Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Not sure why I posted a picture of a downed tree. I was trying for a 2nd bud shot. But that reminds me I need to let my cousin {who heats with wood} know, so they can cut it up. It's the best kind for firewood. Big, tall and straight, and right in the edge of the woods.

It's been a crazy week for me. My Mamma had a small stroke last Monday, then a bigger one the next day. It looked really bad and we brought in Hospice. But she is a tough old bird, and is doing better. Not sure what to expect, but she should be coming home this week. I'm enjoying this time because when she gets home, my free time will be a thing of the past. She needs 24 hour care,and not much money to hire help.

I did steal a little time to check on plants. Friday I took food and water to the BP in the SOL patch. I again took the top couple of buds on each branch. Close to ripe.

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Then I took food and water to the CP1 in the BP patch with the intention of cutting the top buds. I ended up chopping the whole plant. Let me list my reasons.

1. Two planes flew over while I was out there.

2. We have house guests for the week who will be spending time where I park to get to this location.

3. Hunting season starts on Thursday.

4. It was damn close to ready.
My camera battery died, so no pictures of the CP1. I'm having to dry it in the truck until I get a chance to get it to my usual drying spot. Too many folks around. There are three brown bags ready to trim and jar up now. Hope to be able to sneak it by the company on the way to the camp tonight.
Full season's still in the woods. 1 GV2 in the GB patch. 1 CPDA in the ALe patch that has had the colas clipped already. 1 BP in the SOL patch that has had the colas clipped already.

When I get the time, I will walk by all the patches, just to make sure. I had a CP1 in the 3DT patch that I had forgot was still there.
Food and water to the GV2 in the GB patch this afternoon. She is only getting 2-3 hours of sun a day, so not getting fat at all. I never thought it would go this long. Sun is too low. Most likely won't use this patch next year.


Only two full season plants still out. This ^^^^^ one and the BP in the SOL patch.
I took food and water to the BP in the SOL patch this morning with plans to take the top buds again. Two planes flew over while I was there, so I decided to take all of it. This is the 1st weekend of gun season, so a lot of the air traffic is the Rabbit Sheriff, but they still can see me if I'm in the open.

Two planes flew over while I was there, so I decided to take all of it. This is the 1st weekend of gun season, so a lot of the air traffic is the Rabbit Sheriff, but they still can see me if I'm in the open.

That shit would drive me crazy: planes overhead and gun glazed 'hunters' taking pot shots at anything that moves. I would not make a good gorilla grower. I bow down to those who are...
That shit would drive me crazy: planes overhead and gun glazed 'hunters' taking pot shots at anything that moves. I would not make a good gorilla grower. I bow down to those who are...
My BIL says not to worry about the planes. Likely to be hobby fliers going up on the Holiday weekend. Still hate that feeling where you are on your hands and knees under bushes that are not thick enough to hide you, with your flowering plant just a few feet away.

As far as hunters, Sister is pretty good about letting me know which out of town cousins are up, so I'll know who is in the woods. I just don't go when I know they are up to hunt. But the GV2 in the GB patch is all that is still out, and no one but me should be hunting that land. I do have to find some good sunny spots for the Spring crop that is off the beaten path. I'm hoping for a wet winter so I don't have to tend them so much.
I pulled the GV2 in the GB patch today. Saw a couple spots of PM. First of Fucking December and she could have gone another week. Not enough light {where she is at} this late in the year. But it was really late when I planted her. August or there about. I hope with my new genetics, my season will be a little shorter next year.

I had a couple of questions about the seeds I made this year, so I figured I would try to lay it all out. I'm sure I will forget some, and have to add to the list later.

I had two of the Bag Seed Tester #1 females. The BST1 in the GN patch was bred with a BST2 male from the same patch. The one in the FP patch was bred with the BST2 male Big and Stinky. Both of these plants had broken stems, the one in the GN patch thanks to a hurricane. Thus the name Hurricane Head.

There was 4 BST2 females. The two in the GN patch were bred with a BST2 male from that patch, but not the same one as the HH. Those two plants are named Little Sister and Prickly Pear. These plants were small and didn't make a lot of seeds. The two in the FP patch were bred with BST2 male Big & Stinky. Those two are named Peach and Rotten Stinking Bastard, and each produced a pile of seeds. I still have F1's of both these strains, and have some of them in soil for my Spring crop.

A quick review of my naming method from last year. GV1 was the tallest plant in the Grape Vine patch. Other than the CPDA, {Chicken Pen Deer Ate} all of last year's plants were named using this method. All of last year's plants were from a cross my BIL made in 1988 from two local growers. I called the strain Sidetracked: to start with, then later 88's. The BIL calls them Jack Carlos Cross since the two growers are Jack and Carlos.

I had two {good} CPDA females and one CPDA male. I dusted both plants, but that was during the time I couldn't drive into the AL patches, and the pollen got rained on. Very few seeds on these two plants.

I dusted one {of four} CP1's in the ALw patch with Big & Stinky pollen. Also dusted a CP1 in the KPe patch with B&S pollen. These are my first out-crosses with this strain.

In the BP patch I had two big CP1 males to choose from. I chose the shorter of the two. It was only about 11 feet tall. I lightly dusted the CP1 female and hit the Slo2 female a little harder.

The GV2 in the GB patch {the last one to be chopped} was dusted with GV1 pollen from the plant in the same trench. Both these plants were runts when I transplanted them, but they grew good for the amount of sun they got. I might use some of the seeds. Or I might not.

There were some GV1's in the HR patch that made seeds. The dry weather killed most of those plants, so it is hard to judge if they are worth growing. {in my smoke tests I didn't care for the GV1 as much, while the BIL liked it. I only grew it out because of his smoke notes}

One GV3 plant in PH patch made seeds. It was bred with a GV2 male. Not enough sun to judge the genetics.

Of three 88's that made it to the finish, one was a female and two were Hermans. I used the pollen off the Herman in the Slo patch to breed the 88 female. Got seeds off all three plants.

Last year's BP plant had three seeds. I popped one of them this year. The plan was to breed her with the CPDA male, but the pollen must have got wet. So far I haven't seen any seeds in the buds. This was my biggest fail of the year.

To the best of my memory, that is the lot of them. I haven't smoked any of the smaller plants, so there may be more seeds in some of them.
Is all this info in your noggin or do you have hand written notes, too? :smile: If the answer is noggin, I'm very impressed. My memory ain't what it used to be.

Years ago, I did a gorilla grow in the coast range, near where we were living. I had a list of cryptic notes as to where the plants were. One day, we found out the sheriff was yanking a neighbors plants, and my wife freaked out and burned up my notes. I only found four of the twelve that were planted. I looked and looked. There were other mistakes that year though...
Is all this info in your noggin or do you have hand written notes, too? :smile: If the answer is noggin, I'm very impressed. My memory ain't what it used to be.

Years ago, I did a gorilla grow in the coast range, near where we were living. I had a list of cryptic notes as to where the plants were. One day, we found out the sheriff was yanking a neighbors plants, and my wife freaked out and burned up my notes. I only found four of the twelve that were planted. I looked and looked. There were other mistakes that year though...
I do try to make sure each container of bud is marked with both mother and father, but last year there was only 12 females so it was pretty easy to keep track. Since then I depend on my posts on here to remind me. But I don't write it down on paper. I just have to remember until I post.