Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Monday afternoon I got 2 of the 88's {F1's} transplanted in the SOL patch. Same additions as above, but without the fertilizer mix. No pictures, but I used tomato cages on these plants.

T-Pig is 74 + 2 = 76
This morning I got the other six 88's planted. I put three in the GV patch and three in the Slo patch. These last three were really runts. This group of 88's didn't take off like the earlier ones did.

Same additions as the other 88's. Also used tomato cages.

T-Pig is 76 + 6 = 82
All I have left is the 60/40 plant, which will be going somewhere soon. But against my better judgment, I put 11 mixed up, unlabeled bag seeds in soil last night. So I'm not quite through with planting.

I was at the camp, and only had 5 cups in the truck. I used cut down coffee cups on three of them, and just put soil in the 3 openings down the middle of the tray. We will see how easy it is to take them out.

All I have left is the 60/40 plant, which will be going somewhere soon. But against my better judgment, I put 11 mixed up, unlabeled bag seeds in soil last night. So I'm not quite through with planting.

I was at the camp, and only had 5 cups in the truck. I used cut down coffee cups on three of them, and just put soil in the 3 openings down the middle of the tray. We will see how easy it is to take them out.

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hahaha you fkn junkie, planting junkie. I tell myself often "no Im not going to plant anymore now", but I usually dont follow that :)
hahaha you fkn junkie, planting junkie. I tell myself often "no Im not going to plant anymore now", but I usually dont follow that :)
The bad thing is I was at the camp and didn't have any of my seedling soil mix. All I had was a little of the turkey manure mix that I had used for transplanting plants in the ground, and the spilled soil in the back of the truck. I had to use some of the spilled soil to get enough to do all 11 of them. Will see if it's too hot when they come up.
When I checked on the 88's yesterday, the runtiest runt in the Slo patch had cashed. This one had a weak stem, and I almost didn't plant it.

Then this morning one of them in the GV patch had been trimmed by grasshoppers. There was a few leaves left, but I will go ahead and count it as cashed too.

T-Pig is 82 - 2 = 80
Yesterday I took the BST1's and BST2's in the GN patch a drink of water and a feeding. It was a bitch getting across the road without being seen. Getting to be too much traffic in Larry Land. Then the bottom fell out just as I was getting there. Huge lighting storm with me in the middle of the woods. Stay away from trees during lighting they say. Were there are lots of trees in the woods. I had planned on giving the early flower male BST1 another haircut, but the lightning chased me before I got it done.

You guys can see how poor this land is. See how brown everything is? Any place else, and the picture would be almost solid green. I love the sun, but it's just too hard getting water in to give the plants a fair shot. Most likely I will mark this spot off the list for next season.

This was the only picture I got before the rain started. I didn't look to see how many knots were on the cords, but both of these look like BST2's. There is another plant behind the sparkleberry bush, but it's hard to make out.

This CP1 {#2} in the BP patch is over seven feet now and the tallest one I have. The Slo2 in the same patch had been tallest, but this girl is reaching for the sky. With her this tall this early, I am starting to stress a little.


It's taking longer each time to top. If the rain will keep on, I will stay away from this patch for a couple of three weeks. The trail is getting too visible. And with the blueberry patch played out, I don't have a ready excuse for being there. Well, there is still blackberries for a few more weeks.
This CP1 {#2} in the BP patch is over seven feet now and the tallest one I have. The Slo2 in the same patch had been tallest, but this girl is reaching for the sky. With her this tall this early, I am starting to stress a little.

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It's taking longer each time to top. If the rain will keep on, I will stay away from this patch for a couple of three weeks. The trail is getting too visible. And with the blueberry patch played out, I don't have a ready excuse for being there. Well, there is still blackberries for a few more weeks.
she looks like she is going to be huge, not sure if thats such a good thing in this instance :)
she looks like she is going to be huge, not sure if thats such a good thing in this instance :)
This section of woods is not that big. In order to get away from the trails my cousins use with their 4 wheelers, I'm pretty close to the road. I can just make out cars when they pass. I don't think they would ever spot the plants, but there are people walking the road now for exercise. I worry about them hearing me sloshing water around. And later when they start to flower, the smell.
What's the white stuff on the ground, Larry?
It's a kind of lichen. Only grows where the soil is very poor. It is real light weight. The poor soil is why there is good light in those woods. Woods like that is known as Scrub Oak thickets around here. There is lots of Black Jack and Post Oak as well. But it is so hard getting water in, I doubt I will grow there next year.
I took the 60/40 plant {which I'm about 99% sure is a BST2} from here. . .


. . . . and put it here. {in last year's Slo patch, where the little 88 had cashed} I added a couple of gallons of the 1st full kitty litter mix. {I promise I will post some of my soil notes soon}


T-Pig is 80 + 1 = 81
Had a couple of the young 88's {F1's} in the GV get topped by the deer. One had no leaves left, so I count it as cashed. I'll wait on the other. I have several Deer Ate plants this year that are doing alright.

T-Pig is 81 - 1 = 80
Got down to the FP patch yesterday morning. One of the BST1's had cashed, and the other one is looking a lot like a BST2. I would never make a mistake labeling right? {Says the guy who has cantaloupes growing from his transplanted cucumber vines}


T-Pig is 80 - 1 = 79
This morning I got over to the AL patches {the Bug-out patch}. One of the young ones had died. I'm not sure if I had already recorded it or not. Too lazy to look back and do the math, so. . . .

T-Pig is 79 - 1 = 78
It's raining in Larry Land today. A week off from carrying water. I still need to make my rounds though. If I camp Sunday night, I'll try to check on 3DT, JP, SEE and DDW patches early Monday morning. Most days planes don't get in the air until 0800;