Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Dank. thanks for the update.
They all look great, as usual.
I'm just popping in, didn't bother to catch up on the 22 pages since Wed. night until now, after I peeped the first couple pages.


Well-Known Member
Guys. Sorry I hadn't been on. Been going through a lot . Found out yesterday that Mom isn't doing good at all! They have her oxygen set up over 4 & half liters. And she is taking way over 25 seconds per breath. She has stopped eating & drinking all together. The Dr is also telling us that she could go anyday now.. :(
She isn't in anymore pain, they have her knocked out on meds. I was just hoping I would be able to talk 2 her 1 more time b4 she went.

I will be back on tonight. Hope to talk to you guys then. Thanks 4 your thoughts & prayers.
Take care, your bro. Dank


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry bro.. that's not good news to hear at all.. I really hope you get your chance to talk to her again.. Hit me up anytime. I gave you my cell a couple weeks ago but PM me if you lost it and would like it again.
Talk to ya later bro.

don't bother coming back if it's a hassle. I'm sure we can all agree that you have more important things going on at the moment.

Peace man.


Well-Known Member
Upload to google DRIVE. and then get the webpage info for it and paste in the same box as the youtube vids we all post.
Lol. Been there, done that. Can't get it to load up with "youtube" at all bro! So I'm lost, that and having to use this damn phone doesn't help either! Lol


Well-Known Member
upload to google drive is what I mean bro... You can get the link for the vid directly through google drive not youtube... If you read the box for the videos is says a list on the bottom of sites you can post vids from. I'll reread and make sure I am reading it right... I'll post what it says...


Well-Known Member
Dank, If you happen to be coming on tonight. check out my thread. Posting some "Cleaner" pictures of the garden. Removed all the buckets I WAS using to raise all the small plants up to canopy level. Got some nice plant stands today that shrink my space needed and gave me a little space for rooted clones to go before being put in direct lights.
Will do bro. I will get on tonight & checks everything out. I promise. You know how things have been going now, and I know a few may think I'm ignoring um. But I swear its not like that. Things should back to my norm here within a week I would say. And then hopefully I will be around a lot more, and will then be able to visit everyones thread.. ;)
Thanks 2 everyone that has stuck with me through all this! Means a lot to me. If I could send out "thank you" cards to each 1 of you, I would. I love all you guys, and truely think of all of you as true friends. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have each of you to talk to at times like this..


Well-Known Member
I'll see what I can find for you buddy.... I know you have to be able to do it VIA mobile so i'll let you know in a PM when I find something.
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