
Hey ct. My tapwater is very good, comes out ph7 and 42ppm. When I add floranova nutes the ph drops and I need mucho ph up to sort it out. Not sure why you would need ph down, might be worth checking the ph of your water before you add anything.

The ph will fluctuate a lot in the rez. When you water at say ph6, if the food is acidic like I think it is then the water ph will rise every time the plant takes up food because it removes some of that acidity. The plant also dumps. It isn't possible to eat without shitting and that also affects water ph and is why you should change out the rez now and then.
Your pen is prolly not too bad it's just these factors that are making such a difference to the readings. Just try to use rez topups bring it back in line as often as you can.
whats the rez???


Well-Known Member
whats the rez???
The rez is the reservoir which holds the roots and water. For DWC the roots hang in the water. You mix your nutes into the water which the roots sit in. You have to change and clean the rez water frequently or mold, mildew, and root rot will begin. Hydro uses different nutes than soil, normally. Hydro/dwc is harder as far as maintenance and upkeep, but it has its pros too, I mean look at CT's crazy PC case plant.


The rez is the reservoir which holds the roots and water. For DWC the roots hang in the water. You mix your nutes into the water which the roots sit in. You have to change and clean the rez water frequently or mold, mildew, and root rot will begin. Hydro uses different nutes than soil, normally. Hydro/dwc is harder as far as maintenance and upkeep, but it has its pros too, I mean look at CT's crazy PC case plant.
thanks bro that helped


Well-Known Member
no problem!! i seen you keep asking CT, but he must still be moving. figured I would tell you what I could. you may want to go out and find a hydro or dwc how to thread for some expert advice, that is if CT doesnt show up before you begin.


no problem!! i seen you keep asking CT, but he must still be moving. figured I would tell you what I could. you may want to go out and find a hydro or dwc how to thread for some expert advice, that is if CT doesnt show up before you begin.
appreciate it, have you personally grew a batch yet?


any word on when your supposed to start adding nutes my seed just hatched, i dont have a cam ri now i sold my phone lol so yeah.


Well-Known Member
What's up Crazytrain? You girl is looking so good, I can't wait until harvest time! My girl is in day 29 of flowering! Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
ok guys i needed to check in. plant is doing great and i still don't have internet yet at the new place. she has about 45%brown hairs now. will try to get an update as soon as possible. sorry to keep yall in suspense lol



Well-Known Member
beautiful!! for a PC, and DWC, just beautiful!! i am thinking of maybe trying the DWC, maybe in a 1 quart or 2 quart tupperware dish. im thinking, wait for it...
word man let me know

how do you feed them and what?
don't really have a set feeding schedule just kinda give her a full strength dose of nutes then water with that gallon jug til i run out then do the same with ph'd water untin that gallos is used up the i start it again. seems to be working out alright


Well-Known Member
Saw the last update CT, really like what I am seeing. Hope to see some bud porn real soon! My little ladies (Ivy and Lushus) are about 45% red too :) Looks like well be smoking together...but not together ;) Good luck with the new apartment and hope to hear from you soon.



Well-Known Member
DAY 79

Plant Stage: flower day 62
Light Cycle: 12/12
Lights: 1 125w cfl
Medium: Rockwool & hydroton
Strain: Bagseed

what up growing world,

alright its day 62 of flower, almost 9 weeks. i want this bitch outa here lol. alright so here is my dilema

i leave friday for africa for a 2 week hunting trip. ive taught my girl how to take care of her. actually just have 2 gallons pre mixed so she can pour it into the res. based on what yall see i was maybe thinkin bout chopping thursday night. i know it will be early but its a schwagg seed and i have 8 dank strains to start wheni get back. ORRRr should i just feed her ph'd water and chop her when i get back?? i need as much input as possible. i know she hasn't gotten a good flush but o well haha.

ok here are a few pics. sorry they aren't the usual quality had to snap em kinda fast and get to work, i'm actually sitting outside a mcdonalds using their free wireless. and i will have internet thursday!!! haha
