Dangerous Hot Shot No Pest Strip

no to effect plants
i keep a fresh one in a baggie at all times
when i see any trace of a problem i pull it out use for about 5 days to a week
then put it back into ziplock
DDVP is an organophosphate insecticide. Organophosphates are a class
of insecticides that affect the nervous system of the target pest.
Overexposure in humans can result in neurotoxic symptoms.

This is what is left on your plants when you use these strips. I do not argue about their effectiveness, i am only trying to advise people what they are really ingesting. Organophosphates short circuit the synapse in brain cells. Just because you can't see anything on the plant doesn't mean the vapors are not on the plant parts. If this is what you choose to use for pest control instead of organic products like the Neem applications you certainly have the right to use it. I am only trying to point out the dangers of this product, especially when you are burning it and putting it into your lungs. If you think your flowers are not covered with this chemical from vapor applications you are in denial. Califormia is in the process of restricting use of this in their state because of health concerns.

California restricts everything. The whole state is an over-the-top hippy commune. ;)

Man are you guys talking about these things:


I got two in my little 5x5 tent because I have some whitelfies. Been in there for weeks. Whooops. Didn't seem to do shit to the whiteflies though. Then again if you miss one whitefly egg the problem comes right back. I also have so much negative pressure in my tent from 8" extraction fan it sucks my whole tent in a foot so it probably didn't do anything since it works on vapor.
I sleep with one of these by my bed side have used for some time now. I do tend to take deep breaths for no reason not really a shortness of breath more like a chest tightness unless I breath deep. I have bad anxiety so I never thought it could be these. Im going to remove it from now on and see if these symptoms stop and ill report back in a month or so
Ok, I know this is an old thread but I just came across it and I do have to post for the next person....how nobody covered THE MOST IMPORTANT PART is beyond me. I guess too many paranoid people researching the product not the problem....Fungus gnats take 2 weeks to incubate...unless you get rid of the eggs and larvae down in the soil,free from vapors...new gnats fly out and immediately lay eggs. Unless you take a 2 part approach it's just gambling. Mix 1qt of 3% H2O2( hydrogen peroxide) into a gallon of water...1:3...and water your plants when they are thirsty...it will foam up instantly killing larvae and eggs and creat water and oxygen molecules for your plant, both very good things...now hang one of those baby's up and boom...focus on the fire not the smoke ;)
...What I dont understand is the reccomendation of putting sand on top of the plants soil. I tried that once. Eventually I had to water the plant and the sand....so much for it, it went down into the soil.
the shit in the NPS will actually penetrate the larvae membrane. they work but use them very sparingly otherwise youll probably get herpes. 48hrs then into an airtight should fix your problem
I sleep with one of these by my bed side have used for some time now. I do tend to take deep breaths for no reason not really a shortness of breath more like a chest tightness unless I breath deep. I have bad anxiety so I never thought it could be these. Im going to remove it from now on and see if these symptoms stop and ill report back in a month or so
Ur a dumbass next to your bed in asking for trouble.