Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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As always. lol... I don't even have to say it... :) But holy shit you're running the Cotton Candy too!? lol I got mine going.....

Noe we both have what CC, BD, BBYY, OB, and SB. hahahahaha........ I'm copying you!. lol
What ever happened to the SxI????? I was gonna pop some but I don't know what kinda room i'll have after I start cloning everything else.
Copy cat! Haha.. ;) na, j/k with you bro.. Yeah, where running all those at the same time! I have just 1 of the Spyders going though. The previous didn't make it. :( and yeah, thought I would give the Cotton Candy a go! Have seen some good grows of that 1! Also, the Vertigo is a super DANK strain 2! Yeah, Bluedream is in flowering now, as with the Original Berry. The BBYY those are getting a transplant either 2mar or the next day. Can't wait to get the Purple Trainwreck replanted! She is already stinking to high heaven and that little! The BBYY has tiny fur on the little leaves! Haha.. kinda puts me in mind of one of those "rubber plants"! Lol.. I sure hope that this 1 Spyder is a female! Can't wait to see those leaves & buds go purple! ;) great growing minds think alike bro! Haha.. ;)
As always. lol... I don't even have to say it... :) But holy shit you're running the Cotton Candy too!? lol I got mine going.....

Noe we both have what CC, BD, BBYY, OB, and SB. hahahahaha........ I'm copying you!. lol
Copy cat! Haha.. ;) na, j/k with you bro.. Yeah, where running all those at the same time! I have just 1 of the Spyders going though. The previous didn't make it. :( and yeah, thought I would give the Cotton Candy a go! Have seen some good grows of that 1! Also, the Vertigo is a super DANK strain 2! Yeah, Bluedream is in flowering now, as with the Original Berry. The BBYY those are getting a transplant either 2mar or the next day. Can't wait to get the Purple Trainwreck replanted! She is already stinking to high heaven and that little! The BBYY has tiny fur on the little leaves! Haha.. kinda puts me in mind of one of those "rubber plants"! Lol.. I sure hope that this 1 Spyder is a female! Can't wait to see those leaves & buds go purple! ;) great growing minds think alike bro! Haha.. ;)

My spyder is turning purple already.. And my male hermed on me bro!!!! it's packin on purple calyx, white pistils, and pollen sacs. all at the same time. Gonna be my prized pollen "I tell you what!"....:)
What ever happened to the SxI????? I was gonna pop some but I don't know what kinda room i'll have after I start cloning everything else.

Haha! Love the new sig bro.. ;) that's the 1st time anyone has ever quoted me.. ;) that made me smile..
Yeah, as you know I had started I believe 4 of those (Sx1) and not one came up.. :(
Oh well, have a few more, and also some others of the S#1's, and other crosses of that strain from different breeders. May (if I do get 1 of the Sx1) to pop mix it with a tottaly different Skunk strain.. may invent the next kick ass Skunk strain! Who knows.. lol.. wishfull thinking I guess..
Ya like mine Dankster??? been waiting to hear everybody's opinion....I just glanced at mine earlier tonight and had like a ton of folks over there. Need to check in with them;)
do you use Gmail...ever????
BOY OH BOY THIS SPYDER'S GOT SOME SKUNK!!!! I was just playin with the stems and all I can smell is skunk... lol
we sound like little whiny bitches LMFAO

YO!!! DANK!!! you gots some splainin to do buddy

not ONE peep on my thread from ya LMAO
Not bad, how you hanging in?
Any improvement in the service since they moved her?

