Dakini Kush 4x2 Grow Journal

You are correct. All 3 are very much so, male.

Yeah. I knew it just needed to hear someone else say it. What a bummer. Well, if the other two are female that’s really what I said I wanted all along. I just hope they ARE female. I guess we will see.

On a positive note, the plant that has been my favorite all along has not shown balls yet. I would be happy if even just that one were female.
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Yeah. I knew it just needed to hear someone else say it. What a bummer. Well, if the other two are female that’s really what I said I wanted all along. I just hope they ARE female. I guess we will see.

On a positive note, the plant that has been my favorite all along has not shown balls yet. I would be happy if even just that one were female.
Females almost always show after males and 2/5 is about what you can expect! Good Luck!
I took a look at the final two plants tonight hoping to see signs of being female. First plant I check, balls.

The other plant, however, is female. So it looks like I will be taking one plant to the finish line. The female plant has been my favorite all along. Anyway, here she is...

Reading through my posts, I did say that I would be happy if just this one turned out female. Plus, I suddenly am not so crowded in the tent. Now I can focus all my attention towards the one. Focused on the positive here.

I cut and bagged the other 4 today. It will be exciting to look at her every day and watch the changes she’ll be going through.
Pistils are very present. But keep a close eye on that... I'm sure I'm jumping the gun, but be careful for hermaphrodite traits to express.

well, it’s the only plant so it’s growing out no matter what. what makes you think that, just curious. that’d be a huge downer but whatever happens i will treat it as a learning experience.
well, it’s the only plant so it’s growing out no matter what. what makes you think that, just curious. that’d be a huge downer but whatever happens i will treat it as a learning experience.
I dunno, like I said. Jumping the gun. But something looking like balls in that pic. Irs not though. They're calyxs
I removed the humidifier tonight. It was barely coming on, anyway. Inkbird is set to 45 for rh. Rh had been getting up into the low 50s the past couple days. I added my little dehumidifier and it’s sitting at 49% at the moment.

The runt plant that I pulled from the tent weeks ago because it looked so horrible was put back into the tent a week or so ago when I pulled the 4 male plants. It had been sitting on my gf’s desk in a window, still looking horrible. Anyway, it threw pistils. So, despite it looking gawdawful I’m gonna let it do its thing in the tent. Not putting it in any photos though because it’s an eyesore.

I put some Happy Frog soil in 2 one gallon pots with a top layer of black gold seedling soil. Put a feminized gelato seed in each. Will get them started in the tent as I finish this grow. Will stick them in a window at lights out in the tent.

Anyway, here’s the plant.

The plant seems healthy. Just fed it tonight it removed a small amount of lower growth. A few of the cuttings looked nice so I said fuck it I’ll attempt to grow them. Not sure if they will actually take, maybe not. I just filled one gallon pots halfway with happy frog/perlite. Top half is seedling mix. Gave it a soak and stuck the cuttings into it and stuck them in a window. We’ll see what happens. Maybe I’ll get some root hormone and peat pellets and attempt it later if they die, but I’m just experimenting spurt of the moment.

The two feminized Gelato 33’s have popped.

Here’s some pics.

here’s the cuttings. im sure i am doing it wrong but like i said it’s just spurt of the moment experiment.
I recently purchased a 6” fan/filter for this tent, leaving me with an unused 4” fan/filter. So today I went ahead and purchased a 2x2.5x6 gorilla tent. I also purchased the HLG 135W 3000k LED. So pretty soon I will have another setup to grow an additional plant.
The plant is 4 weeks into flower. I believe I made a mistake relying solely on Dr Jimz chicken soup as the plant was showing deficiencies. I began giving 1/4 strength doses of FF flowering nutes. Plant definitely looks off but it’s still chugging along. It’s very much coated with trichomes and the buds are dense, so I should at least get something out of this and hopefully do better my next grow.

The runt plant is actually doing quite a lot better now. It’s very frosted up. It’s a couple weeks behind the other but I am glad I put it back into the tent. I’ll get something out of it.

The two seedlings are doing well. Just got my new tent today, so they will have a new home shortly. Gotta set up the new light, hlg 135 for the gorilla 2.5x2 tent.

The 3 clones I took aren’t dead yet. It’s been a couple of weeks and they’re under a little T5 fluorescent.

Here’s the plant, sad looking but smells fantastic!

The two gelato 33 seedlings are doing well, one is quite a bit larger than the other. I set up the new tent tonight. Tomorrow I will put the new hlg 135 together and move them into the new tent with increased lighting time. To this point they’ve been mostly getting 12/12.

The runt plant which has been the fugliest looking plant all along is really starting to get frosted up. It’s almost two weeks behind the other plant but I’m glad it’s doing a little better. It’s still not the prettiest because I trimmed all sorts of random stuff off it a while back, all the gnarly looking growth. What’s left of it looks much better now.
This plant is now 6 weeks into flowering. I am figuring it has about 4 weeks to go but we’ll see. Lots of yellowing of leaves but I guess that is to be expected as it gets towards the end? I’ve been picking off a few yellow ones every couple days. The buds are dense and fattening up and the tent smells amazing. I know this first grow hasn’t been perfect but I am still very happy. I can’t wait to finally get to smoke some of it.
