Critical plus, sweet black angel, special kush(RQS) and trinity kush. my first grow


Hey everybody. this is my 1st grow but i have had various experiences in the past and plan to put em to use. my equipment is:

DR100 tent 1mx1mx2m
6in intake
6in outake with rhino scrubber
12 osc fan
600w hps with dual spectrum bulb, stock ballast, heat shield
hygrometer and thermometer
10liter pots(methinks)
special mix soil, clay pebbles

my equipment is ok in my opinion but must be improved (digi ballast, cooled hood).

So here are my seeds

3xSweet black angel
3xcritical plus
2xspecial kush
1xtrinity kush

all the seeds were freebies, but i am interested on how the SBA's will turn out. haven't seen much on them other than the 12/12 from seed thread which looked pretty godly.

i am running with dutch pro nutrients which once again is pretty hard to get a sound review from.

DP take root
DP Multi total
DP grow AB
DP Bloom AB
DP Explode (getting later when needed)

7 out of 9 are showing either preflower or early preflower signs at the moment.

Currently on day 23 veg, 20/4, all is looking well. had a few minor problems early on but they seem to of sorted themselves out once they were transplanted into the larger pots. i have only just started using the neuts due to the type of soil i am using, started at half dosage, slowly increasing and feeding only water on the third day.

And now for my currant obstacles.
2wks.jpgtriploid sba jpeg.jpg

although i feel confident, i have a creeping (Literally) feeling that i am going to have a problem with space, the other thing is kind of related. 1 of the SBA sprouted with 1 bud leaf and that was it. so i left it in there with its sisters to give it a chance, it fell so far behind i almost gave up hope on it, then it began to sprout 3 leaves. i understand that perhaps it will come out in drag but i couldnt just leave it. now i love/ hate it.

so this leaves me where i am now, possible space issue. and a plant roughly 7 days behind.

humidity is 60% off and 50% on
temps depend on weather really due to intake, ranging 23 - 28 Celsius (65-79f??)
plant heights are range from 12 inches to 10inches apart from the mutant.

they all look and smell awesome

If anyone has 2 cents on DP Nutrients or any tips at all, i am listening.

the pics are ever so slightly out dated by 4 days


cheers bud, every little helps lol +rep for being the 1st to reply
Theyre not far off flower now, all showing signs of sex apart from the sba polyploid.

The trinity kush is an ET strain, freebie from the tude, january offer. i read around on the forums that theyve possibly sent out reg seeds instead of the intended fem seeds. Not really sure who to blame really. i have seen alot of people bash ET for the mistake, but you cant really knock their genetics, they arnt herming are they???? i have emailed them regarding "said" query, just waiting on a reply.

trimming the lower parts and tying them up later this week, more pics will be uploaded preflower.

i have a couple of questions in the mean time.

i will possibly run into ph issues when the boosters are at full, do i use 4.00 or 10.00 ph solution? cannot remember acid/alkalies from school
Humidity % for in flower would be nice also.


so here i am at the end of the 4th week, everything looks ok and about to go 12/12 in the next couple of days. all seem ready to flip, apart from the sba mutant which is going along for the ride anyways, should it herm, it will be gotten rid of. a few minor signs of nute burn has appeared (yellow tips), so i have flushed the majority of them with 2 liters of water. seems to have had a positive effect. i have also trimed all of the lower bud sights and a few small leaves from the plants. nothing excessive, just to aid airflow. all main stems are intact.

so here are some pics as promised


that is my 1st attempt at low stress training and wow, i really enjoyed doing that and the results are about 4-5 thick stems and a few smallish ones. highly recommend lst. avg height of plants is now 16/17 inches from top of pots (2 inch gap from soil)

i am still concerned about humidity, weather has been crap here, low pressure and weather at intake. is there any ways of reducing this? i have resorted to just pulling the inline inside the room but that's where the out-take goes so i do it for as short of a time as possible.

how about some input people?
How about a maximum humidity for flowering?
am i doing things right?
Any questions?

oh and btw i emailed attitude about the ET reg seed mix up, next order i get freebies



Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I never let my humidity get above 40%....50-60% humidity is high, in my opinion, especially for don't want that pesky bud rot, that I read so much about...(never had it though).....along with a host of other probs like pests and what not. I think that the dryer, during flowering, the better...I've gone as low as 20% in flower.


is this only a nitrogen def due to the flush? or is there a P def too. i can see brown patches forming, they took a few hours to fully form.

