Hi all,
Been lurking around here for a few months now and never posted...

I've lots of pictures and updates to my project so I'll start from around November last year up until the latest pics today

First ever grow that I started with no idea what I was doing and after speaking with a family member about growing bagseeds, he turned up with a nice healthy clone for me to run.

Pic 1 and 2 are the bagseed
Pic 3 is about a week after the Flavor chaser stardawg clone turned up20211020_202107.jpg20211021_180238.jpg20211105_080107.jpg
I popped some more beans purely for experiment
I believe I had one sf1000 over these at the time but have now switched to a t5 twin tube for veg and use my SF1000s in the 1st cupboard
Forbidden fruit and blackcherry moonrock from discreet seeds
Forbidden #1 was a twin 20211129_213708.jpg20211130_205232.jpg20211129_213654.jpg
Pictures from end of first run just aren't working files are too large
Got about 4.5 oz dry from first run.

Upgraded my main space
Re lined it and put in 2 x #spiderfarmer SF1000s
Using auto pots with air rings but manually filling the pots

Also got the t5 in the tiny prop space that I got from family... More on this later20211230_151508.jpg20211230_151518.jpg20211230_151525.jpg20211230_151441.jpg20220103_123645.jpg20220103_123653.jpg20220103_123700.jpg20220103_123715.jpg
Some time later and the 2 stardawg in the autopots are shooting for the SCRog net
Last 3 pictures are the beans I showed earlier in the thread. Now looking good 20220113_204605.jpg20220113_204611.jpg20220113_204726.jpg20220113_204729.jpg20220113_204813.jpg20220113_204825.jpg20220113_204837.jpg
First pic is 2 days ago
Yesterday I built a new veg area so that my prop space can be used for clones soon

Was looking for a tent that fit this space but that proved to be impossible so had to improvise...

Please be aware I'm a noob and other than help from a member on here (also family member) and reading online I don't know what I'm actually doing any feedback appreciated. 20220118_102002.jpg20220119_155922.jpg20220119_155928.jpg20220119_155934.jpg20220119_155942.jpg20220119_160225.jpg