Crazy theory


Well-Known Member
So we all want to overgrow the government.

Atleast thats my understanding.
So what we could do,even though a very redundant idea.
Purposly breed a hermi strain.
Some that would be gaurentee to herm.
Plant it eveywhere.The forest ,swamps...
Then just let nature take over.
Everything would produce seeds.
And eventually there would be a natural variation in the strain, thus reverting to the natural cycle.

Or even mix auto herm strains with natural strains.
But out in the wild.
Gaurenteeing a large amount of seeds, which animals will spread and help our goals over overgrow.


Well-Known Member
So we all want to overgrow the government.

Atleast thats my understanding.
So what we could do,even though a very redundant idea.
Purposly breed a hermi strain.
Some that would be gaurentee to herm.
Plant it eveywhere.The forest ,swamps...
Then just let nature take over.
Everything would produce seeds.
And eventually there would be a natural variation in the strain, thus reverting to the natural cycle.

Or even mix auto herm strains with natural strains.
But out in the wild.
Gaurenteeing a large amount of seeds, which animals will spread and help our goals over overgrow.

Waiting for the day, just a waiting for the day,,,,,,,,,

boomerb here,,
can you seed me now?



Well-Known Member
and why havent you done anything with all these seeds.
I would just make up little packs of ten seeds and walk around planting them everywhere.


Well-Known Member
i think thats a great idea!

i remember suggesting to one of my friends once that i plant a pot seed into one of the pots for plants in the mall haha. they're real plants, so i thought it might be funny to stick a pot seed in the soil and let it grow :D