Cow poop compost vs FoxFarm Happy Frog potting soil

You go ahead if you want to use roundup poop.
I have cattle and use a weed killer to kill unwanted weeds in my hay field. Using a weed killer does not affect beef that is sold slaughtered and eaten. It won’t affect plants either.
I think that it is much more helpful than a Mehlich 3 and Saturated paste test which usually cost $50 together. Mehlich 3 is really not a good way to test for phosphorus and that is what I needed the most. So, I really do like the "Soil Savvy" test. Their lab is in Washington state, so it should be fairly close to you.
If you happen to get the Mehlich 3 test, be sure to tell them that you want the "Weighted Scoop" for light weight mediums. Here is a copy and paste from Logan Labs.

Soilless Media
Logan Labs uses a 2-gram soil scoop for the standard analysis package, as well as nitrate and ammonium and all extra parameters that are provided on our standard soil report.

When using this scoop to sample a soilless medium, the result will be lighter than two grams. This will cause the concentration of nutrients in your sample to be underestimated.
right on... thanks! I’ll check it out this summer :clap: :peace:
Not a glyphosate fan and try to avoid at all cost but I am not a purist either. Synthetic chemicals are everywhere and I do try to minimize exposure to and use of them when I can. But I am also not a purist and try not to go OCD on details and fears. Many are very concerned about this but think nothing of combusting cannabis or even tobacco.
I have run heavy manure soil mixes. Typically heavy on chicken,horse, and cow mushroom composts. I never had a problem with burning or deficiencies. Usually added some other stuff later in the growth cycle but nothing heavy or exotic.
@Fastslappy have you ever experienced iron chlorosis from using manure compost? I am bummed out about my test results because I have rabbits and I have been using their bedding in my compost and worm bin... I get this much rabbit bedding every month. The containers do not look that big, so I had the wheel barrow next to it for reference.
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It would be a serious bummer if I cannot use my compost because I am pretty invested in it. I recycle soil on the concrete slab, worm bin out of pallets, and the geo bin for grass clippings.
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R u using any gypsum?
I'm not any way the guy to ask , don Tessa has rabbits , swears by them for compost , I buy yards of organic dairy horse compost from a county cooperative that has certificates , was using Bu's Blend from Malibu Compost excellent stuff
Just cheaper to do my own with the local compost .
Ya know maybe the rabbit manure is not aged enough?
R u using any gypsum?
I'm not any way the guy to ask , don Tessa has rabbits , swears by them for compost , I buy yards of organic dairy horse compost from a county cooperative that has certificates , was using Bu's Blend from Malibu Compost excellent stuff
Just cheaper to do my own with the local compost .
Ya know maybe the rabbit manure is not aged enough?
I don't add gypsum no. I think there might be some in my pre mixed nutes... (not by a bag to look right now)
All manure is awesome but they all have different nute levels. I have access to tons of manure cheap so I use cow. I like that is low in everything so I have better control over what I use for nutes.
I don't add gypsum no. I think there might be some in my pre mixed nutes... (not by a bag to look right now)
All manure is awesome but they all have different nute levels. I have access to tons of manure cheap so I use cow. I like that is low in everything so I have better control over what I use for nutes.
Gypsum adds sulfur,that helps health , improves flavor in final product most importantly adds a lotta ca , helps with strong stems
Gypsum adds sulfur,that helps health , improves flavor in final product most importantly adds a lotta ca , helps with strong stems
Lol I know what it is...but I use epsom salts so that is mag and sulfer. So I don't want to add more...not on purpose anyways. And my plants are good on the calcium part ;)
But thanks :)
I use mag-su-po instead of Epsom salts
Well every grower needs different ferts. What works for me won't always work for you. I don't need that much k because it's already in the mix...and since I grow organically there is no need for high levels of anything (that is what my bacteria and fungus is for) I supply a medium level of everything and just feed the soil bacteria from there.
Manure is loaded already with micro and macro nutes and since there is a ton of lime stone here ..calcium and other amendments I don't need.