Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well said ak! BTW dank...if you need me to come and babysit your girls for a couple days, you just let me know man...I'll come right over...with my semi (lmao). Just keeping the humor going in a bad time here. You know the saying..."Love thy neighbor". The only thing is, I got a black eye from it. Good gonja here (lol).
i just hope you know dank no matter what happens whether it be good or bad it is meant to be and you, your mom and your family will all be OK

no. matter. what.
awwww! what a nice guy!!!! Aknight you the man :)

yes, yes, yes!!! I agree!!!! positive thoughts going out to Dank and his family all the way!!!!!
Well said ak! BTW dank...if you need me to come and babysit your girls for a couple days, you just let me know man...I'll come right over...with my semi (lmao). Just keeping the humor going in a bad time here. You know the saying..."Love thy neighbor". The only thing is, I got a black eye from it. Good gonja here (lol).

I'm waitin to see the Voodoo finish up.

;) me 2 bro.. shew she sure is stinking SO good right now! Just turned the lights off, or I would post a few pictures. ;)

How you been doing buddy :??:
Hey dank. How is today going for ya???????

Posted those pics I had trouble emailing to myself last night finally.. Damn cell phone bull shit. lol.
Page 20 of my thread. :) take a look see if you got time, since we can't look at yours. :(
He's good like that. hahaha. He's liking old posts right now like rosey was lol....... I just got a few likes from him from posts last week. :)
I just wanted to stop & personaly thank you from the bottom of my heart bro. You have NO idea how much your pm did touch my heart & soul bro. Really & truely means a lot 2 me that you and your little boy said that prayer 4 Mom & me. ;) made my day not so grey. That's what its all about bro. To be there 4 each other during times like this, and lift each other up. And you did just that. Just wanted you to know that. And wanted to know I do consider you a good friend, and love you 2 bro. I love all you guys! And thank each & everyone of you 4 your time spent sending out warm wishes & your thoughts & prayers of course! I have somemore news that I wanted to share with everyone.

Again, thanks so much bro..

Your bro, Dank.

dear dank, i just heard from a friend here that your having difficulties, i am goign to personally messgae you later, I need to run to the store now but I posted a little something for you in the solo cup contest thread, please head over there if you have the time, if not i completley understand and I will be back ASAP to personally message you so we can have a talk, i have alot of love for you man and i really hope you and your family gets through this..I know i dont know you very well but just from what ive seen here i know you are a good person and you and your family deserve another chance at sitting with your mom and laughing and loving even if its one more time... i really hope your feeling better and i KNOW your mom will be okay, do not think negative for a second because something bad happening is out of the question, i will be back soon to personally message you and we can chat more then if you want and if not thats OK to. either way I love you man and its all going to be cool for real. :peace:
Well said ak! BTW dank...if you need me to come and babysit your girls for a couple days, you just let me know man...I'll come right over...with my semi (lmao). Just keeping the humor going in a bad time here. You know the saying..."Love thy neighbor". The only thing is, I got a black eye from it. Good gonja here (lol).

Haha! Sorry I missed your call earlier bro.. was at the hospital with Mom. She had a rough day today, as did I. I've been satying with her as long as they will let me, then driving back every day. Its 30 miles there, and 30 back. I wouldn't care if it was 1,000 miles away where she was, I would find a way! ;) love my Momma.. she's my world!
Ok guys.. time to talk serious. Today I found out a few things. Found out what type of cancer Mom has. Its name is "medistatic small cell lung cancer". As you may or may not know it had spread from her lung to her "glands" then went all over & now is in her bones.

The Dr had said the "only" place she doesn't have it is in her neck. I still have hope! I do know 4 a fact that God can heal anything! He is the MAN that raised the dead! That is what I'm talking about! ;)

I'm surely not giving up on her! Although there is "other" family meembers that is already talking about "who gets what"! I had to put a STOP to all that today! Also, they moved Mom today to the nursing home. They had told us that the transporter was on his way to get her. Ok, I sit there with her for 3 HOURS after being told that! The nurse had went ahead & took out her Iv a few minutes after we where told they where coming to transport her. Well, I had to just sit there & watch her cry in pain for over 3 hours! I know I went out to the nures station and told them more times then I can remember she needed something for pain!! All they said was it was out of there hands where they had took her "Iv" out! They wouldn't even give her a tablet, or shot!! So, we got to the nursing home and the "same thing" started! They told me that they would have to get all her info & we would have to fill out a dnr and answer a 200 questionare b4 they could give her anything! That's when I just had to BLOW up on them, and DEMAND that they give her something!!! I told them if that was "there" Mother laying in there crying, things wouldn't be that way! That's all it took and the nurse was right in there giving her something 4 hours later! I know that they are busy, and have "other patients". But in my eyes, that was uncalled 4!!
Best wishes to you both............. Positive thinking brother.......... Nothing but positive thoughts for you here.
:weed: ok, nugh of that! ;)

I had took a few pictures of the AK-47 (auto) I had entered into the solo contest & wanted to share those with everyone.
Let me know your thoughts :??:
Always good 2 hear alittle feedback.. ;)

I will do a bigger update round 8ish pm or so on 08/17 so please stay tuned in 4 that.. The ladies all are doing ok. I've had 2 new babies come up 4 me. "Cotton Candy & the Vertigo".. haha :mrgreen:

Been after the Vertigo for a good while now! Was just checking out a picture of that strain, and boy ol' boy does she LOOK the bomb!!

Ps. I had also started the last 5 beans of the "FI". (F**king Incrediable) only 3 made it. Those 3 look super good! Just hope I get atleast 1 female. ;) oh well, if not atleast I will have some good pollen to cross with.. haha
Also, went ahead & topped the AK-47 (auto) 3 nights ago, and that night had started decreasing her light cycle a tad. Have her at 20/4.


  • Tops shot of AK. 08-15.jpg
    Tops shot of AK. 08-15.jpg
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  • Side shot of AK-47. 1st night of drop in light cycle. 08-15.jpg
    Side shot of AK-47. 1st night of drop in light cycle. 08-15.jpg
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  • AK tonight. 08-15.jpg
    AK tonight. 08-15.jpg
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  • AK after topping 08- 14.jpg
    AK after topping 08- 14.jpg
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  • 3 FI's made it.. ;) 08-17.jpg
    3 FI's made it.. ;) 08-17.jpg
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  • Berry Bomb,Afghan Kush, & 3rd gerneration OB. 08-17.jpg
    Berry Bomb,Afghan Kush, & 3rd gerneration OB. 08-17.jpg
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