Dangerous Hot Shot No Pest Strip

Ok, I realize that this thread is pretty old... but Ive had a NPS up in the very top of my closet gro room (on a shelf above the lights, next to a damp rid anti mold deal) for about a month jus tto prevent any sort of infestations. I suppose my ventilation is decent in there because I cant seem to smell any kind of chemical....

My question is... Im about 2 - 3 weeks from harvest time, and now ive stumbled across these threads claiming NPS are no good cause of poisoning and whatnot... so tonight, i sealed the NPS up in a plastic bag (though its still up in the closet on the shelf.)
Is my girl screwed here? Have I pretty much ruined my efforts by saturating her with poison? I guess my question is, has anyone ever used these, medicated, and noticed any kind of difference or ill effects?

I mean, I feel fine and this is a closet gro in my bedroom...
BTW , NPS were recomended to me as a way to kill and prevent bedbug infestations in like cabinets and drawers and whatnot, so i just kind of assumed they would work fine... never really considered what I could be doing to harm myself or my gro...

so... anyone left standing after using these? after smoking the product? What can I do, seeing as how long its been up in there and how long I have till chop time....
I dont know if someone already posted this because i couldn't read 5 pages of you girls squabbling. Yes the pest strips work, yes they are toxic but mildly, no they are not a one shot solution, yes they are overkill for fungus gnats. I personally use nematodes when i wet my grow medium and i never have a problem with fungus gnats. That being said now you have a much bigger problem in the white flys. I don't have any experience with then though so i cant say. As far as spider mtes I use floramite in conjunction with azatrol(if you think azatrol is too expensive find a new hobby) and predetory mites once i start 12/12. the key is going into flowering pest free. Good luck
Lalaura, it seems like you may have found your answer to the toxicity question. The fact that it degrades quickly sounds promising.

I hate to start the squabbling up, but my experience is pretty much the opposite of yours iscrog. For me, they were worthless against fungus gnats. I had four HSNPS in a room and the gnats acted like nothing was wrong. On the other hand, they were a one shot solution to to my mite problem at the time - totally cleared up the problem.

I dont know if someone already posted this because i couldn't read 5 pages of you girls squabbling. Yes the pest strips work, yes they are toxic but mildly, no they are not a one shot solution, yes they are overkill for fungus gnats. I personally use nematodes when i wet my grow medium and i never have a problem with fungus gnats. That being said now you have a much bigger problem in the white flys. I don't have any experience with then though so i cant say. As far as spider mtes I use floramite in conjunction with azatrol(if you think azatrol is too expensive find a new hobby) and predetory mites once i start 12/12. the key is going into flowering pest free. Good luck
yeah Im pretty convinced ill live if i "use" the end product... I mean apparently theyre used around crates of tomatoes and shit so ... I thought about rinsing my girl maybe before drying and curing... but I suppose thats an issue for another thread. BTW my pest strip had already been open for like a year before i put it in my space, so im thinking it was probably weak to begin with... plus, i've never turned off my ventilation to 'fog it" so.... If Im still alive in a year, and able to tie my shoes and do math, we'll have a definitive answer(which no one really seems to be able to provide here hah).

I got to thinking about it pretty hard though... I mean if youve ever got a random sack or some reggie wayne then... no telling what you may or may not have ingested. And I mean were all still alive, so that leads me to belive that if these things are pretty commonly used (as it seems there are) there are probably a million people using them for this purpose, who either have no interest or reason to visit a forum concerning their toxicity... dichlorvos probably arent absorbed by plants, at least probably not in levels that will kill or poison you..

I have about 2 or 3 weeks lefts, so I think Ill just tie the NPS up in a bag, flush her good, and spin the freakin wheel here. Hopefully , no pests appear now that Ive bagged the stip haha....
Aight, I've gotten really nervous about this. I used the pest strips way to late, like a week b4 harvest, they didnt even kill the bugs, i think it just lowerd the numbers, but that could be my fault. They lived on and on, eating all the leaves up like nothing ever happend. I figured since the bugs were eating the leaves that it was safe, but now im paranoid. but i thoroughly rinsed the entire plants off under a running shower for a couple minutes a piece, spinning them and lifting them up and down trying to get them as good as my paranoid mind could. But when I smoke it, it seems like im getting a light headed feeling but im not sure if it is me being noid. I am a bit of a hypochondriac and am not sure if its just in my head. I have a few more plants that I have not yet harvested but used the same deal with. Do you have any tips or ideas that i could not find in this thread on how i could test for levels of chemicals or anything that could possibly help? And if the harvest is junk, what should i do about the plants im going to be harvesting?
DDVP is an organophosphate insecticide. Organophosphates are a class
of insecticides that affect the nervous system of the target pest.
Overexposure in humans can result in neurotoxic symptoms.

