Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Speaking of grasshoppers. One day I had 8-9 good looking sprouts in these cups. Next day they were all gone. June is grass hopper season here. If I start anymore seeds, I will do it under screen.

I stayed at the camp last night, and was at the holding grounds at 0530. It was foggy and perfect for transplanting. But I talked myself into running by the house for breakfast and a kiss from the wife before she left for work. I was back by 0700, and carried 6 Slo2's to the KP patches. I put 1 in KPe, in the southern most hole, right by the down wild cherry tree. Other 4 plants in that patch were doing well.

I went on to KPm and put two more plants. These were the first to go in this patch.

As I neared KPw with the last three plants, I heard folks walking on the road, and they had dogs. These holes are very close to the road, so I had to take a raincheck. I should have went on earlier. But I took the 3 plants back to the holding grounds. Another week of growth won't hurt them a bit.

T-Pig is 62 + 3 = 65
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Tuesday about dark I went by the holding grounds and picked up 1 GV1 and 3 GV2's. After the deer topping the plants at my camp last week, I wasn't taking any chances. I took them to my shooting blind. If the deer go in there, there is nothing I can do.


Wednesday morning I took them on back, putting the GV1 in the hole with the deer ate GV1 in the JP patch.


From there I took the 3 GV2's to the DDW patch. The deer ate plant there had died. I think I still had it on T-Pig. so I need to take it off.

T-Pig is 65 + 4 - 1 = 68
Here is a look at one of the super cropped plants in the JP patch. I was worried, but I'm glad to see she healed. I did lose a pretty big limb on the other plant there. I will need to proceed slowly on this front.

It was raining yesterday morning, which is great for transplanting, but tough on us old guys who wear glasses. After leaving the DDW patch, I took my glasses out of my pocket, dragging the paper bag of tops out with them. I didn't miss them until much later, after it had rained a bunch. No big loss, I just don't like to fuck up in the field.
Then way too close to dark, I took 3 Slo2's back to the KPw patch. I knew I needed two of them, but it had been so long since I had been there, I figured taking an extra plant couldn't hurt. As it turned out, the plant with the bad slug damage had pulled through, so I didn't have enough holes for them all. I dug out the hole bigger around the slug plant and put the smallest one there.

There was a BST1 male that was still in early flower, blooming away, so I killed him.

T-Pig is 67 + 3 - 1 = 69
Then today I went to my other holding grounds to get the 3 plants there ready to transplant. I went on to the FP patch and dug the holes first. Since I only had 2 pack of the fertilizer mix, I did one hole and one two plant trench.

When I got to the holding grounds, one of the BST1's had been dug up. It was out of the pot on the ground. But thanks to the rain, it hadn't started to wilt at all. I put it back in the pot and got all three of them in the ground. The 2 BST1's in the trench. Hope the roughed up one makes it.

T-Pig is 69 + 3 = 72
They are the ones with the wide leaves. I bought a bag in March, which I called Bag Seed Tester #1, then another bag in April, which is BST2. My buddy gave me a chunk of bud earlier this month. I haven't planted the seeds yet, but they will be BST3's. I'm waiting now for him to come by with a sack. It's his payday, and we are splitting an ounce. So that will be BST4's.

But I've just about decided not to sprout anymore this summer. I'm having a hell of a time keeping up, and I have a major project coming up that will soak up what free time I do have.

Here is the BST2 in the FP patch. I like how it bushes out without much training.

They are the ones with the wide leaves. I bought a bag in March, which I called Bag Seed Tester #1, then another bag in April, which is BST2. My buddy gave me a chunk of bud earlier this month. I haven't planted the seeds yet, but they will be BST3's. I'm waiting now for him to come by with a sack. It's his payday, and we are splitting an ounce. So that will be BST4's.

But I've just about decided not to sprout anymore this summer. I'm having a hell of a time keeping up, and I have a major project coming up that will soak up what free time I do have.

Here is the BST2 in the FP patch. I like how it bushes out without much training.

Yep they look nice. Thats the ones I was thinking of too
We have had a couple more days of on and off rain. If it had done this ever time I had transplanted, I could have stopped planting a month ago.

The storm a few days ago caught me with my pants down, so to speak. The lid was off my coffee ground bin, and three of my kiddie pools of soil mix was uncovered. I have used some of the water in the coffee grounds and from the soil mixes to make teas. Not sure just how hot the water off the soil mixes was, I diluted it about 1-4 before putting in on my plants. I got 5 gallons from the coffee ground bin and almost 20 from the kiddie pools, so I will have plenty to work with the next couple of weeks. {it rained 3 1/2 inches in 30 minutes the other day}
I only had two plants left in the holding grounds. One GV1 and one GV2. They were both runts, and would have been culled earlier in the season. But I put the two of them in the trench in the GB patch Sunday night. {they are labeled, but the GV2 is in the northern end} I dug this hole on Christmas Eve, so there were tons of roots that had to be dealt with. I added a cup of my fertilizer mix {2 parts 5-10-15, 2 parts 6-6-6, 1 part 10-10-10, 1 part 13-13-13 and 1 part 15-0-15}, 1 cup of each of the 2 kinds of time release, 1/4 cup of lime and 1/8 cup Epson Salts. Also split a five gallon bucket of a recent soil mix between them.


Anyone want to guess how I name my patches? GB stands for Green Bottle.

T-Pig is 72 + 2 = 74