Crossfire Hurricane and Midwest Crack(green crack hybrid)

They are getting frosty, but that look is mostly camera flash. That's why I'd rather just take pics with my lights on, even if they are a bit yellow. But some spots do look as if they could drip down. I'm definitely impressed with her resin production thus far!
Over-training maybe? According to breeder times, she'd be finishing up between tomorrow and the 17th. Any thoughts?
In my experience you should always go a bit longer then the breeders say. They list the shortest flower time for sale purposes IMO.
Was a great grow to read through. Can't wait to see more. Good job!!
In my experience you should always go a bit longer then the breeders say. They list the shortest flower time for sale purposes IMO.
Was a great grow to read through. Can't wait to see more. Good job!!

I don't actually use the breeder times, except as a point of reference. Thank for jumping in. Do you think they'll still put on some weight? It puts out some new pistils daily, but it does seem to be slowing down quite a bit in that aspect.
Yeah, they were short and blunt for a while. It took them a bit to grow out into points. But they're so excessive. I love it. I'm hopeful that she will be CBD dominant or at least a 1:1.
Do you think they'll still put on some weight? It puts out some new pistils daily, but it does seem to be slowing down quite a bit
Not familiar with the strain but it looks similar in growth patterns and bud structure to GDP. And with that id say she will definitely start packing on more wait over the next week or 2