An uptick in Covid positive patients today.
this sucks. Here we go again. Stay safe and get another shot
My husband got a text from the CA Dept is Public Health to go get your booster shot ASAP.
I am glad I am in California now for this wave . People are so much more compliant and respectful about this than where I was living before.
Even with double boosters and the Pfizer 5 day anti viral, I was sick as a dog the 2nd week of having covid. My blood oxygen was down to 85 and I could barely move. It was the sofa or bed for a week straight and then it broke.
I would say avoid it at all costs....I'm wearing an n95 in all public indoor spaces, because I know I can still get it again!!
Even with double boosters and the Pfizer 5 day anti viral, I was sick as a dog the 2nd week of having covid. My blood oxygen was down to 85 and I could barely move. It was the sofa or bed for a week straight and then it broke.
I would say avoid it at all costs....I'm wearing an n95 in all public indoor spaces, because I know I can still get it again!!
Wow, sorry to hear how Sick you were. That’s horrible . Do you have a weak immune system from a health condition? There are so many covid patients coming in now it’s crazy. Swarms of them. In fact i have one to take care of now. Good luck . Be careful and take care.
Wow, sorry to hear how Sick you were. That’s horrible . Do you have a weak immune system from a health condition? There are so many covid patients coming in now it’s crazy. Swarms of them. In fact i have one to take care of now. Good luck . Be careful and take care.
All mask mandates have lifted in Chicago, and I suspect most of Illinois. It is surreal to take an Uber, walk into a store, even go through the airports with absolutely no mask! About a quarter of the people still wear them, but it is up to the individual...
Ah, I see. I take many supplements, including Green Vibrance and Miracle Reds, both concentrated fruit and vegatable powders with pre and probiotics. Good stuff...
Wow, sorry to hear how Sick you were. That’s horrible . Do you have a weak immune system from a health condition? There are so many covid patients coming in now it’s crazy. Swarms of them. In fact i have one to take care of now. Good luck . Be careful and take care.
No, my immune system is good I believe (for a 60 year old). My friend that went with me that also got it, accidentally infected a co-worker....That co-worker and her boyfriend who also got it, have been sick for a full month now, and they are both in their early 40's. No energy, dead tired is what they are saying....The woman has been off work for a full month, with no pay the past 2 weeks so probably not faking it.
Eating lots of ginger, garlic, and onion Is a good way to boost your immune system
Another thing to help mitigate possible Covid exposure is to take a shower after being around large crowds, wash your nostrils and gargle with antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.
Eating lots of ginger, garlic, and onion Is a good way to boost your immune system
Another thing to help mitigate possible Covid exposure is to take a shower after being around large crowds, wash your nostrils and gargle with antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.
I was on a cruise ship for a week, is what got me, and 2 of my friends. Probably didn't help taking the bus in Bermuda either!! We did wear n95 masks everywhere though.
Eating lots of ginger, garlic, and onion Is a good way to boost your immune system
Another thing to help mitigate possible Covid exposure is to take a shower after being around large crowds, wash your nostrils and gargle with antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.
Eating lots of ginger, garlic, and onion Is a good way to boost your immune system
Another thing to help mitigate possible Covid exposure is to take a shower after being around large crowds, wash your nostrils and gargle with antiseptic mouthwash like Listerine.
Credible sites? I'm not saying that they will prevent or cure Covid but Garlic, Ginger, and Onions are well known for their health benefits and for boosting the immune system. They've been used in ancient medicine for thousands of years. Many of today's drugs are just synthetic compounds based from natural sources.
It's well known that the sinuses and throat are prime breeding grounds for germs to flourish so keeping the inside of your nose clean and your throat disinfected obviously is going to help limit the amount of germs that are present.
All I know is that I very rarely get sick and when I do it's always mild and only lasts a couple of days. I've been to several concerts in the last couple of months and haven't worn a mask. I haven't gotten sick and all the self tests I've taken have been negative. I've had a very strong immune system my entire life. I've also eaten healthy all my life and stay healthy with exercise and diet. Some of us just don't catch stuff. Is it my diet or something to do with my physiology? I don't know but I love garlic, ginger, and onion and will continue to eat lots of all of them. It can't hurt but it's definitely not a cure or replacement for taking the proper measures and getting vaccinated and taking booster shots.
I'm not saying eat lots of garlic and you can't catch covid. But these foods do have value in boosting the immune system. That's beneficial in itself and it's so cheap and easy to include these foods in your diet that it doesn't make sense not to unless you have an allergy.
"Among these, garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the most widely used ones. When extracted and isolated, these compounds exhibit a broad spectrum of beneficial effects against microbial infections as well as cardioprotective, anticancerigenic, and anti-inflammatory activity"
"Garlic contains allicin. This is a strong antibiotic. It’s released when cloves are crushed or chewed. Garlic has been used as an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. It may help the body resist or destroy viruses and other microorganisms. It does this by boosting the immune system."
"Early evidence suggests garlic may help prevent colds. In one study, people took either garlic supplements or placebo for 12 weeks during cold season, between November and February. Those who took garlic had fewer colds than those who took placebo. And when they did get a cold, the people taking garlic saw their symptoms go away faster than those who took placebo."
