Cut off main fan leaves??

volume 1

Now that my plant is flowering should i cut off the main fan leaves, the big ones at the bottom of each bud stalk? i heard it is good so the buds can get more sunlight.


Active Member
Now that my plant is flowering should i cut off the main fan leaves, the big ones at the bottom of each bud stalk? i heard it is good so the buds can get more sunlight.
Saving me from asking the same question. I am also curious. I've heard both good and bad things about this. C'mon Cannabis Experts :P


Active Member
Don't take any info from anything you read or hear from others as the end all answer. It all come down to whether it works or not for your situation. There's tons of info on this exact subject all over the web. Some do extensive trimming and love it, others have a bad experience with it. It all come down to how much you trim away, and your lighting. Cfl and standard fluorescent tubes can benefit from some trimming (never all fan leaves ), allowing more light to penetrate lower areas. You could always lst (bend branchs to allow light down to lower bud sites)or "lollipop" your stems (trim away lower growth to allow the plant to concentrate on main tops). Bottom line is you need to weigh all the options and opinions, and research every answer you get, and apply what works best in your situation.


Well-Known Member
Don't take any info from anything you read or hear from others as the end all answer. It all come down to whether it works or not for your situation. There's tons of info on this exact subject all over the web. Some do extensive trimming and love it, others have a bad experience with it. It all come down to how much you trim away, and your lighting. Cfl and standard fluorescent tubes can benefit from some trimming (never all fan leaves ), allowing more light to penetrate lower areas. You could always lst (bend branchs to allow light down to lower bud sites)or "lollipop" your stems (trim away lower growth to allow the plant to concentrate on main tops). Bottom line is you need to weigh all the options and opinions, and research every answer you get, and apply what works best in your situation.

What kind of light are you using, etc.

I know guys who trim, I have, but it doesn't do anything for me.

But don't cut off all the fan leaves. :leaf:

Ops - already did - don't worry, they'll live. :bigjoint:


New Member
Fan leaves are the main driving force in a plants growth. Some are nutrient sinks and others are nutrient sources. They all are solar panels. Even though you see shadows created by them does not mean they are blocking the photo active radiation a plant uses to grow, it penetrates through them. And depth of penetration depends on the lights intensity.

volume 1


What kind of light are you using, etc.

I know guys who trim, I have, but it doesn't do anything for me.

But don't cut off all the fan leaves. :leaf:

Ops - already did - don't worry, they'll live. :bigjoint:
Im growing outdoors and she has direct sunlight all day, i didnt cut off all of them, just the main big ones that meet at the bottom of each bud stalk, but i didnt cut any leaves off of the bud stalks, and im not going to.


Well-Known Member

I also grow outdoors and have never needed to trim, never even thought of doing it.

Good Luck :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Well shit, i already did it, my dad told me it was a good idea, i hope it dosent fuck my baby up
my dad pisses me off every day,i always yell at him to leave them then he rips them off in my face.every day same story.and its like he likes pissing me off lol he leaves them on the floor i know where i got being a asshole from.


Well-Known Member
omg i tell him every day hes annoying.he dont know anything about growing besides plantinhg the seed and watering it,and he thinks he knows everything.he always tells me how do you know?and i tell him i research,but he dont listen
Sounds like the best way to fix that is to get your own place. lol. In my situation, CFL's, I have trimmed a few leaves off, but mainly just to keep the light penetrating the entire plant. Im also using a mylar reflective tent which has helped out ALOT in maintaining lumens!. Best luck.
I have been researching this a lot recently. It seems to be the general consensus to leave the leaves alone, no pun intended. I have read a lot of journals from farmers who do trim the fan leaves, but for every one that does trim leaves, there seem to be four or five that argue against it. So, going with the vast majority I will not be trimming off any fan leaves. For the purposes of light absorption and gas transference the leaves seem to be a vital component. I mean a million years of evolution is most likely on the right track, and last time I checked there is no one out there in nature trimming of fan leaves.

Leave the leaves!
Lol... Damn bugs! But, they are a part of the circle of life too! Must be some reason for them, even if we fail to recognize what that reason is.


Well-Known Member
There is a good reason for insects. you are correct, but that reason ends with the entrance to our grow rooms. They have no place in their.
Lol... Damn bugs! But, they are a part of the circle of life too! Must be some reason for them, even if we fail to recognize what that reason is.