Cupboard grow – advice


Well-Known Member
the size is limited by the size of the root ball a gallon pot it should go no higher then 16 inchs and the flowering stage will depend on your feeding since nothing left in soil


New Member
honestly clone dude if u are this well with clones

have u ever though about splicing and making your own

as for importing overseas is safe just got to use the right banks if u want they will ship it in a method that is money back /send some more this point the mail system is more worried about stuff that goes boom and makes u sick then the happy hazey things............orderd 2 times and all good ordering again next month
cloning is so easy dude
even a caveman can do it lol
for real


New Member
up your game then

i would like a berry crossed with a auto pounder ...........50 bucks get u started i want say 20 seeds
up my game
dude u dont even know
i got 120 plants atm what u got in your closet lol
just cus it looks like im new here im not i been in this game for 35 yrs


Active Member
up my game
dude u dont even know
i got 120 plants atm what u got in your closet lol
just cus it looks like im new here im not i been in this game for 35 yrs
lol I love the banter guys.

120 plants are very decent. I wish I had that kind of freedom. The only reason I am going small right now is because the bloody rental agent is at my place every second day it seems. lol they were here today for some or other crap.

I had a look at the micro grow section under indoor growing. Amazing what some people do in a small space. My cupboard seems big now. BTW for those who are not following the above comment was not directed at me :-) I never said up your game. lol

I have seen some amazing setups in my time, best first hand view of a setup I ever saw was a friends with about 500 plants under his house, he had mothers as big as trees loads of clones going and his flower section was awsome, co2 with timers, all hyrdo setup with loads of 400watt hps lights. The power was rigged so he did not pay for electricity.

All ended about 2 months after I saw it (he had been going 2 years) when a whole cop task team with shotguns stormed his place. The problem was that he was selling from where he was growing, he also showed to many people his setup imho. I personally thought at least one guy I met at his house once was a cop informant. Dont ask me how but I just knew.

We know the nabours never knew as they said so in the paper so it must be someone that went there that dobbed him in. Anyway the moral of the story is that it did not happen in a first world country like the US otherwise he would be in jail now.

He got a fine and no prison, the fine was about $2000 US, sounds like a joke hey lol. They sent his weed to a lab. lol and they called his setup a lab in the paper also. The funniest was that they confiscated his laptop during the raid. The cops in that country does not really understand indoor growing but he said some of the cops were very excited saying jeesh this stuff is high grade stuff. lol

I am sure they smoked some that night.....

Good luck bro, soon I will have a small amount in a cycle and I can continue to enjoy sweet mary jane....mmmmmm


New Member
lol I love the banter guys.

120 plants are very decent. I wish I had that kind of freedom. The only reason I am going small right now is because the bloody rental agent is at my place every second day it seems. lol they were here today for some or other crap.

I had a look at the micro grow section under indoor growing. Amazing what some people do in a small space. My cupboard seems big now. BTW for those who are not following the above comment was not directed at me :-) I never said up your game. lol

I have seen some amazing setups in my time, best first hand view of a setup I ever saw was a friends with about 500 plants under his house, he had mothers as big as trees loads of clones going and his flower section was awsome, co2 with timers, all hyrdo setup with loads of 400watt hps lights. The power was rigged so he did not pay for electricity.

All ended about 2 months after I saw it (he had been going 2 years) when a whole cop task team with shotguns stormed his place. The problem was that he was selling from where he was growing, he also showed to many people his setup imho. I personally thought at least one guy I met at his house once was a cop informant. Dont ask me how but I just knew.

We know the nabours never knew as they said so in the paper so it must be someone that went there that dobbed him in. Anyway the moral of the story is that it did not happen in a first world country like the US otherwise he would be in jail now.

He got a fine and no prison, the fine was about $2000 US, sounds like a joke hey lol. They sent his weed to a lab. lol and they called his setup a lab in the paper also. The funniest was that they confiscated his laptop during the raid. The cops in that country does not really understand indoor growing but he said some of the cops were very excited saying jeesh this stuff is high grade stuff. lol

I am sure they smoked some that night.....