This is what is left on your plants when you use these strips. I do not argue about their effectiveness, i am only trying to advise people what they are really ingesting. Organophosphates short circuit the synapse in brain cells. Just because you can't see anything on the plant doesn't mean the vapors are not on the plant parts. If this is what you choose to use for pest control instead of organic products like the Neem applications you certainly have the right to use it. I am only trying to point out the dangers of this product, especially when you are burning it and putting it into your lungs. If you think your flowers are not covered with this chemical from vapor applications you are in denial. Califormia is in the process of restricting use of this in their state because of health concerns.
My 2 cents...
I had a mite problem for nearly a year - Neem and Azamax products kept it managable, but never completely eradicated. I tried one of the No-Pest strips a couple months ago and haven't seen a mite since. I put one in my cab, closed everything up and shut off my vent and circulation fans. Shut off my HPS (too hot with no venting) but left a couple cfls on 12:12 so as not to disturb the cycle. I left it sealed up for 2 days so the vapor could concentrate and do its thing. Took it out, sealed it back in its package, turned lights and fans back on. I did the same thing about a week later for good measure.
Haven't seen a mite or evidence of them since!
I've read the article and 'high'lighted some interesting points. Interesting that it was used in tobbaco houses and airplanes.

It is my opinion that No-Pest Strips are a relatively safe product to use when following the instructions and I will use it for a limited period of time-not continuous use. Once control has been established I will remove it.

Risk: Dichlorvos
[SIZE=-2]Fact Sheet #20, December 1998[/SIZE]
This fact sheet reviews the science-based information on whether or not dichlorvos affects breast cancer risk. Dichlorvos was once a very popular insecticide for use in homes and offices and many people may have come in contact with it in the past. We cannot conclude on whether or not dichlorvos affects breast cancer risk from the studies that have been done so far. However, there is evidence that dichlorvos causes other cancers and toxic effects in laboratory animals. We have included information about dichlorvos use, how people may have come in contact with it and steps that you can take to minimize your exposure to this chemical.
What is dichlorvos?
Dichlorvos, or DDVP, is a synthetic chemical that is used to kill insects (insecticide). It belongs to the group of related chemicals called "organophosphate pesticides." Dichlorvos kills insects upon direct contact, or when eaten or inhaled by the insect.

What is the history of dichlorvos use?
Commercial manufacture of dichlorvos started in 1961. Since then, dichlorvos has been used to protect stored crops like grains from insect damage and to control insects and flies in mushroom houses and tobacco warehouses. It has been used to keep livestock facilities and animals free of pests such as fleas, ticks and mites in the dairy, cattle, swine, poultry and other livestock industries. It was also mixed into feed to treat animals against intestinal worms and parasites. Dichlorvos was used to get rid of insects in passenger airplanes, and in swamps to kill mosquitoes and prevent the spread of malaria. Dichlorvos was used in homes and buildings, in foggers (bug-bombs) to control fleas, flies, caterpillars, mosquitoes and cockroaches. It was also used in flea collars for domestic cats and dogs. It was a common practice to hang plastic strips that slowly released dichlorvos into the air of offices and homes, to keep the rooms free of flies, mosquitoes and other insects.

How is dichlorvos used currently?
Studies done on experimental animals in the late 1980s raised a concern about the cancer-causing potential of dichlorvos. Following these studies, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiated a Special Review of dichlorvos. The Special Review is a formal process used by the EPA to determine if a pesticide poses unreasonable risks to people or the environment. All labels of dichlorvos products were revised to include the caution words "Danger-Poison" and instructions for its proper use. In 1995, Amvac, the only manufacturer of pure dichlorvos, voluntarily agreed to stop producing dichlorvos products for certain uses. Aerial spraying, application in passenger airplanes, and use of dichlorvos in certain food processing operations was stopped. Some uses of dichlorvos by licensed pest-control operators that were allowed to continue include its use in warehouses of packaged or bagged foods, silos and dairy barns. The use of dichlorvos in homes is now limited to pet flea collars and plastic pest strips. Use of foggers and aerosols containing dichlorvos is restricted to licensed pest-control operators.

How do federal agencies regulate dichlorvos to protect the consumer?
EPA has set the maximum amount of dichlorvos that is permitted to remain in or on raw food at the time of harvest, called "tolerances." Foods that contain residues above these limits can be seized and destroyed by federal or local officials. Dichlorvos is known to break down rapidly in water and has not been found in drinking water in the United States (U.S.). However, dichlorvos has been declared a hazardous substance and discharges of 10 pounds or more from any commercial source need to be reported to the National Response Center (toll free: 1-800-424-8802). The National Response Center is the federal point of contact that collects and relays such information and coordinates an emergency response.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set the maximum level of dichlorvos that may be allowed in the workplace at one milligram per cubic meter for an eight hour day and 40 hours per week work schedule.

