damn, just damn..


Well-Known Member
yeah, i can't say i really feel bad for a dude who just plowed over idk how many bikers, no matter what his reasoning was..

did you see how airborne that thing got when he hit the first bunch ffs??
Oh man,yea that shit was insane,those poor bastards are going to be traumatized for a while,,its like a hundred time worse than a bad auto accident.


Well-Known Member
they were tormenting that driver and taking their lives as well as the lives of the driver in the range rover in their hands. i take driving very seriously and i would never put up with bikers acting like that around me on the roadway. they will get brakechecked and what not. around where i live a lot of people act like they own the road and forget that we all equally share it. so when another driver risks my life, i would run them the fuck over too.
and you would get fucked up just like that dude but really you gonna brake check a patched in angel or outlaw? I guess if you want to get killed go for it.

plus I'm sure some of them NYC boys weren't no joke I wouldn't have done nothing for one I ride a motor cycle and that's just a losing battle.


bud bootlegger
and you would get fucked up just like that dude but really you gonna brake check a patched in angel or outlaw? I guess if you want to get killed go for it.

plus I'm sure some of them NYC boys weren't no joke I wouldn't have done nothing for one I ride a motor cycle and that's just a losing battle.
i just saw another video the other day where a dude on a bike gets in front of this guy who had been an asshole and brake checks him, and naturally dude on the bike went flying.. didn't really see the point in doing that as i don't understand how a biker could think that's going to end well..

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well I guess running over a biker can count as the most creative suicide attempt of all time. Props to RangeDrover for creativity. Range Rover: Couple of tons of metal cage and NASCAP safety. Bike: Coffin between your legs. I mean what was the guy's next plan, run over some pedestrians or perhaps somebody on a BMX? A word to the wise: A pack of bikers comes up in your rear view mirror, best move is to show respect and pull off the road to let 'em pass. It is NOT a mode of transport, it is a lifestyle, one based on honour and don't for a second think that honour code will not be enforced on you. It might have been wrong of them to stab the guy in a strictly moralistic view, but I'm going to go on a limb here and say bikers attacking somebody that brought harm to their mates or their bikes has been known to happen. It's just stupid ignoring who and what these guys are.
Smashing into largely unprotected people with a few tons of steel is beyond unforgivable. I do not believe getting stabbed in any way redeems this action. RangeDrover needs to get some anger management.


Global Moderator
Staff member
A pack of bikers comes up in your rear view mirror, best move is to show respect and pull off the road to let 'em pass. It is NOT a mode of transport, it is a lifestyle, one based on honour
It didn't appear that the bikers were "showing respect" at the beginning of the vid - but we don't really know what transpired before that.
As far as honor, in this country at least your typical 1%'er patched Hells angel, Vagos, Bandito, Sons of silence, . . . (the list goes on and on) are simply organized crime on two wheels.

Like I said, we still don't know what precipitated the bikers taunting the rover, and indeed he may have been in fear for his life being stopped by a gang of angry men.

I'd wait for the full story to roll out before I decide what I'd have done.


bud bootlegger
It didn't appear that the bikers were "showing respect" at the beginning of the vid - but we don't really know what transpired before that.
As far as honor, in this country at least your typical 1%'er patched Hells angel, Vagos, Bandito, Sons of silence, . . . (the list goes on and on) are simply organized crime on two wheels.

Like I said, we still don't know what precipitated the bikers taunting the rover, and indeed he may have been in fear for his life being stopped by a gang of angry men.

I'd wait for the full story to roll out before I decide what I'd have done.
the comments on youtube said they were going after the driver of the RR after he called the cops on them for careless driving or w/e. don't know how true that is..
how on earth would a biker know a guy in a RR just called the cops on them, or what reason was giving is beyond me..
just reporting what i read on boobtube..


Ursus marijanus
they were tormenting that driver and taking their lives as well as the lives of the driver in the range rover in their hands. i take driving very seriously and i would never put up with bikers acting like that around me on the roadway. they will get brakechecked and what not. around where i live a lot of people act like they own the road and forget that we all equally share it. so when another driver risks my life, i would run them the fuck over too.
Isn't brake checking the very definition of acting like you own the road?


