Could Kelp extracts be a waste of money?

I think it's fair to acknowledge that the above paper is NOT a peer reviewed article NOR does it even mention kelp products. Broad generalizations about fungus and different products and conditions, the article really is bunk. To extrapolate that in some conditions M fungus is not necessary due to native populations or that compost tea is hard to effectively study and then blanket those products as bunk altogether truly is short sighted.

The ONLY thing that keeps my DWC set up pathogen free is the addition of weekly compost tea. Others have had similar positive results. So instead of dumping h2o2 or chloramines into your water, you can accomplish the same thing by adding beneficial fungus. This has been proven to help dozens of RIU members using dwc and there is an excellent thread in it.

SO feel free to stop by and claim that we are all victims of snake oil products that are not valid.

Cash Uhh huh.

Its not beneficial fungus thats keeping your res clean, its beneficial bacteria and the enzymes they produce during digestion...
Interesting... I personally only use base soil ingredients and essential liquid ferts, so kelp, sugars, foliar etc are necessary only to correct deficiencies.
kelp is the shit, tighter buds, it has over 60 trace minerals that plants love i top dress with kelp and and guanos up until week 6 of flower then i stop the guano and just use the kelp. keep using it
Once the bacteria/fungi in the soil have broken the molasses down as they feed, yes. I use it as a soil amendment and a few times in the water. Here's a good article on it:


Molasses contains them(cal/mag ect...). But are they available to the plant?????????????
Lol, move on to another supplement and/or skip the molasses. I made a generalization earlier in the thread about supplements, not their specific uses.

Its all good. Just seems to me this is how generalizations become forum fact. And why these generalizations so often in forums get misconstrued, thats all...
Sure, that's why I never act on information obtained from a generalization. I research, implement, record, and quantify, then come to a conclusion. Happy growing!
yeah, that article is useless. No control, no test, just some dude bla bla bla and in the end says it works as a growth stimulant. Builds up a straw man then comes back to the same thing we all know.. it works. What an idiot. I can't believe that's legitimate paper..
Once the bacteria/fungi in the soil have broken the molasses down as they feed, yes. I use it as a soil amendment and a few times in the water. Here's a good article on it:

Yeah i read that long ago...but I found molasses to be a pia with little to no benefit....I use synthetic nutes though and maybe in a more soil web dependent medium it may help by feeding the microherd but I have not seen any proof that it helps....In my experince it isw not worth the deficiencies it causes IMHHO

Yeah i read that long ago...but I found molasses to be a pia with little to no benefit....I use synthetic nutes though and maybe in a more soil web dependent medium it may help by feeding the microherd but I have not seen any proof that it helps....In my experince it isw not worth the deficiencies it causes IMHHO


Molasses a pain in the ass? Ever think of dissolving it first? The deficiencies it causes?

What a noob
Molasses a pain in the ass? Ever think of dissolving it first? The deficiencies it causes?

What a noob

Not a noob, informed beyond cannabis forum bullshit. Molasses is only a magical, bud fattening potion in pot forums. You wont see experienced gardeners using it in their containers. It can cause a whole host of negative effects while offering about zero to the plant or medium............
Not a noob, informed beyond cannabis forum bullshit. Molasses is only a magical, bud fattening potion in pot forums. You wont see experienced gardeners using it in their containers. It can cause a whole host of negative effects while offering about zero to the plant or medium............
Really? It's not a bud "fattener", it's a great source of nutrition for bacteria. You know roots exhude sugars on a regular basis to grow bacteria? My bushes are about 2ft tall/diameter and not even flowering yet. All the substrate has had is molasses. Not a single deficiency either. Oh and they had a kelp foliar feed, they're growing out of the tertiary nodes now due to the affects of the cytokinins overtaking the natural auxin dominance. Never been topped.

You should see the beautiful color of my soil runoff. It's a dark golden orange. Not the color of dissolved molasses either. Golden.