Crisis in the Ukraine

Will there be war?

  • NATO will do nothing

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • NATO will confront Russia

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters
This war makes no fucking sense
Hitler at least had clear geo-political ambitions & he let the World know it, unabashedly.
Putin is going to achieve what?
Another port?
It's not even ancestorial, they speak a different language.
The only way it could/would work is if they align with China and both focus on destroying the US after taking Ukraine.
It could be done, not militarily but economically.
A new Era is upon us I think
Think about the consequences of Technological warfare, which both Nations have used before to get into our systems.
Ukraine might just be the 1st move in what will be a long game.
Yes, this war will have Global consequences I think
No way it can't..

It does make sense if you read more and listened.

I've already posted many times IMHO why..bully on the block whose BFF/convenient fool is no longer and Putin thought he'd have another four years..he's lashing out..he gets everyone to the border then gives the US a list of demands? WTF?

Please don't start another thread asking why; it just adds to misinformation.
Do your like organics or chemicals?

Makes a difference.

I think my problems started in 1970 when I ate a whole of Orange Sunshine.

Shoulda cut it :)

Ever since the World has never been quite the same.

Would you like that?
PM me :)

But my friend that's not the issue- you're being manic which I suppose is better than depressive.

I'm getting whiplash, though.
The time for deception is way past & deceit is more an effective defensive posture than offensive anyway (ask the Nazis :) )

They'll attack on 3 front's simultaneously and an analogy could be Blitzkrieg.


No way Ukraine can absorb that, plus cruise missiles from the Russian fleet in the Black Sea

I'll give it a week.
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The time for deception is way past & deceit is more an effective defensive posture than offensive anyway (ask the Nazis :) )

They'll attack on 3 front's simultaneously and an analogy could be Blitzkrieg.

No way Ukraine can absorb that, plus cruise missiles from the Russian fleet in the Black Sea

I'll give it a week.
I dissent. Let’s watch.
Still, if you unfocus your eyes enough, there has been some progress. Not necessarily linear... but I hardly ever wake up bathed in sweat with visions of an armed horde coming over the hill and killing my entire family and using our skulls as cups.

Hardly ever.
I got the sense early on when you started posting here that you were somehow associated with people in or had been in the state department. Maybe that was just my overworked imagination. Was that true or not?

In any case, I'm wondering what your take is on this conniption fit in the Ukraine?
This war makes no fucking sense
Hitler at least had clear geo-political ambitions & he let the World know it, unabashedly.
Putin is going to achieve what?
Another port?
It's not even ancestorial, they speak a different language.
The only way it could/would work is if they align with China and both focus on destroying the US after taking Ukraine.
It could be done, not militarily but economically.
A new Era is upon us I think
Think about the consequences of Technological warfare, which both Nations have used before to get into our systems.
Ukraine might just be the 1st move in what will be a long game.
Yes, this war will have Global consequences I think
No way it can't..
What war?
I got the sense early on when you started posting here that you were somehow associated with people in or had been in the state department. Maybe that was just my overworked imagination. Was that true or not?

In any case, I'm wondering what your take is on this conniption fit in the Ukraine?
Words fail me.

Actually, I am just drinking 11% beer and am only capable of quips right now.
We really do not need this,just starting to possibly be emerging from a 900k+ fatality pandemic(it's really been a out of body type of nightmare),trying to heal up from the insanity of Mr. Orange's 4 yrs.,and now Vlad has to flex.I hope he doesn't go all in on this,how many innocent Ukranians will die?I don't believe he has the number of troops needed to hold territory,I think all the new equipment he has procured is burning a hole in his pocket and like a kid w/a new bb gun he can't wait to shoot.Now with the Olympics over,if this is going to go off it will be soon,any day now and I really hope it's a no go. I'm very nervous because there is peril everywhere in this situation. I think his (Vlad's) isolation during Covid has FKD up his mind,I mean these people that he's going to kill are almost kin to Russians and I hope he stands down,point proved(you don't want Ukraine in NATO),and return troops to their bases and let Europe breath a little bit.

What 'point proved'?

So far he's 1) moved his troops to the border 2) given US a list of demands..did I miss anything? Hell your buddies are crying because we're mean to Trumps Russia:lol:
The time for deception is way past & deceit is more an effective defensive posture than offensive anyway (ask the Nazis :) )

They'll attack on 3 front's simultaneously and an analogy could be Blitzkrieg.

View attachment 5089080

No way Ukraine can absorb that, plus cruise missiles from the Russian fleet in the Black Sea

I'll give it a week.

Then I'd give Putin one week of life left.
Let's bet

I say Russia will go once they have all their athletes home from the Olympics, or within the week & I'll bet I won't start a thread for month

Your turn

I already made that prediction when he first put troops out there but said it would be the beginning of Beijing. Russian Playbook is to SLINK and SLITHER away when the world is distracted.