Covington catholic school

A bunch of grown men (elders to these kids) had just spent the better part of an hour yelling truly disgusting things at the kids. And your concern is for the Indian man that walked into the space they were occupying? Sorry, I have no sympathy for that man after seeing what the kids went through while waiting for their bus. Go enjoy your comedy central news.
I would also like to point out a common ignorant name stemming from stupidity. Cristopher Rapist Columbus called the Natives "Indians" because his dumb ass thought he was in India or near it. You continue with the dumbness when you refer to them as Indian as well. You can use this to discontinue ignorance or ...
I would also like to point out a common ignorant name stemming from stupidity. Cristopher Rapist Columbus called the Natives "Indians" because his dumb ass thought he was in India or near it. You continue with the dumbness when you refer to them as Indian as well. You can use this to discontinue ignorance or ...
Fixed it! Much appreciated amigo.
Everyone needs to just chill out and crank up some Testament.

May I suggest the album “Practice What You Preach”.

You’re welcome.
I think you need to look at what you said.My comment actually had nothing to do with Christianity.Not surprised you missed the obvious point.But that the far left want to silence everyone who does not think like them,The people being appointed for Judges said nothing about their beliefs.It was the liberal senators who made the accusations because they knew they were Catholics.They do not want to allow anyone to serve unless they think exactly like them.It would appear the liberals senators are the ones who do not understand separation of church and state as they want their religion only.Like I said those who say they are inclusive are actually exclusive.those who say they are not raciest actually are.and so on and so on.So what do they do,accuse others of being what they are,then try to silence them.You know kind of what you want to do to me.Did the liberal senators not show their preference? and then make judgement based upon that? Not the other way around.Were they not the ones trying to shove their mindset down others throat? YES.I never tried to do that,but you accused me of it then want to silence me.Sound familiar? I never tried to shove Christianity on anyone.Never have, never why do you not want me to have an opinion about oppressing the freedom of religion.That happens to be in our constitution.It looks like you and the senators are actually the ones who do not understand this.Remember one day that monster could be unleashed on you,If it were I would be there to stand with you not against you.As their current behavior ( the far left liberals ) should be appalling to anyone regardless of political party.I have a lot of respect for many true liberals even though I do not always agree with them.actually often I may be wrong .Professor Dershowitz is a good example.a very sharp man much respect.But there is a growing sect within the democratic party that is destroying it right now.any ways please do not try to make everything about religion,sex, race,or some other thing, or you will never be able to see what is actually happening,you will be blinded and manipulated.we were given a brain to think with, not our emotions.Have a very good day and enjoy it.I am

you're still trying to force your beliefs upon me.
has it? i havent seen it the closest i know about is the maga kids mum saying "black muslims" instead of "black israelites"
i can see that being a simple mistake
its all about the hat. people have funneled their hatred of trump at the kid because of the hat

do the kids block the entire pathway? or do you just walk where ever you choose and expect everyone to move out of the way like noah and the red sea?

phillips chose to walk through a thick crowd of kids. he also had plenty of room at the side of the maga kid to walk past him.

its reasonable to get pissed off if a group of people are deliberately blocking your path and you cant get past

that didnt happen here phillips could easily get past. he chose to confront the kid

then he went on cnn and lied about it

2 mins in he said if he tried to walk past thats what the crowd would have needed to attack him

