CXB 3590 36v or 72v?

For a 2X3 you could use:
(2) 4.23" X 32" bars
(4) 3.5" X 20" bars

That would give you enough of surface area and the ability to cover the canopy as evenly as possible and gives you enough length to avoid mounting the COBs too close to the edge of the heatsinks.

could i use the 8 or 10 profile if i wanted too
use one heatsink instead of two?
could i use the 8 or 10 profile if i wanted too
use one heatsink instead of two?

Re-read what Supra said about why to use 2 or 4 bars:

"...would give you enough of surface area and the ability to cover the canopy as evenly as possible..."

Using 1 bar won't give you even coverage. No point to build a nice light only to not have good coverage.
Sorry to bump from the grave. Just in case someone's search leads them here (mine did).

I have purchased:
HLG-185H-C1400 x1
Cree CXB3590 in 3000K CB x2

I have almost all other materials laying around. I'll post back when I get it assembled. I'm thinking this will be around 170w. No dim.

If this works I'll be looking to build a larger system for a 2x3 flowering area. I'm trying to replace a 600w hps by next batch.

Keep it green!

Supra, what is the temp of the 23 watt unit since the 49 watt is 8.4% less efficient so it will run the same percentage warmer right? Also if my math skills have not completely failed me 8 cxb3580's at 49 watts would give you 18.05 par watts per square foot in a meter squared or 3.3' by 3.3' tent. I don't really know how to turn that numbers into PPFD. Thank you for this thread and the knowledge freely given here.
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Supra, what is the temp of the 23 watt unit since the 49 watt is 8.4% less efficient so it will run the same percentage warmer right? Also if my math skills have not completely failed me 8 cxb3580's at 49 watts would give you 18.05 par watts per square foot in a meter squared or 3.3' by 3.3' tent. I don't really know how to turn that numbers into PPFD. Thank you for this thread and the knowledge freely given here.
@23W you get 8.24W of heat.
@49W you get 21.33W of heat.
Provided that you run them on the same HS, the COB should be 259% warmer. So it makes sense to choose the HS size according to heat produced.
Thank you alesh, I will be active cooling with the Alpine 11 or Alpine 64 v2 for each cob. I like the idea of being able to spread them as needed or having separate light bars vs having then all to togeather on one large heat sink. Dose 8 or 9 cxb3590's 3500k 36v at 49 watts 1.4amps look to you as wooking for flowering in a metter squared?
Thank you alesh, I will be active cooling with the Alpine 11 or Alpine 64 v2 for each cob. I like the idea of being able to spread them as needed or having separate light bars vs having then all to togeather on one large heat sink. Dose 8 or 9 cxb3590's 3500k 36v at 49 watts 1.4amps look to you as wooking for flowering in a metter squared?
Everything has its advantages, and disadvantages. CPU coolers perform very well in terms of cooling and spread but every one of them has to be connected with 2 wires - for the COB and for the fan - which could get quite messy. They also limit usage of large drivers (HLG-185H-C1400) which are very efficient and not very expensive.

8x CXB3590 @49W over 1 m^2 is a quite high intensity but certainly within limits. It should grow some nice buds.
Thank you Sir! :) wiring will be zip tied and consolidated as best possible. Seeing the light Gaius built with active cooling and less efficient cxa3070 cobs that didn't effect his ambient temps much inspired what I would like to have in my area. Thank you again...
@alesh if one were to run the same 8 CXB3590 at 49 watts in a 2x3 space would that be too great of an intensity? I understand it's close to the point of diminishing returns but is it actually enough light to cause damage? What would be your recommended distance from the canopy for such a light?
@alesh if one were to run the same 8 CXB3590 at 49 watts in a 2x3 space would that be too great of an intensity? I understand it's close to the point of diminishing returns but is it actually enough light to cause damage? What would be your recommended distance from the canopy for such a light?

I'm looking at something very similar space and light wise. I'm going to use the 72v version. Interested in the replies.
@alesh if one were to run the same 8 CXB3590 at 49 watts in a 2x3 space would that be too great of an intensity? I understand it's close to the point of diminishing returns but is it actually enough light to cause damage? What would be your recommended distance from the canopy for such a light?
Yes it's too much. In 2'x3' it's more than 1800 µmol/s/m^2 in average. Directly under the COBs, values way over 2000 µmol/s/m^2 are guaranteed.
I'd go with 4 over 2'x3' area. 6 for maxing out the area.
@alesh damn! Yeah that's a bit too high I guess lol. I was definitely thinking 8 cobs in the space, set in a 3-2-3 pattern, to maximize spread. What current would you recommend running them at? 1050ma or is that still too high?
How would the micromols look at canapy with 8 cxb3590 36v @ 49 watts 1400ma in a meter2 or 11 square feet? Thank you, I have an invoice from King Bright and am wanting to pull the trigger... :)
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How would the micromols look at canapy with 8 cxb3590 36v @ 49 watts 1400ma in a meter2 or 11 square feet? Thank you, I have an invoice from King Bright and am wanting to pull the trigger... :)
About 1000 µmol/s/m^2 averaged for the 3500K CD bin.
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@alesh damn! Yeah that's a bit too high I guess lol. I was definitely thinking 8 cobs in the space, set in a 3-2-3 pattern, to maximize spread. What current would you recommend running them at? 1050ma or is that still too high?
At 700mA you're looking at about 950 µmol/s/m^2 averaged in 2'x3'. That's a pretty high intensity with an incredible efficiency (about 64%).
Yes thank you @alesh ! The 700ma setup also means I only need one driver to power all eight cobs. Simplifies the wiring a bit. I was going to use 2 33 inch pieces of 5.88 and 1 21 inch piece of 5.88 (3-2-3 setup remember) each with a low powered fan. Does this sound like overkill since I'm dropping from 1400ma to 700ma. I understand you can never have too much cooling but I'm just wondering if its overkill or if I could theoretically go completely passive.