Crazy plant with 2 TOPS naturally, no FIM or topping. Weird genetics?!!


Well-Known Member
Hey this can still be a heathy plant i have had plants that i call freaks, and they end up just fine, in my opinion you did nothing to do this, some things just happen! Hopefully it will be a female and you will have to killer natural cloas of what if you could top this plant to make total of 8 colas now that would be a plant i would make seeeds of!! Lol now that being said i mean that part more as a joke, i would let it grow just as it wants and would not hurt it unless you seem them balls (male), glad you shared, it being bag seed, it is at least midgrade correct????? Good luck bud!


Well-Known Member
I think the seed came from some really really good smoke i had a couple years back. Either that it it is a shwag seed lol. I had a couple good ones and like 40 crap ones. This was the ONLY one that sprouted out of all of them. It grew weird from the start. Doin good now and it LOVED the $40 organic blooming nutes i gave it. It was previously just getting MG houseplant food haha. I didnt want to spend money on it until i knew it was female. I have other plants started but they dont need nutrients yet.


Well-Known Member
Halfway through 4th week of flowering. Its doing really good. Have fed it General Oganics blooming nutes already. I have 20 'tops' on the plant which are developing some nice hard little nugs. they are super DANK if u rub them a little and smell. Right before the lights come on the room stinks. doesnt smell all that much when the lights are on tho.
I have it under 309 watts of 2700k cfl (couple 6500 and a 4100k mixed in) a 4 foot t8 grow light, and a coulple 6W |LED's. I think its LOTS of light for the plant. the residual reflected light is growing a northern lights seedling and 5 bageed seedlings lol.
Have 2 6 inch fans going all the time in the room.
Temps are 74-79F and humidity goes from between 45 and 62%, lower during the day due to the a/c, higher at night.
Ill post some pics later when i take some, cant find the camera rite now.
Also im going to start a thread for a Nirvana Northern Lights and Greenhouse Big Bang sometime today.