now that trump has been elected based upon his promise that this simply won't happen in america under him, how long will it be until the next terrorist attack?

my guess? under 18 months
Gotta get a handle before we can be protected.

It's similar to immigration. The wall needs to be built first. We stop the bleeding, and then deport afterwards
lol. that's one way to look at it.
I predict another economic collapse and probably another significant terrorist attack under his watch, maybe a couple of wars, the rich will definitely get richer, the planet will continue to get hotter and all the same divisions we face at home will just get worse

So yeah.. Go Trump!..

I'm not a little conniving bitch like Mitch McConnell, I hope he doesn't sink the fucking ship we're all on (God I hope some sweetheart prostitute gives him AIDS)
So ...
Kill them and then they won't want to kill you? Have you ever killed a human? I'm not talking about dropping a bomb from a drone of course. That's OK right? Not? You will just kill other humans that have nothing to do with the bad guys Then, they will be pissed at you and want to kill you and your family. Seriously the world needs to get the hell out of the Middle East and let them figure it out for them self. Then We can talk and not kill.
It is the only path
So ...
Kill them and then they won't want to kill you? Have you ever killed a human? I'm not talking about dropping a bomb from a drone of course. That's OK right? Not? You will just kill other humans that have nothing to do with the bad guys Then, they will be pissed at you and want to kill you and your family. Seriously the world needs to get the hell out of the Middle East and let them figure it out for them self. Then We can talk and not kill.
It is the only path

Ah, no. We have the largest military machine in the history of mankind and you don't think we can just let that investment sit around and gather dust, do ya? Oh, HELL no! Defense interests have to keep on churning those weapons out to make their profits and the best way to soak up excess supply is to go around starting shit.

We got drones and missiles and operatives galore, and we like our oil nice n cheap. Keeps shipping costs down when hauling all those Chinese made goods back to the States.

Titanic America is sailing straight for the iceberg of collapse of civilisation and all the hands touching the tiller are staying the course- for maximum profits, of course!

I'm trying to be sarcastic, but my assessment stands on its own merits.
Gotta get a handle before we can be protected.

It's similar to immigration. The wall needs to be built first. We stop the bleeding, and then deport afterwards

I believe POTUS TRUMP is already getting people lined up to start the wall. And it is only his second day. I already feel the country starting to soar to greatness. The market is at record highs sense the election. Fuck, we are already winning.
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Ah, no. We have the largest military machine in the history of mankind and you don't think we can just let that investment sit around and gather dust, do ya? Oh, HELL no! Defense interests have to keep on churning those weapons out to make their profits and the best way to soak up excess supply is to go around starting shit.

We got drones and missiles and operatives galore, and we like our oil nice n cheap. Keeps shipping costs down when hauling all those Chinese made goods back to the States.

Titanic America is sailing straight for the iceberg of collapse of civilisation and all the hands touching the tiller are staying the course- for maximum profits, of course!

I'm trying to be sarcastic, but my assessment stands on its own merits.

Preach it! Brotha!
now that trump has been elected based upon his promise that this simply won't happen in america under him, how long will it be until the next terrorist attack?

my guess? under 18 months

We have had them more often then that. Are you saying they will slow down now that Trump is potus?
I predict another economic collapse
First we will need to fix the one that we have been in since 2008.

and probably another significant terrorist attack under his watch

Kind of playing the odds are you not?

, maybe a couple of wars, the rich will definitely get richer, the planet will continue to get hotter and all the same divisions we face at home will just get worse

Are you talking NEW wars or are picking two out of all of the ones we have now?

So yeah.. Go Trump!..

I'm not a little conniving bitch like Mitch McConnell, I hope he doesn't sink the fucking ship we're all on (God I hope some sweetheart prostitute gives him AIDS)

You believe in god? I thought in your belief it was verboten?