Curing with grove bags ….question

So after being in Grove Bags since May ive finally had a chance to check out the bud and give a post cure update. Two kinds of bud and both turned out great! A perfect cure in my opinion, and it was just seal it up and forget about it. Zero burping. I heat sealed my bags and there was no smell in storage but as soon as I ground up a bud there it was. I'm happy and I plan to reuse my Grove bags. I heat sealed up high to have room to do it again. Super innovative product with a breathable bag.
I'm going to give these a go next harvest in about 5 weeks. They're so cheap that its totally worth the try. After all, 95%+ of reviews (from people who have actually used them) on forums and such seem positive. Even if the cure isnt necessarily better, the lack of need for burping is a big positive in my book. Set and forget.
I bought some but still used jars last time. But I'm glad I've got them though bc I'm going out of town during the very beginning of the curing period and I will use these. I tried using them last time, I just had a hard time not burping them anyways. So I just moved it to jars. But I'll be using them next time, especially after reading your review.
I'm going to give these a go next harvest in about 5 weeks. They're so cheap that its totally worth the try. After all, 95%+ of reviews (from people who have actually used them) on forums and such seem positive. Even if the cure isnt necessarily better, the lack of need for burping is a big positive in my book. Set and forget.
That's exactly why I tried them. 1. I don't have time to properly dry and cure my bud anymore. The concept of a breathable bag that doesn't need burping every 4 hours sounded good to me. 2. Everything I read from users was positive except for a few who didn't seal them up the right way. 3. Pretty inexpensive. No doubt jars are cheap and last forever. Still these can be reused a few times, and I don't mind supporting a company owned by young people looking to make something better. I'm glad to say that my first crop in Grove Bags turned out as promised, and I'm going to try them next run too.
Hey guys, do you just dry them to 35 - 40% then paper bag them until they get to 15% then grove bag them? Or just dry straight to 15% and seal? Ive heard the best way is still to do a few days in a paper bag burping then seal ?
I would be interested in seeing people compare using Grove bags vs using Mason jars without burping. All the reviews I've read about Grove bags talk about how much easier it is to use Grove bags compared to using Mason jars and burping to achieve and maintain proper humidity and preservation of terps. I think that's really cool and by the sounds of it people are achieving great results with Grove bags.
I've tried storing in jars and burping vs simply drying to the proper humidity and storing in jars without burping or opening the jars until I'm ready to use it, and the weed that I burped periodically didn't keep as well. From that one time trying burping vs not burping I wasn't impressed, it seems to me that in burping weed you are allowing exposure to oxygen which degrades pot.
I grow outdoor so only one crop per year, which means I'm smoking the same weed for a year. The jars that I open this time of year have been sealed without opening once for a whole year, they smell fresh, have great color, and flavor. I've been storing weed in jars after simply drying all the way before storing in Mason jars and never burping. I've been doing it this way for the past fifteen years, and I don't an issue maintaining proper humidity or preserving terps in storage. It's my opinion that the Boveda packs and the curing process might be unnecessarily complicated and that folks are possibly making things harder for themselves to achieve a result that is not better, when I burped jars the weed went a little stale compared to not burping.
This is my opinion and I'm not bringing it up to be argumentative, I respect other's opinions on the subject, I just wanted to throw my opinion out there as an alternative.
I bring all this up because I have never seen a comparison between storing in Mason jars that have not been burped and using Grove bags. Everybody talks about Grove bags being great because you don't have to burp them. In my opinion, you don't need to burp jars either and that burping jars may allow more degradation compared to fully drying before placing in jars and never opening. It could be that the success folks are having with Grove bags could simply be due to the fact that people aren't opening Grove bags over and over again exposing the buds to oxygen.

I have never used Grove bags so this is all pure conjecture on my part. Whatever method you use the important part is that the terps are being preserved and I think it's cool that there are more tools available to folks to achieve this goal.

Happy growing(and storing LOL)!
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