D.I.Y. How to Hang A Oscillating Fan In a Grow Tent (Save Space)

I wanted a way to hang a oscillating fan in my grow tent so i searched the forums and basically all i found was using bungee cords which i thought made the oscillating obsolete and looked as charles barkley would "thats just terrible". So i got high and came up with this way that i figured i show anyone who wanted to use it its worked great for me for two months always running.
  • What i used was a piece of plywood (any wood would work)
  • double sided tape

  • half round brackets with a square washer that bolts down (not really sure whats it called, can find these at home depot or lowes) Make sure the brackets with fit your pole for your tent.
  • 1/2 rubber hose
  • 12" Lasko Oscillating Fan

What i do first is measure where im going to put the mounting piece for the fan on the wood. Than what i want to do is is pre drill holes in the wood where my brackets are gonna go. When i am doing this i line up one set so when my fan is on the wood the bolts sticking out arent hitting anything on the back of the fan and the fan can sit flush, and one set above where the fans resting place will be once in the wall mount bracket.

fan 1.jpg

I take the 1/2 (or whatever size will fit your brackets) rubber hose and cut it to size and in half and wrap it around the metal round bracket part so to give it more grip on the sticky tape

fan two .jpg

I put the sticky tape where my bracket and wood are gonna line up wrap sticky tape around the pole put the bracket with the rubber on and tighten the lower bracket down till you feel tight than put the fan on and than put the top bracket on and tighten down.

fan three .jpg

Oscillates great you can actually swing the wood board which is nice when you wanna get in you can swing the wood board and fan all the way out on the tent and get by, also adjust it so it is oscillating the way you want in the tent I have a 4x4 and it doesn't hit the sides of the tent what so ever and is dead silent (but probably because of my inline)..you can undo the brackets and move it very easily and adjust the height... like i said its been running great for 2 months all day every day and not one problem still holding great. Saves me more space for my grow which is my first grow

image-20.jpgThese are my skywalker OGs on day 32 any feedback or comments are welcome cant see the fan because it's doing its job by staying out of the way. thanks for looking PEACE


Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff man, i just found this when i was searching for a solution to set up a set of height adjustable oscillating fans for my flowering cab, and it looks this might be what i end up doing if i can manage to dampen the vibrations of the fan and stop it from getting transferred into my studs...


Well-Known Member
Oh no i just noticed that is the same wall mounted fan that is setting in my garage because it died after 2 months of use, make sure you check your wires in the back of the oscillating head i had some frayed wires in there after not very long at all...