Covington catholic school

Me too but this kind of thread with no link to the real news and the op’s version of a headline only fuels the fire.

Why not take a helpful tone rather than spur more violence? Very little teaching going on for a group of such judgmental experts. Just a lot of accusations and ego.

People arent going to change if everyone fuels division.
Hey MI. med grower.cold outside this morning,I got -2 what you got? Not nearly as cold as this thread.Got my coffee and looked at the last few post then went back to first several to see whats going on.You do realize what your dealing with here I can tell.have fun. (Proverbs 23:9 says do not speak in the hearing of a fool,for he will despise the wisdom of your words.) Those who claim to be inclusive are actually the ones who are exclusive.those who claim to be open minded are actually the ones who hate everyone who disagree with them.they want to silence anyone who is not a far left liberal and their behavior in the last decade shows they will go to any measure, ANY measure to do so.Thank God we are still governed by the constitution,They are even trying to change that.Their new darling Beto O" Rouke has all ready came out and said he questions the relevancy of our constitution.As has many liberals have.They say they believe in free speech but what they mean is only their free speech.Have fun my comment should take some good heat now LOL.OH notice how they hate any other religion other than liberalism.
Hey MI. med grower.cold outside this morning,I got -2 what you got? Not nearly as cold as this thread.Got my coffee and looked at the last few post then went back to first several to see whats going on.You do realize what your dealing with here I can tell.have fun. (Proverbs 23:9 says do not speak in the hearing of a fool,for he will despise the wisdom of your words.) Those who claim to be inclusive are actually the ones who are exclusive.those who claim to be open minded are actually the ones who hate everyone who disagree with them.they want to silence anyone who is not a far left liberal and their behavior in the last decade shows they will go to any measure, ANY measure to do so.Thank God we are still governed by the constitution,They are even trying to change that.Their new darling Beto O" Rouke has all ready came out and said he questions the relevancy of our constitution.As has many liberals have.They say they believe in free speech but what they mean is only their free speech.Have fun my comment should take some good heat now LOL.OH notice how they hate any other religion other than liberalism.

It was 2 degrees out at 7am here. Glad i got out to some sunshine yesterday cause im staying in today.

And thank you for your post. Greatly appreciated. I wish more people would chime in who are more liberal than extreme.

Got to take some flack to influence change. :-)
Hey MI. med grower.cold outside this morning,I got -2 what you got? Not nearly as cold as this thread.Got my coffee and looked at the last few post then went back to first several to see whats going on.You do realize what your dealing with here I can tell.have fun. (Proverbs 23:9 says do not speak in the hearing of a fool,for he will despise the wisdom of your words.) Those who claim to be inclusive are actually the ones who are exclusive.those who claim to be open minded are actually the ones who hate everyone who disagree with them.they want to silence anyone who is not a far left liberal and their behavior in the last decade shows they will go to any measure, ANY measure to do so.Thank God we are still governed by the constitution,They are even trying to change that.Their new darling Beto O" Rouke has all ready came out and said he questions the relevancy of our constitution.As has many liberals have.They say they believe in free speech but what they mean is only their free speech.Have fun my comment should take some good heat now LOL.OH notice how they hate any other religion other than liberalism.
Is there not parts of the constitution that may not be relevant today. Is it not prudent to look at and question it’s relevancy from time to time? Maybe even changing somethings to make it more atune to the changing times?
Oh and welcome new member!
Nothing to expand about. Their parents, teachers and groups acted that way. Now they do.

Only positive interaction can help people move in the right direction.

And some will never change.

Starting a war again between our own people will work. It is working.
How is starting a war between your own people working?
Hey MI. med grower.cold outside this morning,I got -2 what you got? Not nearly as cold as this thread.Got my coffee and looked at the last few post then went back to first several to see whats going on.You do realize what your dealing with here I can tell.have fun. (Proverbs 23:9 says do not speak in the hearing of a fool,for he will despise the wisdom of your words.) Those who claim to be inclusive are actually the ones who are exclusive.those who claim to be open minded are actually the ones who hate everyone who disagree with them.they want to silence anyone who is not a far left liberal and their behavior in the last decade shows they will go to any measure, ANY measure to do so.Thank God we are still governed by the constitution,They are even trying to change that.Their new darling Beto O" Rouke has all ready came out and said he questions the relevancy of our constitution.As has many liberals have.They say they believe in free speech but what they mean is only their free speech.Have fun my comment should take some good heat now LOL.OH notice how they hate any other religion other than liberalism.
You believe in god?
Is there not parts of the constitution that may not be relevant today. Is it not prudent to look at and question it’s relevancy from time to time? Maybe even changing somethings to make it more atune to the changing times?
Oh and welcome new member!
Absolutely there are.But the fundamental ones that protect our freedom's of speech,religion and some others should not be messed with for a political wind of temporary change.or it becomes dangerous to our republic.When we loose them we may never get them back.we need to be very careful when addressing these changes.If we head to far toward socialism we will have to start to tear down the greatest governing guide lines known to man.And I believe before we say changing times we need to look at what the times are changing to and examine where that leads toward.Because like I stated we will never get them back. They were put there by our founding fathers because they had seen up close and personal the other forms of government and what happened.Its bad enough that the rights are being perverted today.I am a strong believer in freedom of the press,it is needed to hold our republic together,but at the same time it does to mean a freedom to lie and report political ideas as fact,that is what happens in communist countries and the middle east.Now is happening in America as the left have taken over the media.There are some good ideas still from the democratic s in office.Unfortunately even they are being silenced by their own party as they race as far left as they can.So in answer to your question yes.but examine what those changes are and listen very careful to what else these politicians are saying or you will miss their real Agenda.As their goal is to deceive us with half truths.Its hard today to get the Paul Harvey version ( the rest of the story) Be Blessed.
Absolutely there are.But the fundamental ones that protect our freedom's of speech,religion and some others should not be messed with for a political wind of temporary change.or it becomes dangerous to our republic.When we loose them we may never get them back.we need to be very careful when addressing these changes.If we head to far toward socialism we will have to start to tear down the greatest governing guide lines known to man.And I believe before we say changing times we need to look at what the times are changing to and examine where that leads toward.Because like I stated we will never get them back. They were put there by our founding fathers because they had seen up close and personal the other forms of government and what happened.Its bad enough that the rights are being perverted today.I am a strong believer in freedom of the press,it is needed to hold our republic together,but at the same time it does to mean a freedom to lie and report political ideas as fact,that is what happens in communist countries and the middle east.Now is happening in America as the left have taken over the media.There are some good ideas still from the democratic s in office.Unfortunately even they are being silenced by their own party as they race as far left as they can.So in answer to your question yes.but examine what those changes are and listen very careful to what else these politicians are saying or you will miss their real Agenda.As their goal is to deceive us with half truths.Its hard today to get the Paul Harvey version ( the rest of the story) Be Blessed.
The compromise that got all the colonies to sign on to the constitution were changes to it. 10 amendments. Since then, we found it necessary to amend it 27 times. There are two that I'd like to see added on. The Constitution is a living document unlike your bible.

