Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

I did some bean shelling at the camp Wednesday night. Started strong, rolling a joint for every kind. Quickly stopped that. Did get nine different pickings done. Had one Tray Jumper that was really a UL, as in Un-Labeled. It was in a sack of shake with no name. Also had a bud of Hurricane Head that was not labeled HH GN or HH FP. I think I got four seeds out of the bud.

More seed work. Here at work tonight I was going through my office stash, trying to put everything in smaller containers. I spotted a seed in the BP {Sol}. This is the first one I've seen. I was afraid the CPDA pollen I had used on it had got too wet when I had collected it and had to hike two miles in a downpour. Would be great to find a few more, but there was only 3 seeds on the mother BP plant from '16. And I still have 2 of those.

At the house this morning, I went though more seed pot to take to the camp. I grabbed a bag of GV1 from the JP patch. Not loaded like the Peach, but I saw seeds in the shake. This one plant was the only one in that patch I dusted. I used the CP1 {BP2} pollen. I burned a fat joint of the bud this morning before heading out shopping. It still had a fresh taste to it, and I got high as hell. {nothing like dealing with the little old ladies at the thrift stores when you are toasted} This {CP1 X GV1} should be a usable strain. I collected several big bags of shake that has to be de-seeded. I may go on to the camp tonight so I can get to work on that.
Also got a few B&S X CP1 seeds from ALw. The main one I dusted died from termite damage, but made lots of seeds. This one nearby finished, but only picked up a little wayward pollen, so had very few seeds.
I ran into my buddy yesterday. I had gave him some smoke last fall. He was telling my that Too Slow was named just right. I ask what he meant. He said, "yea, that Too Slow weed you gave me. I found a little of it this week. I smoked a bowl before I started cutting grass. Didn't feel very high so I smoke another. That shit is creeper. I cut grass half an hour past my knockoff time. It's Too Slow." I may have to change the name. {it's Slo2}
" It was a fast, easy way for me to label the plant."

As you found out black markers don't last outdoors. What does is a simple pencil.
I use normal white plastic plant ID tabs, and write on them with pencil. It can last years.
" It was a fast, easy way for me to label the plant."

As you found out black markers don't last outdoors. What does is a simple pencil.
I use normal white plastic plant ID tabs, and write on them with pencil. It can last years.
Thanks for the tip. I'm putting seeds in soil tomorrow for the BIL. Will check it out.
Will be putting some seeds in soil this weekend and needed to double check some crosses. Tired of looking back 8-10 pages for last year's thread.