Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

I trimmed and jarred last week's cutting of Hurricane Head this morning. Also did the Peach, but the picture didn't turn out as good These seeds are BST2 {FP#1 [Big & Stinky]} male X BST1 {FP} female. Still haven't done a true smoke test, but it sure does taste good. Has a spicy, peppery taste. Pretty stony too.

DSCF2083.JPG DSCF2086.JPG This morning I went to the JP patch with the intention of taking the two plants left there.

On the way I went by the 3DT patch, just to make sure I had pulled all the plants like I thought. Turns out there was one plant left. Glad I checked on it. I chopped all three.

Almost forgot. Yesterday I hiked into the KP patches. Took all three of the Slo2's there.
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Really good pictures!
Thanks. My woods camera is the Fuji-films XP {the underwater one}. It has a crack in the lens cover, so I have to remember to turn it upside down when shooting vertical so the blur is at the bottom and not the top of the picture. I took about 130 pictures to get the 10-12 good ones that I posted.
Good to be learning your camera. I have a dslr I am still trying to understand. The things a tank!
As the prices come down I have been looking at the DSLR's, but haven't made the plunge yet. I got my first SLR 35mm when I was 17 years old. I shot for the school paper and yearbook in high school and college. But with my 55 year old eyes, the point and shoots might be better for me.

I have a Go Pro that I haven't used but a couple of times. I want to break it out for my hiking. I did a couple of rocket stove videos, but never posted them. Not sure I want my face out there.
This CPDA was showing lots of yellow leaves, so I did take all the lower buds, just in case it cashes before I can get back to it.
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All week I have worried about this one [CPDA {ALe#2}]. Most weeks I go tend them on Wednesday, but I hiked in early this morning. Not what I wanted to see. Stem got gnawed. Buds look to be alright still, but there wasn't any green leaves left. She was a couple three weeks away from ready.


A couple of the lower limb buds I took off her last week. Not the best taste, but still pretty heady.

The chopped plant above leaves me 1 CPDA in ALe and 2 CPDA in ALw.

CPDA {ALe#1} I have her propped up, but most of the limbs are still horizontal.


CP1 {ALw#1}


CP1 {ALw#2} I took a few more of the lower buds off this one too. {this plant has never been as healthy looking as some of the others. She still looks kind of peaked.
