Couple Simple questions, hopefully

I was looking around on this site and on google, and a couple of books. I had a couple questions I was hoping that could be answered.
FYI: I have one female plant thats about 2ft or so Indica I believe, its female, and has been going for about 8 weeks with 24 hrs of light with being in 12/12 preflower for the last 4-5 days. I'm using 2x34 watt fluro 4 ft tubes, 1x150 watt equiv CFL, 2x120 watt equiv CFL, and 1x 100 watt equiv CFL. It's my first grow and besides a couple of small problems it's going pretty well. I use Miracle Gro as my medium.
1. Is it better/a good idea to water and feed from a spray bottle to the leaves, or straight to the soil. So far I've been going with just watering soil.

2. When it comes to going to flowering, so far I haven't cut off a single leaf or done anything to change the plant from growing naturally so far. I wanted to know if it would be a good idea once buds started to develop if i would most likely need to prune some of the leaves in the way. I'm wondering though if this could have the opposite effect that was intended as I'm not sure if the plant would divert energy then to new leaves and nodes.

That is all I can think of for the moment, if you would like pictures I'll see what I can do. Thanks for looking at this, and sorry if this is the 100th time you've seen the same thread like this.


Well-Known Member
1. Continue watering the soil. Stay with what works for you.
2. Somewhat of a religious debate. Personally I try to never cut a fan leave unless it drastically is effecting a bud from growing (providing it with little or no light).

Be careful with miracle_grow_anything. It will grow plants, but tends to run hot (high ppms) and there are just so darn many better nutrient solutions to be had. Foxfarm, Dutch master, advanced nutrients, general hydro, etc....will all get you better quality buds. For your next grow I'd get a small 250 or 400w HPS.

That said, it always makes me smile to see new energy and people giving it a try. What a wonderful hobby!


Active Member
Foliar feeding will work, even with MG, however you should read up more about it if you're going to try it. The easiest route is to just feed it through the soild. A lot of people will say that MG is shit, however it's fine as long as you monitor your plant for problems and adjust accordingly.

As for pruning, it should be done for two reasons:

1. To remove sickly or dead leaves. Dead material becomes mold food pretty quick, and sick leaves weigh the plant down like a deadbeat friend that crashes at your place for months without getting a job.

2. To shape your plant during veg. Topping makes it bushier, whereas trimming the sides makes it stretch. Shaping during flower costs you yield.
Hey, yeah thanks alot for the medium ideas. I was just going off what a friend told me. Also I'm using CFL's as they seem to be more covert for my growing, since I'm growing in a closet and can be directed easier than a HPS. Thanks alot.