Trying my best bro. That's really all I can do I guess. Have had a busting headache ever since me & those nurses got into it over making Mom wait for "4 hours" just to give her the pain meds! I had to tell them make that the last time I have to sit & watch her cry! So when she had got to the nursing home they tried it again, and I had to go ahead and set there asses straight to!! So then after all that they gave her something and she went off to sleep about 40 minutes after that.
She is turning food away now, not eating much at all if anything. I've been trying over & over to get her to take just 1 bite of anything! Even asked her if she wanted me to get her a ice cream from Dairy Queen.. ;) she wouldn't let me get it. I think I'm going to get her a piece of there ice cream cake from there around lunch, she should love that! I sure hope. she LOVES her chocolate!! As do I.. ;) Thanks 4 asking bro.. And glad to hear your doing good..
Trying my best bro. That's really all I can do I guess. Have had a busting headache ever since me & those nurses got into it over making Mom wait for "4 hours" just to give her the pain meds! I had to tell them make that the last time I have to sit & watch her cry! So when she had got to the nursing home they tried it again, and I had to go ahead and set there asses straight to!! So then after all that they gave her something and she went off to sleep about 40 minutes after that.
She is turning food away now, not eating much at all if anything. I've been trying over & over to get her to take just 1 bite of anything! Even asked her if she wanted me to get her a ice cream from Dairy Queen.. ;) she wouldn't let me get it. I think I'm going to get her a piece of there ice cream cake from there around lunch, she should love that! I sure hope. she LOVES her chocolate!! As do I.. ;) Thanks 4 asking bro.. And glad to hear your doing good..

thank God she is resting now...that is really good...I don't doubt she is turning food away, pain makes me sick as hell to my stomach..hers was probably in knots bless her heart♥

you are a phenomenally wonderful and good son and I am sure that she is so proud of you and thanks you for looking out for her...be sure of that babe♥
thank God she is resting now...that is really good...I don't doubt she is turning food away, pain makes me sick as hell to my stomach..hers was probably in knots bless her heart♥

you are a phenomenally wonderful and good son and I am sure that she is so proud of you and thanks you for looking out for her...be sure of that babe♥

Thank you. I just feel like I've not been there enough, and you know how it is! You start looking back at past, well "I do". And wishing I would've done this, or would've done that, and wished I would've been there with her more before she became so sick! I just didn't see it going down like this! Not at all....

But I know. I can't change the past, just the future with her! And that's my plan. I may have not been there as much as I wanted to be in the past, but I am damn sure going to be there 4 her now! I owe that 2 her. Haha.. ;) she always told me, boy I brought you into this world! I could take you out just the same! She is a big kidder anyways.. where always joking with one another. You guys would just love her! She is such an angel! And a loving caring person, and doesn't never meet a stranger! ;)
Take care Dankster.... I gotta get some sleep... I'll be on all day tomorrow. so if ya feel the need to pop in for a quick chat i'll be around. Talk to ya later buddy.

Wish ya all the best.

Thank you. I just feel like I've not been there enough, and you know how it is! You start looking back at past, well "I do". And wishing I would've done this, or would've done that, and wished I would've been there with her more before she became so sick! I just didn't see it going down like this! Not at all....

But I know. I can't change the past, just the future with her! And that's my plan. I may have not been there as much as I wanted to be in the past, but I am damn sure going to be there 4 her now! I owe that 2 her. Haha.. ;) she always told me, boy I brought you into this world! I could take you out just the same! She is a big kidder anyways.. where always joking with one another. You guys would just love her! She is such an angel! And a loving caring person, and doesn't never meet a stranger! ;)

awwwww...that's correct...you are there for her NOW when it COUNTS. She sounds like an amazing mother...my son and I go at it too;) sounds like what I've said to him before LOL
and how could she not be an amazing woman, look at you!!! you are her legacy...so many people love you Dank, and there is a damn good reason for it. You have a heart of gold and
would do anything to help a stranger in need...am I right? of course I am! sounds like her humor lives inside of you too;)
just be good to yourself...so that you can be the best to her...that means getting some rest once in a while...sleep sittin up in the chair next to her if you need to, just do it. K?

hope you feel better tomorrow..I know how stress headaches can be all too well...sleep tight buddy...
OK I am still up damn internet is addicting...

BAK... this is FUCKED up what I just found..... dude seriously you can buy this shit hahahaha but it's WAY BETTER than the BMEAT Edition.... lol I just don't know what strain it is. lol
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