Cut and drying how we looking?


Active Member
Check it out just chopped her down and trimmed her up now all pieces are hanging and drying. How are we looking?

Temp is 72 degrees Humidity 31% says this is ideal humidity.

Also by looking all the nugs how much can I expect?



Well-Known Member
Your humidity is a bit low, closer to 50% will give you a slower dry.

Looks like maybe 10-12g to me.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
31% is way to low .Any lower then 45% during dry will dry to fast then during cure 60% is a good level. From what I see hanging after proper dry and cure Im guessing round 18 grams


Active Member
Well not much to look at it. Looks stretched and Lacking of good size buds. Good start if your first run.

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Well-Known Member
i just invested in a dehumidifier and a humidifier for my flower room i have a tent in there for drying love the enviromental control!

to raise humidity you can also try wet towels (watch out for mold and stuff) or a bucket of water.


Well-Known Member
really tho that harvest is prob not worth the time you put in. better luck next time. but either way it will be good because its your own. don't give up your yield will get better with time. good luck on future harvests.


Active Member
Don't ask then u lame ass wanna be grower.
Stick to your day job as rodeo clown.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app


Active Member
really tho that harvest is prob not worth the time you put in. better luck next time. but either way it will be good because its your own. don't give up your yield will get better with time. good luck on future harvests.

I put in? Lol ur dumb as well. Most 1st timers with a very limited amount of money and a small grow space could prolly not achieve this. I'm glad for my 1st time I yielded this much. I had 2 plants going and 1 turned male. It's all luck. Don't tell me it's not worth my time it was well worth the time u jackass. I learned a lot and next time around with be a very diff story.


Well-Known Member
head up bro, after every grow you develop a little fire inside you that wants to do better next time, well at least I do. And idk it didn't look too bad to me :)


Well-Known Member
If it's your first grow you should feel proud regardless of what your final yield is, you learned a lot and successfully grew some smoke :).