This war makes no fucking sense
Hitler at least had clear geo-political ambitions & he let the World know it, unabashedly.
Putin is going to achieve what?
Another port?
It's not even ancestorial, they speak a different language.
The only way it could/would work is if they align with China and both focus on destroying the US after taking Ukraine.
It could be done, not militarily but economically.
A new Era is upon us I think
Think about the consequences of Technological warfare, which both Nations have used before to get into our systems.
Ukraine might just be the 1st move in what will be a long game.
Yes, this war will have Global consequences I think
No way it can't..
It does make sense if you read more and listened.
I've already posted many times IMHO why..bully on the block whose BFF/convenient fool is no longer and Putin thought he'd have another four years..he's lashing out..he gets everyone to the border then gives the US a list of demands? WTF?
Please don't start another thread asking why; it just adds to misinformation.