
Well-Known Member

alright so i harvested at day 95 of flower. i could have almost grown two autos in the time this grew out. the the plant was deff over-ripe lol. it was looking quite sad when i got back. but o well its free pot and i have many other strains to start. la diva being the first from delicious seeds.

anyways on to the harvest i weighed a few buds 45ish grams for the 2 larger put together. the buds aren't that dense but i feel this is due to my havesting like 2 weeks to late and a lil over nute at the end. alot of smaller buds. the fan leaves you will see have all been trimmed off. i haven't checked the trichs yet but will keep yall updated. they have ben drying since lastnight. so here are a few pics. hoping for around half O at least. main cola is the first pic

next round is soil and i will be in town. man i love autos.




Well-Known Member
yo gum not sure on the res size. less than a gallon maybe like .5 to .75 a gallon
really, thats all? did you ever check your rez temps? i think i am gonna get one of the 33 ounce Maxwell House blue plastic containers and try one out of that. it will hold about the same as yours. maybe a 2 or 3 inch netpot. still got to proof my concept with a tomato plant. my water is very hard and acidic, ph of 4 from the tap, so I want to see how many issues I have with a cheap mator plant before I waste any of the kind seeds!!! thanks for all the information.

how was the flight home, i bet your wrecked!! i always enjoyed jet lag, it was like the morning after going to be REAL STONED!!! kinda groggy, but if you could direct it it was a cheery feeling. i always try to direct my feelings, negative or positive into good feelings. i love chasing white dots around when they start showing up!!!

well come on now, we would like some pic's!!!


Well-Known Member
oh shit, girl is looking real good. congrats on the harvest. you should stay open to dwc though, it worked out pretty good for ya! how many times did your girl have to refill or add water to the rez? i think your half O should become a reality.


Well-Known Member
not bad for a week. i am glad you did this crazytrain!! i would have never thought to try hydro (even though i may not like it in the end) in my small space. i didnt know v12 had done it either till he mentioned it here. thanks for showing what could be done, and post us a smoke report and a link to your new grow when you get it started.


Well-Known Member
not bad for a week. i am glad you did this crazytrain!! i would have never thought to try hydro (even though i may not like it in the end) in my small space. i didnt know v12 had done it either till he mentioned it here. thanks for showing what could be done, and post us a smoke report and a link to your new grow when you get it started.
for sure man ill be in touch with ya. going to get some fox farm soil today and a pot or 2 so i can get the next grow started. thanks for the help and comments along the way. i'm glad i tried dwc. i jsut feel more comfortable with soil.

later bro


yo ct congrats bro, ive been tryna post pics but my iphones camera is fked up and i just moved out to res so no camera rightnow, but i soaked them and left them under the light, i just need to know when do i start adding nutes and what not?


IMG00369-20100814-1224.jpg thats what i did so far, basically the seeds in the rockwool, and its been placed under 2 lights for 24 hours, i filled the rez with ph water no nutes and its like 1 inch into the netpot, do i wait, or do i have to do something else?, and the bottom half of the rockwool is more soaked then the upper half... any help?


Well-Known Member
congrats CRAZY! nice hydro grow, you pulled it off. Buds are lookin good too. Be sure to let me know how she smokes!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1098459 thats what i did so far, basically the seeds in the rockwool, and its been placed under 2 lights for 24 hours, i filled the rez with ph water no nutes and its like 1 inch into the netpot, do i wait, or do i have to do something else?, and the bottom half of the rockwool is more soaked then the upper half... any help?
don't start nutes for at least a week. young plants roots can't take it. just use regular ph'd water and go from there. i had 2 inch netpots. make sure you keep the rockwool damp through out

congrats CRAZY! nice hydro grow, you pulled it off. Buds are lookin good too. Be sure to let me know how she smokes!
thanks dude i will deff let ya know how the smoke is.

peace man

no to sound cocky but if anyone leaves me rep write your name so i know who to hit back


Active Member
Great Job man!! I say stick to the Hydro too Bro!! I have never been so amazed with how much you can yield if they are fed properly!! Check out the last page of our first attempt!! I posted the weights... over 5 ounces from 2 plants that were not more than 18 inches tall!!!
Stay with the DWC man its the way to go!!



Well-Known Member
well i just bought a bag of fox farms ocean forest and some guano. i was told with this mixed right i won't have to use nutes so somewhat organic. first seed ill be popping in a day or 2 will be la diva from delicious seeds

thanks for the comment man. if i go hydro again i would like to have a bigger res and more vertical growth room

later man


Active Member
greetings from san antonio airport! 6:15am lol

nice man!!! def got plenty for growing in such a small space. I enjoyed watching the progress of your plant!!

good smoking man!


Well-Known Member
what up ran4

good ol san antonio your boout 3 hours from me. the trip was freaking awesome. i would say check my pics on facebook but ya know haha.

shot alot of animals. kudu, zebra,steinbuck, gemsbuck, blesbuck, impala, blue wildabeast, red hartabeast, springbuck, 2 monkeys and my dad got the zebra and a baboon. trip of a lifetime. glad to be back home though.

thanks for the comments man to bad you aren't a lil closer id say come smoke haha



Well-Known Member
Did you get to bring the meat back with you? What all have you tried, or was it more recreation?


yo ct whatup bro, one of my plants broke through the rockwool this morning when i checked. its been about 3 days since ive given them 18/6, and only ph'd water in the res... do you think i should continue for another 3-4 days with water only?... and the plant tht sprouted didnt have like a seed on top its just 2 leaves, is this normal?IMG00374-20100815-1148.jpg


Well-Known Member
yo ct whatup bro, one of my plants broke through the rockwool this morning when i checked. its been about 3 days since ive given them 18/6, and only ph'd water in the res... do you think i should continue for another 3-4 days with water only?... and the plant tht sprouted didnt have like a seed on top its just 2 leaves, is this normal?View attachment 1100409
your golden man, just stay the water routine for now.


Well-Known Member
Did you get to bring the meat back with you? What all have you tried, or was it more recreation?
no we left the meat for the local workers and farmers. we did try namy of the animals we harvested though. the nyala was the best. but we ate kudu, springbuck, eland, blesbuck and some other fish dishes.. what do you mean more recreation?

yo ct whatup bro, one of my plants broke through the rockwool this morning when i checked. its been about 3 days since ive given them 18/6, and only ph'd water in the res... do you think i should continue for another 3-4 days with water only?... and the plant tht sprouted didnt have like a seed on top its just 2 leaves, is this normal?View attachment 1100409
your golden man, just stay the water routine for now.

gum is wright wait til you have 2 to 3 sets of leaves to start nutes