come on, this site is beginning to be a disappointment.sick sk.jpgsik sk3.jpg


thanks man, humidity usually stays at around 50% but the weather has been iffy. i might look into getting a stronger exhaust fan? am i expected to see the humidity shoot up at flower or remain the same?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
thanks man, humidity usually stays at around 50% but the weather has been iffy. i might look into getting a stronger exhaust fan? am i expected to see the humidity shoot up at flower or remain the same?
A stronger fan would help. The only time I see my humidity spike is after I water.


i flushed on thursday gone, 19th april, tips where yellowing, wasnt sure exactly what it was, asked around, looked around, i assumed that the plants were suffering from nute burn, i left it as long as i could, only feeding water for around a week but it didnt really have an effect, so i flushed with 2 litres of water, after, i gave each 1-2 ratio micro/water at about 500mls to aid with stress, left them till friday night and added feed at 3-5 ration feed/water at 500mls each.

i flushed with 2 liters because it appeared only minor by the looks and i didnt want to over step the mark too much.

i usually leave the plants soil alone and add feed directly into the tray unless the top soil is beginning to dry then i add around 400mls to the soil and around the same to the tray.


Active Member
my plants r doing something similar

hope this helps,r:3,s:11,i:11,r:2,s:0,i:72,r:14,s:11,i:35


thanks for all the help, at this point the sick sk is looking alot nicer. i had pondered if it were a magnesium def due to cold but i have been blending a little bit of grow feed with the bloom and shes picking up a bit. so just a quick recap, still have all 9, humidity may still be a an issue but i will wait as long as i can and try my damn hardest to keep the humidity around 60% when watered. try and get some pics up when they finish stretching, this is the beginning of week 2 of flower tallest is a C+ at 30 inches from pot.

does anybody know much about these dutch pro nutes?


ok so i am now at full steam running thru my 3rd week of flower, all 9 still stand, the canope is really starting to fill up, bud sites galore, feeding currently at bloom ab @ 2mls per liter, and explode 2 mils per liter but i have been told that explode should be increased weekly by 1 mil till just before flush but i am going to just increase it by 0.5 mils everytime i make a new feed solution, with this being my 1st grow, with a massive amount of plants inside, i may aswell keep experimenting, may as well tick all the boxes :). the sick sk has bounced back but i am expecting a much lower harvest than its counterpart, but its life ambition of becoming a fine block of hash will be met.
View attachment 2167561cannope.jpg
heres a pic of what i am dealing with, this is a smallish one @ 38" 40" (tallest being a sativa dom C+ 43") and has been lst, this was my 1st attempt at lst so please rip it to bits lol. i have removed bottom third of the plants leaves and small bus sites, as well as some of the larger leaves on the main stem if i have ran out of points to keep bendin them back down underneath potential bud sites. this pic is also pre thining.

the cannope pic if read like a book is as follows, C+, C+, C+. SK(recovered), SBA(polyploid), SK. TK, SBA, SBA.... hope that makes sense

humidity is so much more bearable, staying below 55% with lights on and spiking slightly above 60% with lights off, i assume this is down to the plants releasing excess moisture from the day.

any suggestions??


thanks Riddle, never smoked it before but i have tried blackjack and black domina (which is what turned me on to sba). black domina is very nice both high and taste, very fun, motivating indica. lol, they wont stop growing. the sba polyploid was ten days behind the rest, now the thing is 2 inches away from the tallest sba. got a few weeks in them yet i reckon. very good strain imo so far, as are the C+'s. i would recommend

i'll have some better pics up soon. trichs now forming on majority. the trinity kush has been given to a friend to look after. i dont think she liked the 12" fan in her face 24/7...slowed her down and made her ugly.


Ok i Have just started the 4th week, nutrients are as high as 4 mils per litre for them all atm, really want to push it forward and see how far i can go. but i think the most logical thing to do would just be to begin lowering the bloom and raising the explode, give the plant what it really wants and just keep a close eye on them for any signs of burn (which i have not noticed considering the amount of nutrients and the rate in which i have been increasing them). explode is awesome btw, does exactly what it says on the tin.

most up to date pics, sorry for the flash. but its all apparent.another.jpggroup.jpgSBA.jpgFamily.jpg

i think i am slowly but surely coming up with a style of my own so long as everything remains good. perhaps 2 weeks left on 6 and 3 -4wks for the other 3.

they all smell different but the most surprising is the SKs. one has a very hashy smell, some what to be expected from the standard of seed, but the other has an aroma of citrus with undertones of hash, a pleasant surprise.

oh and thanks for dropping by jgs. welcome