Good luck bro, soon I will have a small amount in a cycle and I can continue to enjoy sweet mary jane....mmmmmm
its not about amount of plants but what u do with them lol


Well-Known Member
damn strait i said it

if i can find a contact with some killer seeds .........i am amish fucker i got to trade/barter for something

dude i am not joking berry crossed with a auto pounder ..................i will pick u up some seeds u do the work keep register it with the banks just hook me up with some free ones


Active Member
damn strait i said it

if i can find a contact with some killer seeds .........i am amish fucker i got to trade/barter for something

dude i am not joking berry crossed with a auto pounder ..................i will pick u up some seeds u do the work keep register it with the banks just hook me up with some free ones
You must be one of them new age amish people. lol I mean you swear and grow weed. Does the amish grow weed? lol


Well-Known Member
i am retro amish ....................i agree with alot of there values and alll but i am a realist computer is a tool...cusing just makes the point stronger faster with less talking is good....weed is is a fricken plant u dry just like tobacco except twe do not spray extra chemicals on it to smoke it

i have the big old berad off my face half way down the chest (been growen it since i was 18 to go in bars ).....west virgina i am known as Ishmale ...and i have the hat .........u would be shocked at the number of times i gotten pulled of for speeding the cop looks at me and gives me a seat warning ticket instead


New Member
i am retro amish ....................i agree with alot of there values and alll but i am a realist computer is a tool...cusing just makes the point stronger faster with less talking is good....weed is is a fricken plant u dry just like tobacco except twe do not spray extra chemicals on it to smoke it

i have the big old berad off my face half way down the chest (been growen it since i was 18 to go in bars ).....west virgina i am known as Ishmale ...and i have the hat .........u would be shocked at the number of times i gotten pulled of for speeding the cop looks at me and gives me a seat warning ticket instead

hey u should be on one them amish reality shows bro
i would watch it lol
just realised your name aint justhugh sorry i called u hugh on another thread


Well-Known Member
all good man

if u hear of anyone doing that cross send my ass a note..............i want like 30 seeds i will be golden for 5 years the way save your stems ppl .........soak them in some high proof stuff (140 proof or 70% ) turns a dark amber color ............repeat this same stuff 2 times turns black ........drink it 2 shots and enjoy.................u thought stems were only good to poke it clean


New Member
all good man

if u hear of anyone doing that cross send my ass a note..............i want like 30 seeds i will be golden for 5 years the way save your stems ppl .........soak them in some high proof stuff (140 proof or 70% ) turns a dark amber color ............repeat this same stuff 2 times turns black ........drink it 2 shots and enjoy.................u thought stems were only good to poke it clean
i dont do autos
at the moment got white widow , diesel , chronic, and tgs's DQ and chernobl


Well-Known Member
can not do photo's yet still to new the only way to mess them up is to much water nutrients/to little light ............


New Member
can not do photo's yet still to new the only way to mess them up is to much water nutrients/to little light ............
photos easy as heck
as for nutes and water, plants will tell u when they need something


Well-Known Member
once my autos finish .....even if i get only a oz off them each i can keep 3 for person and use the other 3 to sell and buy a better system

right now i am peice it together with extra cash instead of doing it right off the first place ..............if photo is easy i will try it with hydro and hydro is hard do to the like of minal nutrients

found a nice DWC bucket i like i am replacing the air stone in it with a round defuser ....figure with that thing in there as long as it is a good pump i am covered


New Member
once my autos finish .....even if i get only a oz off them each i can keep 3 for person and use the other 3 to sell and buy a better system

right now i am peice it together with extra cash instead of doing it right off the first place ..............if photo is easy i will try it with hydro and hydro is hard do to the like of minal nutrients

found a nice DWC bucket i like i am replacing the air stone in it with a round defuser ....figure with that thing in there as long as it is a good pump i am covered
hydro is tuff for new growers u sure u want jump into it or u just plan play with it and learn?


Well-Known Member
only way to know if u got the nack for something is to jump into and do it ...............rule one of life adapt or die
i have a box set up for a controll on the exps i run in the tent
the bucket is 11 inchs tall the box is 32 in working room ......21 inch photo in hydro set up under cfl

i can keep the tent as mix spec and run some more autos (2 gallon vs 3 gallon already huge results 3 gallons sprout is egual in height to a 15 day old in a 2 gallon )


New Member
only way to know if u got the nack for something is to jump into and do it ...............rule one of life adapt or die
i have a box set up for a controll on the exps i run in the tent
the bucket is 11 inchs tall the box is 32 in working room ......21 inch photo in hydro set up under cfl

i can keep the tent as mix spec and run some more autos (2 gallon vs 3 gallon already huge results 3 gallons sprout is egual in height to a 15 day old in a 2 gallon )
true dont know till u try it