Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

just crowbarred these out from under 15000 shipping containers

1000 in stock, now all fully drilled and tapped on every hole so will suit Ideals for CXB3590/3070 and all Zhaga compliant holders or COBS with Zhaga footprint built in connectors like Vero or holes. Backorder shipping begins......
CXB3070 BB 3500k 164.51 LPW 49.83W

i like the passive idea but dunno about the cost to canada?

4.perhaps i should remove this because it is in Cutters thread..sorry about that?

maybe i should get Cutter heatsinks make up for this
you totally should...:)
"maybe i should get Cutter heatsinks" make up for this

>thanks..i totally will...[as well as delete the post]

..i just cannot afford 30 @3590's for these discount that was why ilooked at the citzens..ifngtheyever stock em again..
hey mark i know youre slammed with back orders but can you check your email, id like to get an order in today if possible
Hey everyone I have a quick question I ordered the 1-10v dimmer from cutter with my kits and wanted to make sure that these will work with these drivers and if I can hook both drivers (I ordered 2 of the 4 cobb kits) to 1 dimmer so all 8 Cobbs dim equally. I know the yellow wire is a 10 volt power and I think the purple wire is the positive and grey is the negative so I wanted to make sure before I hooked em up that I am supposed to cap the yellow and run the purple to the positive and gray to the negative. Thanks in advance and I'll post some pics after I finish building it this weekend
Hey everyone I have a quick question I ordered the 1-10v dimmer from cutter with my kits and wanted to make sure that these will work with these drivers and if I can hook both drivers (I ordered 2 of the 4 cobb kits) to 1 dimmer so all 8 Cobbs dim equally. I know the yellow wire is a 10 volt power and I think the purple wire is the positive and grey is the negative so I wanted to make sure before I hooked em up that I am supposed to cap the yellow and run the purple to the positive and gray to the negative. Thanks in advance and I'll post some pics after I finish building it this weekend
Hi Humble
Which kit did you order?
when your looking for the stuff don't do 12 inch tiny pieces, do a longer bar that can span the entire middle of the standard 3 or 4 foot area