Well-Known Member
me in the same situation would of ended alot differently. situation being that i dont know any of the 100 bikers attempting to pull my car over angrily. thats a mob attempting to stop me forcefully on the expressway. when the guy hit my car as he went by or as the guy hit my car with his bike. (see the part where grey bike break checks) i woulda of defended their assault with deadly weapons (bikes) with equal force.

their woulda been alot more dead had it been me in the drivers seat of that car. i reckon that bike leather doesnt do a whole lot for .45 and i wouldnt of been driving as nice as the range rover guy was i woulda been smashing left and right while reloading.

for real... i mighta even yelled out the window "Yippy kiyay mother fucker"

that video makes my blood boil.

i can see if they were just randomly ran over then ya but no they were forcefully trying to stop the driver with intent to do harm.... fuck those guys.

also, nyc has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. pieces of shit just stab people instead and good folks cant defend themselves. fuckin trash.


Well-Known Member

Read the article...

The driver accidentally bumped one the bikers and they started fucking up his car. They had him trapped in and were fucking up his car with his baby in there... hell, I'd probably do the same thing and risk getting stabbed. What a bunch of selfish thugs... They clearly had no regard for that driver and had no intention of letting him get where he needed to go.


Well-Known Member
I can agree that the biker who brake checked in front of the rover was a complete fucking idiot and the same with the asshats who where boxing him in, they should have let the RR pass ,it was inconsiderate on their part,,no doubt the driver of the RR started the snow balling of this mess when he slammed through all of those poeple,the driver of the rover still shouldnt have responded by running through the group of riders as he did.


Well-Known Member
I don't give a fuck. If you bind me in and my kid's in the car and you are attacking my vehicle I will run you the fuck over. If you bash my window in with your helmet you will be shot. Where's my gun fanatic friends? Surely this is the type of situation where bearing down your piece on someone is justified.

What would any of you do surrounded by a gang/mob of bikers? Let them surround and attack you vehicle until they were done? Obviously dangerous operation of a bike is awesome and just so cool, especially on a public expressway where your actions endanger the welfare of your fellow motorists. Well getting the cops called on you is part of the rebellion right? Wear that shit like a badge of honor don't bitch out and bully, intimidate, & harass when someone does what your actions precipitate.


Well-Known Member
I don't give a fuck. If you bind me in and my kid's in the car and you are attacking my vehicle I will run you the fuck over. If you bash my window in with your helmet you will be shot. Where's my gun fanatic friends? Surely this is the type of situation where bearing down your piece on someone is justified.

What would any of you do surrounded by a gang/mob of bikers? Let them surround and attack you vehicle until they were done? Obviously dangerous operation of a bike is awesome and just so cool, especially on a public expressway where your actions endanger the welfare of your fellow motorists. Well getting the cops called on you is part of the rebellion right? Wear that shit like a badge of honor don't bitch out and bully, intimidate, & harass when someone does what your actions precipitate.
This!! I'm honestly extremely shocked at the number of people defending those dumb ass bikers... Notice they came to a complete stop and intentionally blocked the guy in... what the hell are you supposed to do?? Calmly wait until they stop bashing your windows in?


bud bootlegger
This!! I'm honestly extremely shocked at the number of people defending those dumb ass bikers... Notice they came to a complete stop and intentionally blocked the guy in... what the hell are you supposed to do?? Calmly wait until they stop bashing your windows in?
yeah, sure, murder is clearly the answer..

i'm not saying the bikers were right, far from it, but the dude in the RR surly shouldn't have attempted to murder the guys on the bikes by running them over, imvho..


Well-Known Member
yeah, sure, murder is clearly the answer..

i'm not saying the bikers were right, far from it, but the dude in the RR surly shouldn't have attempted to murder the guys on the bikes by running them over, imvho..
What would you have done as the RR driver?
I'm surprised at the number of people defending the Rover for running someone over breaking a leg. Also he was not stabbed but received stitches and was released.


Well-Known Member
Fear in a situation like that is overwhelming. RR person most likely feared for their life, the lizard part of the human brain took over ( back of the skull lower) and fight or flight was turned on. Flight happened to be through the bikers, who look to be running in numbers more than 50.


bud bootlegger
What would you have done as the RR driver?
i honestly can't answer that unless i was put in the situation.. sure, i can say i'd do this or do that, but like i said, i really don't know unless it happened to me..

the second i felt my life was in threat though, i can see using deadly force, but the way i viewed the video, i didn't really see any threat to anyone's life, up to the point where dude ran over a bunch of bikes that is..
cornering a guy in is bad and all, don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to justify anyone's actions in the video, but to me it's not life threatening til someone pulls a weapon or starts beating on someone..
idk, it's a crap situation all around for sure, which is why i posted it..