Crack Recipes?

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Active Member
i thnk FDD smoked crack a few times,he wants that damn recipe me playa and i'll have that for ya

lol,just kidding


Well-Known Member
crack is a form of cocaine. you need the cocaine first. please don't post the cocaine recipe.

all we are doing is rocking up coke. the coke is already made. :wink:
i guess this makes a bit of sense. im only in this for the bored.


New Member
Hey by the way crackerjaxx do you know of any videos for making crack? Im not being sarcastic at all. I ve looked for hours and found only one viable video but it was too short and not intended for instruction. Oh a stupid pervis video.. if you do pm me.


Well-Known Member
i thnk FDD smoked crack a few times,he wants that damn recipe me playa and i'll have that for ya

lol,just kidding
back when i was "doing my thing", we tried just about everything but needles. back then all we had was coke, crank and weed though. i remember when X first start showing up. it was killing people. we wanted nothing to do with it.
we'd smoke a rock here and there, but it was always a supplement to marijuana. we'd get an 1/4 Oz of mex and a 20 rock. twist it all up into doobies.

crack doesn't kill people, addictive personalities do. :wink:


New Member
Another g down the drain... My friends total loss = 3g's and 2 broken jars....

How could my friend make a rock out a g? He said he weighed 1g to .14 soda... Half pint mason jar... Microwaved 10 secs at a time to boil for 3 seconds and then removed from microwave and stirred the yellow oil with small steel poker on his pipe cleaner spoon tool multi tool.. Put freezer for 30 min... Stirred and nothing would happen.... He keeps getting mush.. He sucks at life i guess... LOL he cant even figure out what crack heads know..Kinda shamefull...Im sure people getting their rocks off knowing my homie is flushing his money down the toilet....
Don't use a microwave use a stove


Active Member
back when i was "doing my thing", we tried just about everything but needles. back then all we had was coke, crank and weed though. i remember when X first start showing up. it was killing people. we wanted nothing to do with it.
we'd smoke a rock here and there, but it was always a supplement to marijuana. we'd get an 1/4 Oz of mex and a 20 rock. twist it all up into doobies.

crack doesn't kill people, addictive personalities do. :wink:
my man,well put...i never smoked crack ,but im also smart enough to know that just because someone DOES,it doesnt make them any less of a person,i know people who are on heroin-still productive in they're daily lives as far as work and maintaining a family,same with crack-people smoke,but it doesnt deter them from they're overall responsibilities,and thats the key word...RESPONSIBILITY,WHATEVER YOUR VICE IS just be responsible


New Member
real MDMA("X") doesnt kill people. if 'it' was killing people, than 'it' wasnt MDMA.
It kills 7 out of a million a year on avg. You haven't been able to get true MDMA since the 80's when it was legal and could buy in bars. Now it's made by wiggers with chemicals under there sinks.


Well-Known Member
real MDMA("X") doesnt kill people. if 'it' was killing people, than 'it' wasnt MDMA.

well there lies the problem, eh? it was killing people because it was BUNK. it was all new and people were trying to figure out how to make it. some weren't getting it right. this was 1990.


Active Member
how did i contradict myself,by saying be responsible,i dont care what anybody smokes,drinks,injects,or sniffs,just be responsible

that way you'll stay alive.....and keep buying your drugs from me,lmao,just kidding


New Member
my man,well put...i never smoked crack ,but im also smart enough to know that just because someone DOES,it doesnt make them any less of a person,i know people who are on heroin-still productive in they're daily lives as far as work and maintaining a family,same with crack-people smoke,but it doesnt deter them from they're overall responsibilities,and thats the key word...RESPONSIBILITY,WHATEVER YOUR VICE IS just be responsible
Yes indeed, a family that shoots up together..... stays together...:lol:

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