Crinkled curly leaves, help!

It just keeps getting worse! Is this ph? She's in Kelloggs organic soil w dolomite lime, so I haven't worried about it. Was thinking this looks like overwatering, small plant in a big pot, so I've been letting her dry out a few days. You can see the leaves just look deformed and curly. Any ideas would be appreciated!



I might be the growing villain for saying this but I use Avid. Neem oil damages my plants. It always takes them a few days to recover after Neem oil. Avid is genocide to spider mites. Just wear gloves and googles cause it’s strong stuff.

if you use avid once in the early stages it won’t be in your plants system by the time you harvest. Avid takes about a month to get out of your plants system.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have, I thought neem was safe?
It's definitely the neem oil, I just went and looked at my morning glories and their leaves are doing the same thing. Will they be ok?
Probably be ok, you should spray late in the day or after dark, and never in flower stage.
A little update.. She (?) Is still having problems with her leaves! I thought damage from neem+sun was the problem, but these are new growth that are damaged. Some leaves look fine, others are curling/clawing and looking really crazy. I was also thinking this was an over/under watering problem, but I let her dry out for days before watering again, then let it dry out til the first 3+ inches of soil was dry, just gave her 2 gal of water tonight. I feel like this is a reasonable watering practice and still don't know what's wrong. She's growing fine, just these LEAVES. The only nutes she's had is Alaska fish fert, once.

