord today 08-25-13 at 12:00pm eastern. She was a loving caring free spirted soul, that would give anyone in need the shirt off her back. She loved life, and was a outdoor (nature) type of person. I remember many of nights sitting on a creek bank fishing with her, and toking the ganja.. she LOVED Bluberry strains. Most of all she loved her grandbabies, and her only son, (me). And loved the Lord, and also loved Angels. ;) she will be greatly missed! This post is 4 you Mom. I love you.

Thanks 4 all the kind wishes, and all the prayers that went out, not only for her, but for me aswell. I truely do appreciate all of you guys being here 4 me.

Marie Brenda. 1955-2013 Love you 4 ever & always.. ;)


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