
But you have to use the tests first. I don't understand why many don't bother when you can get tests for free. I'm not talking about taking daily tests but testing before going to some function with multiple people. It only takes 15 minutes. If you test positive then don't go.

People don't want responsibility. That's why they have to be reminded that the coffee they just bought is hot and to be careful.
But you have to use the tests first. I don't understand why many don't bother when you can get tests for free. I'm not talking about taking daily tests but testing before going to some function with multiple people. It only takes 15 minutes. If you test positive then don't go.
We used the ones obtained from our school district a couple of times. Kids are both in person for school and had COVID-like symptoms a couple of weeks ago. We used them as a first cut about whether or not anyone needs to quarantine in the house. We still have to do PCRs for the kids to go back to school after being sick.
So far both the rapids and the PCRs were negative for our kids, but we’ve heard a few families that were negative on the rapids but positive on the PCRs. Rapids seem to not be as sensitive/accurate as lab tests.
Dad's rules were girls do their business inside but boys always pee outside.
He worried about the septic system - and then again I think he might have just wanted some of that nitrogen to be recycled.

My rules (dad) for him and anyone else over "as long as we don't see your're good." But I've also seen her run and just drop so she doesn't pee herself. Fucking funny! Honey badger don't care!
My rules (dad) for him and anyone else over "as long as we don't see your're good." But I've also seen her run and just drop so she doesn't pee herself. Fucking funny! Honey badger don't care!
Your's and mine might just be related.

Her: "Stop at the next place I need to pee"
Me: Stops at rest stop.
Her: Hops out of the car & pee's down a storm drain.
Her: "I told you I had to go!"
Dad's rules were girls do their business inside but boys always pee outside.
He worried about the septic system - and then again I think he might have just wanted some of that nitrogen to be recycled.
Peeing standing up is an ongoing source of frustration and complaint for my wife.
As soon as our boys were potty trained, they both took to peeing outside. I was a little boy once, so I knew there was little chance of getting them to stop. It wasn’t even something I showed them, but I definitely got blamed for it. Mom was 100% not a fan.
So, we had to come up with some rules. First rule was “don’t let mom see you doing it.” That worked ok, they started going behind the garage but the neighbor lady sometimes saw them and told their mom.
Second rule was “dont let the neighbor lady see you doing it, she spies for mom”. They were pretty good about following that rule.
They don’t pee outside much now and they are actually fairly well trained to lift the seat when they pee (and usually even put it back down). But, they still miss and get pee all over the rim and sometimes the floor. It drives mom nuts.
'GIF' Pioneer Stephen Wilhite Dies From COVID-19

Stephen Wilhite, inventor of the ''GIF'' file, poses with an award backstage at the 17th annual Webby Awards on May 21, 2013, in New York.


The man who spawned millions of memes via his invention in 1987 of the humble GIF has died. Steve Wilhite, whose Graphics Interchange Format helped personalize the internet, lost a two-week battle with Covid-19 earlier this month, his wife told NPR.[/URL]


If you have the Pfizer series get a Moderna booster and vice versa.
Thanks for posting good info, per usual!

My wife did two Modernas and then a Pfizer booster in November. She did that mainly because 2nd Moderna made her feel rotten for about a day and she hoped to avoid that with the booster. But, there was evidence already in November that switching series was potentially preferable too.

She did contract COVID during the omicron surge after getting the booster, but it was just sniffles and feeling mildly achey/tired for a day. Milder symptoms than the 2nd Moderna shot.

We aren’t eligible for a second booster yet but I’m planning on doing moderna after having three of the Pfizer series so far. To each their own, but I’m cool with getting vaccinated as much as necessary as guided by science.