Cut off main fan leaves??


Well-Known Member
your fan leaves run the show...they store nutrients, photosynthesize...and basically are the plants generators...the only thing you are doing when you cut them off, is depriving it of essential nutrients, and energy...keep 'em green untill harvest, and watch the scale tip!


Well-Known Member
Defiantly not, the more leafs the better. especially outdoors. you want those leafs to absorb sun to increase photosynthesis. Keep em' bushy



Well-Known Member
Anyone try tucking them lol...great alternative if you think they make the canopy just a tad dense (I know he was speaking on the lower fan though).

volume 1

omg i tell him every day hes annoying.he dont know anything about growing besides plantinhg the seed and watering it,and he thinks he knows everything.he always tells me how do you know?and i tell him i research,but he dont listen
sounds EXACTLY like my dad!