dear dank, i just heard from a friend here that your having difficulties, i am goign to personally messgae you later, I need to run to the store now but I posted a little something for you in the solo cup contest thread, please head over there if you have the time, if not i completley understand and I will be back ASAP to personally message you so we can have a talk, i have alot of love for you man and i really hope you and your family gets through this..I know i dont know you very well but just from what ive seen here i know you are a good person and you and your family deserve another chance at sitting with your mom and laughing and loving even if its one more time... i really hope your feeling better and i KNOW your mom will be okay, do not think negative for a second because something bad happening is out of the question, i will be back soon to personally message you and we can chat more then if you want and if not thats OK to. either way I love you man and its all going to be cool for real.