Who might have been exposed to dichlorvos in the past?
People most likely to have been exposed to this insecticide in the past are:
Workers involved in the manufacture of dichlorvos, as well as other organophosphate pesticides that breakdown to produce dichlorvos
Workers and applicators at food processing and storage plants where dichlorvos was used
Workers in buildings that housed livestock where dichlorvos was used to treat the facility or the animals
Farmers and agricultural workers who mixed or applied dichlorvos to stored crops, barns, greenhouses and livestock buildings
Pest control operators who used dichlorvos to treat commercial facilities and homes
Home owners who used foggers, fumigants, aerosols, flea collars or plastic pest strips that contained dichlorvos Veterinarians, pet groomers and pet owners who used dichlorvos-containing materials to treat animals against worms, ticks or fleas, or handled flea collars containing dichlorvos
What are the ways by which we may be exposed to dichlorvos today?
Surveys conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not find dichlorvos in a variety of different meals that were tested. Washing and cooking destroys almost all the dichlorvos on food. Dichlorvos has not been found in drinking water in the U.S. Hence, food and water are not expected to be the cause of exposure for people. Dichlorvos does not stay in the environment for a long time and does not accumulate in animal fat.
Some home use of dichlorvos continues. People may still be exposed to small amounts of dichlorvos at home through the use of foggers and plastic pest strips that release dichlorvos into the air. People may be exposed to dichlorvos while handling flea collars and petting animals that are wearing them.
Dichlorvos can also enter the environment as a breakdown product of other organophosphate insecticides, such as trichlorfon and naled. Workers involved in the manufacture of dichlorvos and other organophosphate insecticides may be exposed to this insecticide.
Does dichlorvos cause cancer in laboratory animals?
In one study, female mice that were fed high doses of dichlorvos over a long time had a higher frequency of stomach cancers than untreated mice. High doses of dichlorvos fed over two years caused an increase in the number of male rats that had pancreatic tumors and leukemia, (a type of cancer that affects the blood).
Does dichlorvos cause cancer in humans?
The risk for developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or multiple myeloma (cancers that affect the blood) was not significantly affected in male farmers who had used dichlorvos. A higher number of leukemia cases were reported in one study among male farmers who used dichlorvos for more than ten days per year, compared to those who had not used dichlorvos. A higher number of childhood brain cancer cases were reported among families that used dichlorvos, than families that did not. Both of these studies looked at a very small number of people who were also exposed to other chemicals, making it difficult to determine if dichlorvos was the cause of the cancers. However, the results indicate the need for larger studies on humans who may have been exposed to dichlorvos in their past, especially during childhood.
Does dichlorvos cause breast cancer?
No studies of breast cancer rates in women exposed to dichlorvos were found. One study reported that laboratory rats that were fed dichlorvos for two years had a higher number of benign mammary (breast) tumors than other rats. Malignant mammary tumors were not increased significantly in the dichlorvos-fed rats. This result needs to be confirmed in another rat study.
How can dichlorvos affect breast cancer risk?
Mice that were treated with leukemia-causing cells were found to develop leukemia faster if they were also fed dichlorvos. This result indicates that dichlorvos may increase the effect of another cancer-causing agent, or act as a "tumor promoter." However, researchers have not tested experimental animals with breast cancer-causing cells or chemicals to see if dichlorvos can or cannot "promote" breast tumors.
The immune system helps the body to fight against infection and cancer. There is a concern that chemicals that damage the immune system may also affect cancer risk. Dichlorvos was found to weaken or suppress the immune system in experimental animals. However, the animals with the immune suppression were not tested for the ability to fight breast cancer.
Is dichlorvos present in breast milk?
Dichlorvos does not persist or accumulate in the breast tissue or breast fat. There has been only one report of the presence of dichlorvos in breast milk, in a single sample of breast milk from Taiwan.
No studies were available on breast cancer incidences in women exposed to dichlorvos to assess whether dichlorvos increases breast cancer risk in humans. The evidence for the breast cancer risk from dichlorvos is limited to the one study in experimental rats in which it caused an increase in the frequency of benign mammary tumors only. Hence, we conclude that at the present time the evidence is not adequate to determine whether dichlorvos is a human breast carcinogen.
While the evidence specific to breast cancer risk is not adequate, we advise caution when dealing with this insecticide for the following reasons: there is sufficient evidence for its carcinogenic potential at other, non-mammary sites in experimental animals, and limited evidence that it may affect cancer risk by causing immune suppression, or by acting as a tumor promoter.
The potential for high exposures for the general population is extremely low since use of dichlorvos has become restricted and it does not remain in the environment for long periods of time. However, dichlorvos was once a very popular insecticide and hence we recommend that populations exposed in the past be followed for breast cancer incidence.
Where is more research needed?
No studies were available on breast cancer incidences among women who were exposed to dichlorvos. Women exposed to dichlorvos, through its use in agriculture or during manufacture and application, need to be followed for their incidence of breast cancer.
In the study that reported increased numbers of benign mammary gland tumors in experimental rats, many of the animals did not survive the two years of the experiment. Another study is needed: 1) to confirm that there is indeed an increase in benign breast tumors, and 2) to see if the benign tumors become malignant with the increasing age of dichlorvos-fed rats.
One study observed that the use of pesticides, including dichlorvos, had been more frequent among families with children who had childhood brain cancer. Children who were exposed to dichlorvos through its use in the home should be followed for their incidence of brain cancer.
The risk for developing leukemia was found to be higher in a small group of farmers that had used dichlorvos on animals frequently. Larger populations of men and women, who have used dichlorvos for dairy, poultry or other livestock, should be surveyed for leukemia and other cancers.
One study in laboratory mice has raised a concern about the "tumor promotion" effects of dichlorvos. Further studies in experimental animals treated with known breast cancer causing agents are needed to determine if dichlorvos promotes breast tumors. Dichlorvos treatments affected the immune systems of experimental animals. Animals with dichlorvos-caused immune system suppression need to be evaluated for their susceptibility to cancer.
Is more research being done?
A large group of female and male agricultural workers are being surveyed for pesticide exposure and cancer in an ongoing study at the National Cancer Institute. In another study at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, scientists seek to understand how organophosphate pesticides can alter the immune system. A group of researchers at the University of California, Davis, will investigate if there is an association between exposure to organophosphate pesticides and frequency of injuries among 500 Hispanic migrant farmworkers.
How can I minimize exposure to dichlorvos?
Limit home use of dichlorvos-containing products such as foggers, plastic pest strips and pet flea collars.
If you do use a dichlorvos-containing product such as a pet flea collar, wash hands thoroughly after handling.
Wash mushrooms well before eating them.
If you are getting your house treated with pesticides, find out about the pesticides that will be applied and follow the manufacturer's guidelines on when to re-enter the house.
Follow all directions posted on buildings that have been recently treated with pesticides, and follow guidelines for when to re-enter.

