Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hell yeah beats the hell out of sticking your finger up ones ass. lol or waiting until lighting strikes. haha ;) IDK how true those old wives tells are though.. dont think I want to try anytime to soon either.. haha :)
you cut there head off and pry there mouth open if you have a drunk friend issues;) they can bite all the way to almost the tip of there tail. View attachment 3168699


Well-Known Member
I heard that!! I would say it would hurt like hell if a snapper did bite down though.. sheww dont even want to think about it. lol Pits are bad to. I had a good friend get attacked by a Pit. She ended up in the hospital & was pronounced dead twice on the way there. She ended up getting a really bad infection of the blood, and ended up on life support for 2 weeks. Left the hospital with huge chunks of her neck messing.. She owner was later found out to be feeding the dog "gun powder".. needless to say he isn't any longer...
i have heard the same thing about pit-bulls, so in a bind it would be better then getting your arm chewed off.


Well-Known Member
I heard that!! I would say it would hurt like hell if a snapper did bite down though.. sheww dont even want to think about it. lol Pits are bad to. I had a good friend get attacked by a Pit. She ended up in the hospital & was pronounced dead twice on the way there. She ended up getting a really bad infection of the blood, and ended up on life support for 2 weeks. Left the hospital with huge chunks of her neck messing.. She owner was later found out to be feeding the dog "gun powder".. needless to say he isn't any longer...
gun powder wtf?


Well-Known Member
EWWW GOD!! I know exactly what your talking about.. I have to have it done to her to --> lol My little Ginger eating Ice cream with me ;) PIC_1802.JPG
Lmao...my pugs have 'anal glands' that lubricate their ass so they can shit...n when they get backed up or w.e it starts smelling fishy and we have to go to the vet to have them drained. It's absolutely disturbing to watch / smell.
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