Crazy plant with 2 TOPS naturally, no FIM or topping. Weird genetics?!!


Well-Known Member
Some more pics for day 9, about 3 weeks total growth time from seed. Gonna start 12/12 cycle tommorow and see what happens. Its still small but i got 5 good seeds germinating.


Well-Known Member
Day 10. The plant branched out a bit last nite, its very bushy, but short. decided to wait a couple more days before changing the lite cycle. Ill upload some pics today of how it looks.


Well-Known Member
Mines growing slow... Like its about half as tall of course I'm using a 12/12.. growing its 4th node now with little inside leaves starting to form.. kinda had a stunting period due to replant


Well-Known Member
So heres the day 10 pics...its starting to smell like a weed plant now...a mini bonsai weed plant mutant. Its so short but has an unbelievably dense little canopy, hard to tell from the pics...i hope it makes even a couple grams of bud i wanna see what its smokes like lol...


Well-Known Member
Going to LST the little plant today, its so small but so dense, the places i fims and topped have started growing. should get 6 colas off this if its a female.


Well-Known Member
Here it is day 11. Growing fast now. Moved to the new grow room, 4x3x7. Will start 12/12 this week coming up. Just going to keep it real small.



Well-Known Member
So the plant went for its first sleep tonite. Started it on 12/12 tonite. Should know within a week or so if its male, or so im told.....

stoned cockatoo

New Member
plants can do some weird shit.

I had a seedling grow normal until like the 4th node then it went all triploid. I didn't do anything to it, just started throwing out 3 fan leaves and branches at each node. I thought I was going to mean bigger yield but it vegged so slowly from then on that it was wasting space so I slaughtered it


Well-Known Member
Heres some pics after the 3rd dark nite. I burnt the leaf tips a bit lights were too close.
Does it look healthyish otherwisE?

3rd nite 001.jpg3rd nite 002.jpg3rd nite 003.jpg3rd nite 004.jpg3rd nite 006.jpg


I use to climb trees with my old job we would occasionally come across pine trees with two tops they were referred to as "school marms" it's just a deformaty, the schoolmarms I saw were healthy just had two tops....pretty cool I'd let it go and see what happens. Good luck bro....


Well-Known Member
Lots of new growth. Super bushy right now, hope those stems start to stretch out a bit. i tied it down a little to open up the center and let the new growth get big.
The little seedling is a Big Bang from greenhouse seeds. Germinating a strawberry kush feminized from a local shop rite now too and waiting for some northern lights seeds.5th day 004.jpg5th day 005.jpg5th day 008.jpg
Still smokin on some lemon OG i picked up the other day.


Well-Known Member
Start of week 2 of flowering. its under 9x32 watt cfl (6 are 2700k, 3 are 6500k). Started to stretch its branches out just a bit not, there are lots of potential bud sites and new growth. Its reallybushy, but still its only just over 8 inches tall but 16 inches wide.
Looks to def be indica dom. Hope to start seeing the formation of some buds in a week or two.
I cut a fan leaf off today that was blocking out a nice growth site. Hope it turns out to be a nice mini plant.

