Crisis in the Ukraine

Will there be war?

  • NATO will do nothing

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • NATO will confront Russia

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters

Those Treaties are still in force. Just ask the Seminoles. Just ask the Indian Reservation Casino Association.

Get educated motherfucker. The United States broke lots of treaties with the native americans. Just google "broken indian treaties". Don't expect me to spoonfeed you links just because you're ignorant.
Russia signed a piece treaty with Hitler allowing Hitler to take Ukraine. Now they have a "right" to the land?
Historical information for those interested.

Since the end of the XV century the Crimean Khanate, carried out repeated attacks on Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids - the capture of slaves and their resale to the Turkish markets.

Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, marked the end of Ottoman rule and by the Treaty of Kucuk Kaynardzhiysky peace treaty in 1774 the Ottomans renounced claims to the Crimea.

April 8, 1783 Catherine II issued a manifesto about the decision "of the Crimean peninsula," as well as the part of the Kuban in Russia. The territory of the Crimea, Russian troops entered Suvorov, near the ruins of ancient Chersonese was founded the city of Sevastopol. The Crimean Khanate was abolished, but its tip (over 300 genera) became the member of the Russian nobility, and took part in local self-government of the newly created Taurian area.

United States as an independent state was formed relatively recently, as a result of the declaration of independence in 1776.

Russian Crimea is the same age as the United States, or even a little older.
So. Now Russia has the Crimea again, MIG.

The goofy part about America is they want to teach kids that Wars are these little affairs that Start and Stop.

Most of the world know that Warring is endless for humans and has always been so.

We make Treaties with Nations. Nations hold Territory, The Indians here were not Nations. They, for the most part, had no real Idea of Property.

Sure, the First Peoples around the world got and get screwed and defeated. Peace Treaties are a very small and fake sub-set of Actual Treaties between Nations. The Seminole were simply smarter and tougher than that.

The Seminole Tribe of Florida is a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe, the only tribe in America who never signed a peace treaty

A real Treaty is not like the fake out of Native People. A real Treaty has real consequence to breaking it.

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty[195] Limits the use of anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems in defending areas against missile-delivered nuclear weapons (US PL 92-44)
Basic Treaty (1972)[196] Establishes relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic; comes into effect in 1973.
Biological Weapons Convention[197] First multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category of biological weapons (with exceptions for medical and defensive purposes in small quantities).
Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals Provides protection for Antarctic seals; comes into effect in 197
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When and what exactly?

It was the first one I found.

My mother is full American Indian, my mother's family and myself all identify as such.

It also happens to be the same treaty that caused the death of some of my ancestors.

My (3) great grandmother told the story of her husband, (3 grandfather) who starved to death, her sisters children who also perished.

Many treaties were certainly broken Doer.

If I have missed something that qualifies as amnesty for breaking these treaties and absolves the US government of its guilt please point it out.

Some sorts of reparations exist yes, not the topic.

The guilt is still existent, the treaties remain broken.

You are welcome to it.

I don't feel guilt. Treaties. are between Nations, that have means of production, defense and land.

No one owned the Sacred Hunting grounds by the standards of Manifest Destiny, a force for it's time, only. I'll not take blame for that.

Fake outs are also called "treaties" and fake outs are also called "glass beads." First people everywhere are faked out. Get over it.

You are welcome to it.

I don't feel guilt. Treaties. are between Nations, that have means of production, defense and land.

No one owned the Sacred Hunting grounds by the standards of Manifest Destiny, a force for it's time, only. I'll not take blame for that.

Fake outs are also called "treaties" and fake outs are also called "glass beads." First people everywhere are faked out. Get over it.
Genocide is often taken so lightly.

Broken treaties and the recognition of these treaties being broken is what concerns myself.

The rest is irrelevant, at least to me.
Genocide is often taken so lightly.

Broken treaties and the recognition of these treaties being broken is what concerns myself.

The rest is irrelevant, at least to me.
People and citizen's of other nation's are responsible for the genocide just as well as the people who commit it....People choose to turn a "Blind-Eye" to Humanities negligence ,and WHY? Because it's convenient,these atrocities don't directly impact them, they see them on TV as Non event's or as talk around the table"O Did you see this?" Instead, they actually owe a civic duty of sort's to insure it does not happen again, But as are most people they are all talk no action. Therefore, Because they will not act to defend other's that cannot defend themselves are just as GUILTY as those committing the crimes. Treaties are made to be broken they are drawn up with full knowledge of how to wiggle out of them by nations so should be treated as thus.....
People and citizen's of other nation's are responsible for the genocide just as well as the people who commit it....People choose to turn a "Blind-Eye" to Humanities negligence ,and WHY? Because it's convenient,these atrocities don't directly impact them, they see them on TV as Non event's or as talk around the table"O Did you see this?" Instead, they actually owe a civic duty of sort's to insure it does not happen again, But as are most people they are all talk no action. Therefore, Because they will not act to defend other's that cannot defend themselves are just as GUILTY as those committing the crimes. Treaties are made to be broken they are drawn up with full knowledge of how to wiggle out of them by nations so should be treated as thus.....

Talk about all talk. You just said a mouthful of not very much.

I have no civil duties imposed by you. In this world you win or you don't. Thus WE winners call the shots. Guilt is what the defeated try to throw against the victors, in hopes of some mercy.

If you think We the People turn a blind eye, then you may as well be Canadian.