Please be specific and provide a citation about all those constitution hating leftists. I call bullshit on that.
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Absolutely there are.But the fundamental ones that protect our freedom's of speech,religion and some others should not be messed with for a political wind of temporary change.or it becomes dangerous to our republic.When we loose them we may never get them back.we need to be very careful when addressing these changes.If we head to far toward socialism we will have to start to tear down the greatest governing guide lines known to man.And I believe before we say changing times we need to look at what the times are changing to and examine where that leads toward.Because like I stated we will never get them back. They were put there by our founding fathers because they had seen up close and personal the other forms of government and what happened.Its bad enough that the rights are being perverted today.I am a strong believer in freedom of the press,it is needed to hold our republic together,but at the same time it does to mean a freedom to lie and report political ideas as fact,that is what happens in communist countries and the middle east.Now is happening in America as the left have taken over the media.There are some good ideas still from the democratic s in office.Unfortunately even they are being silenced by their own party as they race as far left as they can.So in answer to your question yes.but examine what those changes are and listen very careful to what else these politicians are saying or you will miss their real Agenda.As their goal is to deceive us with half truths.Its hard today to get the Paul Harvey version ( the rest of the story) Be Blessed.
The kids mother is blaming black muslims. She is also saying it's the Indians fault
She's a bible thumping anti choice Catholic Christian (or some other cult). She can't handle real information very well. Of course it was black people who led her son to do a dumb thing. Of course it was Muslims. It couldn't be anything she taught the boy, she taught him to be a Christian.
Absolutely there are.But the fundamental ones that protect our freedom's of speech,religion and some others should not be messed with for a political wind of temporary change.or it becomes dangerous to our republic.When we loose them we may never get them back.we need to be very careful when addressing these changes.If we head to far toward socialism we will have to start to tear down the greatest governing guide lines known to man.And I believe before we say changing times we need to look at what the times are changing to and examine where that leads toward.Because like I stated we will never get them back. They were put there by our founding fathers because they had seen up close and personal the other forms of government and what happened.Its bad enough that the rights are being perverted today.I am a strong believer in freedom of the press,it is needed to hold our republic together,but at the same time it does to mean a freedom to lie and report political ideas as fact,that is what happens in communist countries and the middle east.Now is happening in America as the left have taken over the media.There are some good ideas still from the democratic s in office.Unfortunately even they are being silenced by their own party as they race as far left as they can.So in answer to your question yes.but examine what those changes are and listen very careful to what else these politicians are saying or you will miss their real Agenda.As their goal is to deceive us with half truths.Its hard today to get the Paul Harvey version ( the rest of the story) Be Blessed.
Since you believe in god will the monarch butterflies and bees that I used to see by the thousands be in heaven? My back field is around 15 acres and 12 years ago or so the goldenrod and asters were covered. You could actually hear the bees. So this new heaven idea, is it proven? Will I still be on my farm? My theory about freedom is you can believe any silly sh1t you want. But stop beeing stupid. K
Absolutely there are.But the fundamental ones that protect our freedom's of speech,religion and some others should not be messed with for a political wind of temporary change.or it becomes dangerous to our republic.When we loose them we may never get them back.we need to be very careful when addressing these changes.If we head to far toward socialism we will have to start to tear down the greatest governing guide lines known to man.And I believe before we say changing times we need to look at what the times are changing to and examine where that leads toward.Because like I stated we will never get them back. They were put there by our founding fathers because they had seen up close and personal the other forms of government and what happened.Its bad enough that the rights are being perverted today.I am a strong believer in freedom of the press,it is needed to hold our republic together,but at the same time it does to mean a freedom to lie and report political ideas as fact,that is what happens in communist countries and the middle east.Now is happening in America as the left have taken over the media.There are some good ideas still from the democratic s in office.Unfortunately even they are being silenced by their own party as they race as far left as they can.So in answer to your question yes.but examine what those changes are and listen very careful to what else these politicians are saying or you will miss their real Agenda.As their goal is to deceive us with half truths.Its hard today to get the Paul Harvey version ( the rest of the story) Be Blessed.
“Thank God we are still governed by the constitution,They are even trying to change that.Their new darling Beto O" Rouke has all ready came out and said he questions the relevancy of our constitution.As has many liberals have”
You made it sound like you don’t like change ...... just saying. I’m Canadian so I’ll let you all debate the merit of constitutional change. I do think it should be fluid.