Learn about Garlic or find a doctor at Mount Sinai Health System.
"A before-and-after randomized clinical trial of 60 seconds of swishing and gargling 20 mL of a mouthwash formulation effective for killing Neisseria gonorrhea in vitro showed 16 of 33 mouthwash garglers (48%) became culture-negative 5 minutes later, compared to 4 of 25 saline garglers (16%; P = 0.013, absolute risk reduction 32%, 95% confidence interval 4% to 51%).
Branded and generic formulations containing the same 4 active ingredients, eucalyptol (0.092%), menthol (0.042%), methyl salicylate (0.06%), and thymol (0.064%), reduced SARS-CoV-2 replication of 3 human strains by >2.6 to >3.1 logs after a 30-second incubation.
On a different continent with coronavirus 229E, a frequently used surrogate for SARS viruses, with incubations of 30, 60, and 120 seconds, the same components inhibited replication by >2 to >4 logs.
The generic versions cost $3 for 50 ounces, which breaks down to 4 (20 mL) to 6 (30 mL) cents/dose.
Hence, for persons without COVID-19 pneumonia but having acquired SARS-CoV-2 in their pharynx at bedtime, swishing and gargling the specified formulation, branded or generic, would be expected to substantially reduce virions capable of replication that can be aspirated during sleep, conferring advantage to the host. Long-term safety of such mouthwash use once daily is not disputed."
Credible sites? I'm not saying that they will prevent or cure Covid but Garlic, Ginger, and Onions are well known for their health benefits and for boosting the immune system. They've been used in ancient medicine for thousands of years. Many of today's drugs are just synthetic compounds based from natural sources.
It's well known that the sinuses and throat are prime breeding grounds for germs to flourish so keeping the inside of your nose clean and your throat disinfected obviously is going to help limit the amount of germs that are present.
All I know is that I very rarely get sick and when I do it's always mild and only lasts a couple of days. I've been to several concerts in the last couple of months and haven't worn a mask. I haven't gotten sick and all the self tests I've taken have been negative. I've had a very strong immune system my entire life. I've also eaten healthy all my life and stay healthy with exercise and diet. Some of us just don't catch stuff. Is it my diet or something to do with my physiology? I don't know but I love garlic, ginger, and onion and will continue to eat lots of all of them. It can't hurt but it's definitely not a cure or replacement for taking the proper measures and getting vaccinated and taking booster shots.
I'm not saying eat lots of garlic and you can't catch covid. But these foods do have value in boosting the immune system. That's beneficial in itself and it's so cheap and easy to include these foods in your diet that it doesn't make sense not to unless you have an allergy.
"Among these, garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the most widely used ones. When extracted and isolated, these compounds exhibit a broad spectrum of beneficial effects against microbial infections as well as cardioprotective, anticancerigenic, and anti-inflammatory activity"
"Garlic contains allicin. This is a strong antibiotic. It’s released when cloves are crushed or chewed. Garlic has been used as an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. It may help the body resist or destroy viruses and other microorganisms. It does this by boosting the immune system."
"Early evidence suggests garlic may help prevent colds. In one study, people took either garlic supplements or placebo for 12 weeks during cold season, between November and February. Those who took garlic had fewer colds than those who took placebo. And when they did get a cold, the people taking garlic saw their symptoms go away faster than those who took placebo."
Learn about Garlic or find a doctor at Mount Sinai Health System.
"A before-and-after randomized clinical trial of 60 seconds of swishing and gargling 20 mL of a mouthwash formulation effective for killing Neisseria gonorrhea in vitro showed 16 of 33 mouthwash garglers (48%) became culture-negative 5 minutes later, compared to 4 of 25 saline garglers (16%; P = 0.013, absolute risk reduction 32%, 95% confidence interval 4% to 51%).
Branded and generic formulations containing the same 4 active ingredients, eucalyptol (0.092%), menthol (0.042%), methyl salicylate (0.06%), and thymol (0.064%), reduced SARS-CoV-2 replication of 3 human strains by >2.6 to >3.1 logs after a 30-second incubation.
On a different continent with coronavirus 229E, a frequently used surrogate for SARS viruses, with incubations of 30, 60, and 120 seconds, the same components inhibited replication by >2 to >4 logs.
The generic versions cost $3 for 50 ounces, which breaks down to 4 (20 mL) to 6 (30 mL) cents/dose.
Hence, for persons without COVID-19 pneumonia but having acquired SARS-CoV-2 in their pharynx at bedtime, swishing and gargling the specified formulation, branded or generic, would be expected to substantially reduce virions capable of replication that can be aspirated during sleep, conferring advantage to the host. Long-term safety of such mouthwash use once daily is not disputed."
Got my Pfizer covid 19 2nd booster shot this morning at the Safeway Pharmacy and they gave me a coupon for 10% off my grocery’s for getting the shot. I ended up saving $21. That was very kind of them. They also had a very nice private waiting room.
The soonest they an get me in for my 2nd booster is June 30 lol...the more rural states have much less vaccine for this current wave than they did in the past. I'll just hide until then.