Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Well I've looked in a 20 mile area and I can't find no 6 inch hose clamps so I guess
Ill have to make do with some zip ties and duct tape on the suction side forgot to get some bungey cords. To hang my fan from. But I guess I can improvise somethin for that too. Poppin beans tonight prolly. Gonna wait on the shoreline until I get some pollen or keeper clones to work with


Well-Known Member
i take worm pop and put it in a 2 litter with a air stone and some dark brown suger. leave it for 2 days. then i mix it with about 3 or 4 gal water and finish watering with that. next water i give'm some food.
I got ya I mixed a bunch of super soil and after it cooked its a bit uber. I have to cut it down. I transplanted some tomatoes about 2 foot tall into it to test it and they was dead in a couple days. All of em burned up. Or technically burned down lol
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