compared to this a couple of days later when the videos came out
i was brought up to move out of the way of a senior and still hold that value, I was also taught to stand when they enter a room. I guess we disagree on what is polite. The red hat has become a symbol of a radical populist goverment correct? Just as the pussy hat and the white hood stand for something correct? Wearing the hat is a vote for trump and all that he stands for. I for one do not like what he promotes and stands for, hope the majority now get it. I still think the kid deserved a spanking....not death mind you, just a spanking lol.
i was brought up to move out of the way of a senior and still hold that value, I was also taught to stand when they enter a room. I guess we disagree on what is polite. The red hat has become a symbol of a radical populist goverment correct? Just as the pussy hat and the white hood stand for something correct? Wearing the hat is a vote for trump and all that he stands for. I for one do not like what he promotes and stands for, hope the majority now get it. I still think the kid deserved a spanking....not death mind you, just a spanking lol.
@ginjawarrior seems to enjoy making excuses for children being disrespectful. Their is a such thing as a childs place.
i was brought up to move out of the way of a senior and still hold that value, I was also taught to stand when they enter a room. I guess we disagree on what is polite. The red hat has become a symbol of a radical populist goverment correct? Just as the pussy hat and the white hood stand for something correct? Wearing the hat is a vote for trump and all that he stands for. I for one do not like what he promotes and stands for, hope the majority now get it. I still think the kid deserved a spanking....not death mind you, just a spanking lol.
I'm an old man. But I cut and split my own wood. I take no medications and am in very good health. I had a young fellow so pissed at blowes the other day he wanted to grab me. I wanted him to as well. I smiled and told him to have a nice day and went somewhere else and bought an appliance. Today I met some very nice young men at Best buy. I needed a television and the one I had was lcd and not worth me repairing. So I did my research as usual and found out the viewing angle on led TV's suck. We discussed dynamic range and he agreed for my situation the Sony was the way to go. He wondered where I learned what dynamic range was etc. I explained my past a bit and he was really interested. The other fellow maybe wasn't getting laid? I had a guy a menards tell me once he wishes he was retired like me. I asked him if he would trade 50 years of his life for 10 maybe less. He just smiled. Dam fast food generation.
i was brought up to move out of the way of a senior and still hold that value, I was also taught to stand when they enter a room. I guess we disagree on what is polite. The red hat has become a symbol of a radical populist goverment correct? Just as the pussy hat and the white hood stand for something correct? Wearing the hat is a vote for trump and all that he stands for. I for one do not like what he promotes and stands for, hope the majority now get it. I still think the kid deserved a spanking....not death mind you, just a spanking lol.
I still get out of the way of old people. And most are probably younger than me!
I'm an old man. But I cut and split my own wood. I take no medications and am in very good health. I had a young fellow so pissed at blowes the other day he wanted to grab me. I wanted him to as well. I smiled and told him to have a nice day and went somewhere else and bought an appliance. Today I met some very nice young men at Best buy. I needed a television and the one I had was lcd and not worth me repairing. So I did my research as usual and found out the viewing angle on led TV's suck. We discussed dynamic range and he agreed for my situation the Sony was the way to go. He wondered where I learned what dynamic range was etc. I explained my past a bit and he was really interested. The other fellow maybe wasn't getting laid? I had a guy a menards tell me once he wishes he was retired like me. I asked him if he would trade 50 years of his life for 10 maybe less. He just smiled. Dam fast food generation.
I’m falling apart like a Walmart shirt lol. I bought a pellet stove after 50 years of wood cutting, haven’t quite got to propane yet lol. My kids are respectful and polite and I’m proud of them, I wouldn’t be proud of that boy no matter what the situation, maybe I’m just old and cranky :(.
PS wtf is dynamic range? My 15 year old plasma is just about gone, the board is going, has a couple of lines.
I’m falling apart like a Walmart shirt lol. I bought a pellet stove after 50 years of wood cutting, haven’t quite got to propane yet lol. My kids are respectful and polite and I’m proud of them, I wouldn’t be proud of that boy no matter what the situation, maybe I’m just old and cranky :(.
PS wtf is dynamic range? My 15 year old plasma is just about gone, the board is going, has a couple of lines.
Slew rate is how fast you can get to 60 mph
Dynamic range is the 0 to 60 range kinda
In TV's it's how well they can reproduce total black to white. Lcd TV's have poor dark scene performance generally. But a good viewing angle without color shifts etc. The plasma TV's have a better dynamic range but other issues. Aging is one. Oleds one of the newest techs actually have almost microscopic red green and blue LEDs on a grid. Shitloads. They actually drive them harder or lighter depending on the scene. The problem is the small rgb LEDs get warm and fade in some situations. They age fairly quickly. Dimmer and dimmer. Red first. So the one young man at Best buy that now manufacturers are starting to pulse or modulate the drive to help a bit. But still risky. My kids would never act like those youngsters. I've voted both ways. But respecting people is the first thing to teach kids. Don't take others toys etc. Even my grandkids aren't as respectful as I was when their age. But my dad had a belt.
A bunch of grown men (elders to these kids) had just spent the better part of an hour yelling truly disgusting things at the kids. And your concern is for the lying native American man that walked into the space they were occupying? Sorry, I have no sympathy for that man after seeing what the kids went through while waiting for their bus. Go enjoy your comedy central news.
You certainly are good at reading your own biases into the things you see.

Are you trusted with going onto the internet?
Wow just saw the clip when one of those fuck fuck MAGA yelled out " its not rape if she enjoys it ". OMG what are they teaching these kids. and yet we have @ginjawarrior @Bugeye defending these types.
Yeah, teens do and say stupid stuff all the time. We afford them more latitude than adults because their brains art not yet fully developed. It isn't news unless they wear a maga hat.
Yeah, teens do and say stupid stuff all the time. We afford them more latitude than adults because their brains art not yet fully developed. It isn't news unless they wear a maga hat.
Naw dude most teens are not saying " it is not rape if she enjoys it ". What kind of shit you defending.
Oh can you also answer, when was America great and when did it stop being great.
I generally expect teen boys to say stupid stuff and don't pay it much attention. Also sounds like more fake news so excuse me for not piling on.

As for the second question, maga is a political slogan used previously by republican and democrat presidents, I afford it the same meaning as hope and change, I'm with her.
I generally expect teen boys to say stupid stuff and don't pay it much attention. Also sounds like more fake news so excuse me for not piling on.

As for the second question, maga is a political slogan used previously by republican and democrat presidents, I afford it the same meaning as hope and change, I'm with her.
I understand what hope and change is, but when was America great and when did it stop being great. Or is it stupid shit people say with no meaning ?