Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

There is no simple solution when religion is involved, it is intangible and ever changing, rarely does it adhere to logic when applying it own beliefs.

I would ask the homophobic couple to open their private club, this is the solution to those who feel they need to put their beliefs on others.
I was talking about your economic solution.
Your alternative to laissez faire
tell me more about how nature has intentionality.

Nature is not "alive". Nor does it have "intentionality". But the way things have evolved in our universe (or specific multi-verse) is "survival of the fittest". And the desire to pass on ones genes is second only to the desire to survive (eat, breathe, etc).

And homosexuals don't have the innate desire to pass on their genes. And I don't know why, but it shouldn't give rise to "civil rights protection" for them. They have civil rights as human beings. And rightfully so. Just don't shove their lifestyle down my throat.
So what is this gay couple going to do now? Now that the business is closing and they won't get their wedding.
Have you ever lodged a complaint against anything? Ever?

Is the couple supposed to allow themselves to be mistreated? Anyone with a backbone would pursue appropriate legal actions.
Show us where it mentions gays.

that's mentioned in new york's laws.

In 2003, New York's Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA) took effect. SONDA "prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, credit, and the exercise of civil rights."[12]

notice how it says PUBLIC accommodations? that means bigots like you can offer wedding services and deny gays, but it has to be a private club.

Funny how peoples so easily blame their belief in some false God to justify not respecting the rights of other peoples who don't follow their line of conduct. Sound easier than admitting they have issues...
Are you talking about Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin or the Giffords?
that's mentioned in new york's laws.

In 2003, New York's Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA) took effect. SONDA "prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, credit, and the exercise of civil rights."[12]

notice how it says PUBLIC accommodations? that means bigots like you can offer wedding services and deny gays, but it has to be a private club.

LOL Civil rights 101
You're a fucking ass clown
I was talking about your economic solution.
Your alternative to laissez faire
I am not an economist, I am a trauma nurse.

I understand that a free market is almost impossible, I really wish this was a possibility! Unfortunately those who subscribe to such ideas are as backwards as Marxists, too many problems lie in opening the market up and deregulating everything.

Primarily I am concerned what would happen to the US during this time of transition, too many problems lie in this direction.

I have no specific solution, this is why I am discussing these things.
Have you ever lodged a complaint against anything? Ever?

Is the couple supposed to allow themselves to be mistreated? Anyone with a backbone would pursue appropriate legal actions.

NO, I have not.

So if they can't get married there, no one can?

Where are they supposed to get married now? I would imagine the harm they have suffered has left them ruined for life. I hope they live.
Why have I not heard the same Christians with such strong belief in the word of God complaining about having to serve adulterers?
After all both "sins" are punishable by death so fornicators must be equally repulsive to these religious business owners, I bet they're not though and rightly so, it's all BS playing the religion card to hide good ol' fashioned bigotry , I see no difference between these people and what the WBC do except for the theatrics of the latter, essentially the message going out is the same.
Easy, and I'm not even a Christian. They are not being asked to participate in the clientele's adultery.