Crack Recipes?

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Well-Known Member
I dont smoke crack to stay thin silly. I replace food with drugs. Much better diet. If your smart about it MWahaha.


New Member
It's just my opinion. throw the inner city kids under the bus? I'll bet I can find some METH threads here as well.

Just saying, if anyone thinks by riddling RIU with "hardcore" drug threads when it's a weed forum...doesn't help.

That being said, the MODS have already chosen to let everyone post so it's already done and they don't have a problem with it.

I'm just uncomfortable with mixing it all together here. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Lmao. The village idiot? Pretty sure I was talking about the section as a whole. Thanks. And if you were smart you wouldnt have to ask here how to make crack =D.
i didnt ask how to make crack....i already know how to make crack.when crack was the main money maker in my city i had already known how to make crack and subsequently had already known how to make money....nikkz


Well-Known Member
Aww thought you had something good to say =\

sorry to dissapoint:hug:

what i want to know is....theres a meth thread and a crack thread and FDD's cool with both. but in the meth thread he made it clear he didnt want the recipie posted....but the crack-cocaine recipie is kosher? weve also been asked to not post the synth for MDMA, LSD, ect...

why does crack get a pass?


Well-Known Member
I wish the Mods were more open minded. But I know you fear for the site. I also dont think its as severe of an issue. But I appreciate the posting haha Im dreadfully bored.


New Member
I dont understand your point nikk..... Any way nikk could pm me a way to use recipe on a smaller scale. Maybe with a lighter and steel measuring spoon.. My boy said he would give urs a shot if we dial it down a bit. Hmm maybe i could break up and ice cube into chunks...Dunno PM if ya would...


Active Member
the point is,the weedman doesnt give 2 shits about your ideals,and if YOU are the weedman YOU dont give 2 fucks about anyone else's,now when it becomes a question of crack,especially from an inquiring mind,you make it an issues about values and ideals,hey if that man wants to learn to make crack for WHATEVER reason,thats his prerogative,but just dont come in here to give pep talks about you ideals,because im pretty sure there were those around you growing up that told you the "HORRORS" of marijuana and you disregarded they're advice/scolding,just saying,different situation/same discussion


Well-Known Member
i didnt ask how to make crack....i already know how to make crack.when crack was the main money maker in my city i had already known how to make crack and subsequently had already known how to make money....nikkz
I was referring to the people who post asking for crack recipees. Im glad you know how to make money, there are quite a lot females can do for money. :clap: ;P


Well-Known Member

America LOVES guns...... and they are legal. Pretty sure the second amendment left out crack. :lol:

when you mix guns and growing and the feds come you get additional WEAPONS CHARGES. sounds illegal to me.

you know damn well the feds LOVE busting guns and dope. isn't that what we were discussing? skirt my point though, i understand.


New Member
Oh by the way to those that have helped out in this thread thanks.. I would hook you up with some rep point but for some reason it wont let me..


Well-Known Member
the point is,the weedman doesnt give 2 shits about your ideals,and if YOU are the weedman YOU dont give 2 fucks about anyone else's,now when it becomes a question of crack,especially from an inquiring mind,you make it an issues about values and ideals,hey if that man wants to learn to make crack for WHATEVER reason,thats his prerogative,but just dont come in here to give pep talks about you ideals,because im pretty sure there were those around you growing up that told you the "HORRORS" of marijuana and you disregarded they're advice/scolding,just saying,different situation/same discussion
There are a lot of amazing drugs out only look down apon drugs because of addiction. Smartly using drugs will/should avoid this.


Well-Known Member
sorry to dissapoint:hug:

what i want to know is....theres a meth thread and a crack thread and FDD's cool with both. but in the meth thread he made it clear he didnt want the recipie posted....but the crack-cocaine recipie is kosher? weve also been asked to not post the synth for MDMA, LSD, ect...

why does crack get a pass?

crack is a form of cocaine. you need the cocaine first. please don't post the cocaine recipe.

all we are doing is rocking up coke. the coke is already made. :wink:


New Member
when you mix guns and growing and the feds come you get additional WEAPONS CHARGES. sounds illegal to me.

you know damn well the feds LOVE busting guns and dope. isn't that what we were discussing? skirt my point though, i understand.
well ur original post didn't put the two together in my mind. I get you now, and yes, that is not smart as well. In for a penny, in for a pound? :wink:
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