Back to the top Prepared by Renu Gandhi, Ph.D., BCERF Research Associate
and Suzanne M. Snedeker, Ph.D., Research Project Leader, BCERF​

i've been using these strips for years. damn dope smoking hippies are just trying to scare you.
Ive read some articles that say that this is a dangerous product if used inside the home, but I was wondering if there was a safe way to use it.

My room is in a closet in my living room, so it does have people near by all the time. Also, I have the exhaust fan all the time, so it isnt exactly enclosed.

I was wondering if I can use this just during the dark periods. I would just unplug my fan at night so it doesnt vent out into the room, and when the lights come on, take out the strip and put it into a zip locked bag, and plug in the lights.

What do you guys think? I have a major gnat problem

I know this is old as balls, but hopefully someone searching will read this and it will help them. I do exactly what you stated above. I put hem out all through veg during the dark period, and turn my exhaust fan off. I also open the tent slightly so as to not let humidity get too high. It's true you aren't supposed to be around them in enclosed spaces for long periods of time, however I've used them for a few seasons and I'm still alive. Just be smart. Bag them up in a ziplock during the day and anytime you're in your grow space for extended periods. And I would even use them in flower if I see a rise in bugs, however I have yet to have a full on infestation. I use hot shot pest strips, water with mosquito dunks, and spray with azamax at the beginning of flower and one again a week later. So far it's proven effective. I prefer all organic, everything I use is organic except the pest strips, but I swear by these things. Bear in mind it is a toxic thing to humans and animals when used incorrectly. A lot of restaurants will use them in walk-ins and stuff because they kill roaches and mice. Just my two cents, but growtech's post is the only one I have ever read with anything negative to say about these things, and I do a fuckton of research on everything before I buy. I approve this message.
I don't know if I had some special super-gnats or something... back when I had a mite (and gnat) problem, early in veg. I put four nopest strips in a bedroom, ventilation off, for a couple of weeks. Totally wiped out the mites, but the gnats kept going. I did eventually get them by just letting the soil dry really well and having sticky traps all over the place (on the soil, on the walls, hanging above the plants). They could hardly land without hitting one.