Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

google "civil rights" for a list of protected statuses.

As long as you admit that it's special protection and not equal protection then, it says so right there on the google.

If you were being honest (made myself lol there), you could admit that we need special protection for some, but not others "in the name of equality". You can argue the merits of those protections, but you can't use equality in an honest debate about carving out specific protected classes.

Just say that in an effort to get society to behave in the way you support, you feel the need for unequal laws. The moral majority agrees with you btw.
As long as you admit that it's special protection and not equal protection then, it says so right there on the google.

If you were being honest (made myself lol there), you could admit that we need special protection for some, but not others "in the name of equality". You can argue the merits of those protections, but you can't use equality in an honest debate about carving out specific protected classes.

Just say that in an effort to get society to behave in the way you support, you feel the need for unequal laws. The moral majority agrees with you btw.

now you're calling civil rights "special protection"?

totally not racist.
now you're calling civil rights "special protection"?

totally not racist.

I couldn't get anyone to take the bet that you would refuse to answer the questions and go to "that's racist". Nearly everyone sees who you are now, well done.

Are you too scared to honestly answer why you are fine with any form of discrimination but x, y and z? Just be honest and default to "the greater good", that was the gist behind it. Embrace it, own it, and honestly debate why laws based on "the greater good" are awesome.

If it's not special protections, what is it? It's certainly not equal protection or it wouldn't be itemized.
Please explain who has a right to force other people to serve them and where this "right" originates ?
OK Dumdum when I stand in front of the counter and ask for service at some Public place I'm not really dealing with an individual, I'm doing business with a company if the homophobic behind the counter doesn't want to serve me I'm not gonna force him, He can always quit, making the job available for more open minded person.
OK Dumdum when I stand in front of the counter and ask for service at some Public place I'm not really dealing with an individual, I'm doing business with a company if the homophobic behind the counter doesn't want to serve me I'm not gonna force him, He can always quit, making the job available for more open minded person.

But if he refused to serve you because he doesn't like your shoes, you are SOL. Equality!!
keep on calling civil rights "special rights" and then wonder why everyone now knows you are racist.

Special status =/= special rights, but your dishonest ass knew that.

If you could actually have an honest debate you might bring some value here, I don't think you have it in you.

We carve out protected classes "for the greater good". I'm not even a regressive like you and can admit this.
Special status =/= special rights, but your dishonest ass knew that.

If you could actually have an honest debate you might bring some value here, I don't think you have it in you.

We carve out protected classes "for the greater good". I'm not even a regressive like you and can admit this.

we had to carve out protected classes because segregationists like you were more worried about not punishing racist food spitters than providing equal protection of the law to the minorities you dislike.
we had to carve out protected classes because segregationists like you were more worried about not punishing racist food spitters than providing equal protection of the law to the minorities you dislike.

This is progress for you. You at least admit you think we need unequal laws in the name of equality now. That's something.
This is progress for you. You at least admit you think we need unequal laws in the name of equality now. That's something.

how is protecting everyone from discrimination based on skin color unequal?

you sound really bitter about civil rights still. now tell us all how much you are in support of civil rights.
how is protecting everyone from discrimination based on skin color unequal?

you sound really bitter about civil rights still. now tell us all how much you are in support of civil rights.

But we don't protect everyone. Bing Steel was the example I gave that had over 1000 employees. Nobody is complaining, it's well within Dave Bing's rights isn't it? In fact, he got black businessman of the year awards and I thought so highly of the man I voted for him for Mayor. If the protection was really equal, his plants would have been closed. That would have been a tragedy, not justice.

True story for ya Buck. I've personally helped more minorities than I bet you've met in your life since you continually choose to live in the whitest parts of the US while calling those who disagree with you racist.
But we don't protect everyone.

then how did this thread get started?

True story for ya Buck. I've personally helped more minorities than I bet you've met in your life since you continually choose to live in the whitest parts of the US while calling those who disagree with you racist.

"i'm not racist, i've given services to minorities as part of my job" - ginwilly

where we're moving to is 43% hispanic, 50% white. tell me again how that is one of the "whitest parts of the US".
How the fuck would Christian business owners know they were dealing with adulterers?
Progressive socialists, got to love um.
What is it with some of you guys who feel the need to label everyone, I can't keep up with all these terms so what is a progressive socialist, is it like a neo-commie?
My point is, If the Bible is so important in the lives of these people why don't they from a moral and religious standpoint also deny service to adulterers ?
You say this is because they can't be identified, that's true but why aren't they vocal about it at least, reason being is that they don't give a shit, they just want an enemy, the fucked up religious doctrine they swallow teaches them that they are surrounded by evil, there's always danger, God said blah blah etc etc.
The people who are defending such businesses should put their energy into something productive that benefits all of society instead of this divisive crap that benefits no one in the long run.
What is it with some of you guys who feel the need to label everyone, I can't keep up with all these terms so what is a progressive socialist, is it like a neo-commie?
My point is, If the Bible is so important in the lives of these people why don't they from a moral and religious standpoint also deny service to adulterers ?
You say this is because they can't be identified, that's true but why aren't they vocal about it at least, reason being is that they don't give a shit, they just want an enemy, the fucked up religious doctrine they swallow teaches them that they are surrounded by evil, there's always danger, God said blah blah etc etc.
The people who are defending such businesses should put their energy into something productive that benefits all of society instead of this divisive crap that benefits no one in the long run.

For all you know they HAVE denied service to adulterers but since adulterers are not a protected class, they had no legal recourse.

Many churches deny marriage ceremonies to couples if one of the parties has been married before.

Just ban religion already.